Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

I watched that Maddow-Cox video clip - now it's very clear why Air America went bankrupt and why MSNBC viewership is in the toilet. What a couple of nasty shrews.

As usual that FACTS are ignored and the rigthy engages in personal attacks in lieu of a REAL debate.

How typical. LOL

You have put your finger on why Right wing talk radio is so successful. It is their bread and butter.
I watched that Maddow-Cox video clip - now it's very clear why Air America went bankrupt and why MSNBC viewership is in the toilet. What a couple of nasty shrews.

As usual that FACTS are ignored and the rigthy engages in personal attacks in lieu of a REAL debate.

How typical. LOL

You have put your finger on why Right wing talk radio is so successful. It is their bread and butter.
And the left keeps them alive and well.
I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

And the more politicians and this President verbally attack the tea party movement the tea party membership grows---:lol::lol:

In my over 50 years I have never witnessed a sitting President trying to ridicule protestors that were against some of his policies.

This is how arrogant Barack Obama is: He just doesn't get it. Americans will tolerate other Americans making fun of one another--but hey--when politicians or the POTUS does it--Americans get a very sour taste in their mouths. And that is what has happened to this administration and those who continually attack the tea party movement in this country.

You must have been in a coma for 8 years. LOL
Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."
Gee.....I guess you folks shouldn't have started using the term!!!


The sad fact is that the quote that they are all making a big deal about came from a book that describes obama's first year in office, 2009, and they are trying to change the timeline/rewrite history so they can call him names for asking for civility even as he calls them tea-baggers, which according to the OP's article is not the case.

According to the article, the term "tea-bagger" was used by obama in 2009 and his call for civility came just a few days ago and the author of the OP and all of the other lemmings jumped on the hypocrtical bandwagon and started parroting the propaganda that he did both at the same time.

If they had taken the time to READ and COMPREHEND the content of the article instead of running with the author's spin maybe they would have caught that?

I wonder how many of the hacks will have the integrity to come back and admit to their "mistake?"
LMAO! STILL making a fool of yourself.


What a fucking idiot! :rofl:

April 1, 2009 | Tea Bag the Fools in D.C. | America's Re-Tea Party

posted feb 2009.
Read the thread, moron.

LOL That is hilarious coming from the poster who deletes and ignores any content that doesn't suit his spin.

If you had actually read the thread you wouldhave realized that you got your ass handed to you many pages ago and IF you had any integrity you would ahve admitted that fact. However, it's obvious that you don't read and have no integrity which IMO is why you continue to post your baseless non-responsive attacks continuously.

You lost, you know it and engaging in baseless personal attacks is the best retort you have to offer. LOL

LOL That is hilarious coming from the poster who deletes and ignores any content that doesn't suit his spin.

If you had actually read the thread you wouldhave realized that you got your ass handed to you many pages ago and IF you had any integrity you would ahve admitted that fact. However, it's obvious that you don't read and have no integrity which IMO is why you continue to post your baseless non-responsive attacks continuously.

You lost, you know it and engaging in baseless personal attacks is the best retort you have to offer. LOL


Pssst: The debate came and went, but continue recapping. Someone should come along and give you a cookie for it soon. I would, but my last cookie went to my dog for pooing outside.

This is why I like reasonable arguments - folks using links, sources, etc - rather than just flames. It opens my mind.

From this point forward, I believe that any whining about the term teabagger is ridiculous.

LOL So you were WRONG and now after all of your baseless personal attacks and accusations you try to pretend that none of it happened as you hope that your dishonesty and partisan attacks go away? LOL

As far as "reasonable arguments" go, you are presented with them a lot and most of the time you tend to ingore facts, edit posts to leave out facts that you can't respond to and just attack those who dare disagree with your opinions.

I can't see why geaux is taking it so easy on you after all you have said to him. Based on your history you will just engage in teh same petty and baseless personal attacks in the future so I can't see why geaux should let you off so easilly now. LOL I guess geaux is far better person that you could ever dream of being because I sincerely doubt that you would be so gracious if the shoe was on the other foot.

Do you have a point, or do you just want to keep making a fool of yourself?

Oh well, if only you could read then we could actually have a REAL debate. However, personal attacks laced with avoidance is all that you seem to have to offer. My point is there for anyone who can read to see it.

In case you missed YOU were proven WRONG on multiple occasions and instead of having the integrity to admit that FACT you rant on and on while saying NOTHING of value as you avoid debating because you know that you would lose, AGAIN.
LOL So you were WRONG and now after all of your baseless personal attacks and accusations you try to pretend that none of it happened as you hope that your dishonesty and partisan attacks go away? LOL

As far as "reasonable arguments" go, you are presented with them a lot and most of the time you tend to ingore facts, edit posts to leave out facts that you can't respond to and just attack those who dare disagree with your opinions.

I can't see why geaux is taking it so easy on you after all you have said to him. Based on your history you will just engage in teh same petty and baseless personal attacks in the future so I can't see why geaux should let you off so easilly now. LOL I guess geaux is far better person that you could ever dream of being because I sincerely doubt that you would be so gracious if the shoe was on the other foot.

Do you have a point, or do you just want to keep making a fool of yourself?

Oh well, if only you could read then we could actually have a REAL debate. However, personal attacks laced with avoidance is all that you seem to have to offer. My point is there for anyone who can read to see it.

In case you missed YOU were proven WRONG on multiple occasions and instead of having the integrity to admit that FACT you rant on and on while saying NOTHING of value as you avoid debating because you know that you would lose, AGAIN.

There are true racists in every group. However, when it's used to generalize the majority, such as the Tea Party Movement, then it fails. Too many people who aren't affiliated with the TPM know people who are associated with it, and they would not describe them as racists. So when the MSM and others characterize them as such, they not only lose credibility and are seen as instigators, but then real victims of racism are lost in the mix.

The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.
So what? Racism is a part of the Democratic party, too. Big time.


The difference, IDIOT, is that I don't deny that racism exists in the democrat party. Tea partiers and their supporters have tried to deny that racism is a part of their movement and there in lies the dishonesty.

Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are. LOL
The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.
So what? Racism is a part of the Democratic party, too. Big time.


The difference, IDIOT, is that I don't deny that racism exists in the democrat party. Tea partiers and their supporters have tried to deny that racism is a part of their movement and there in lies the dishonesty.

Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are. LOL

Again, so what that there are racists in any large population? What is your point?

Or, are you just showing off your prowess in quoting what others say some more?
As usual that FACTS are ignored and the rigthy engages in personal attacks in lieu of a REAL debate.

How typical. LOL

You have put your finger on why Right wing talk radio is so successful. It is their bread and butter.
And the left keeps them alive and well.

But, didn't someone just say that Left wing radio was failing? We know why....that shrill lie doesn't sell to the Left. The Right just eats that kind of stuff up. That's why Right wing talk is so very successful. They know their audience.
The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.

The thing for the most part, that most of you moonbats have refused to admit is that: in any group numbering millions of people, there will be some less than admirable people on the fringe. They are not representative of the values or agenda of the movement.

It's also racist to assume that people are racists just for criticizing government policy. Why did Dissent go from being Patriotic to Racist?

Actually I don't remember anyone refusing to admit that. Furthermore, I have NEVER said that the racist fringe of the tea partiers represented the whole. My point is that it does exist and any person denying that fact is dishonest.

Furthermore, your strawman BS can stop right there. No one is calling people who criticize governmetn policy racist. It's when they make comments like the one i cited earlier, where they introduce race into the debate, that make them racist.

Dissent did not go from being patriotic to racist that is just morebaseless BS propaganda. However, where righties are concerned dissent did go from being unpatriotic and un-American to being patriotic when it became politically expedient for republicans to engage in dissent.
You have put your finger on why Right wing talk radio is so successful. It is their bread and butter.
And the left keeps them alive and well.

But, didn't someone just say that Left wing radio was failing? We know why....that shrill lie doesn't sell to the Left. The Right just eats that kind of stuff up. That's why Right wing talk is so very successful. They know their audience.
It's funny to watch the left insult the talk radio hosts for insulting.

I never know the subject matter of talk radio until someone on the left tells me. Seems like they are at least the bread (or the butter) of the audience. These entertainers know their audience and that's why they rake it in.

It's quite a show when smith, TM, and/or out newest addition to the box-of-rocks brigade, stainmaster, spam the board with their inanity.

It's funny how you try to make excuses for you avoidance of facts by claiming that i am spamming when in fact i am responding to posts.

Face it, your arguments and spin have been shot down and your only recourse is to continually attack the messenger as you avoid the facts.

How typical. LOL

It's quite a show when smith, TM, and/or out newest addition to the box-of-rocks brigade, stainmaster, spam the board with their inanity.

It's funny how you try to make excuses for you avoidance of facts by claiming that i am spamming when in fact i am responding to posts.

Face it, your arguments and spin have been shot down and your only recourse is to continually attack the messenger as you avoid the facts.

How typical. LOL
DR, Si has been on the short bus for a long time. Confront her with facts and she resorts to critizism of your "logic".

Actually, Si has just attacked me personally and avoided the dabate. Which unfortunately is the typical response from righties when they are confronted with facts that counter their spin.

The debate came and went. Any moron can recap it by quoting, and cutting and pasting. You show off, you. :lol:

You mean the debateS that you lost?? LOL there have been a few debates within this thread, you avoided them after being proven wrong and started attacking anyone who dared to call you on your spin.

This post of yours is just more of the same avoidance.
Actually, Si has just attacked me personally and avoided the dabate. Which unfortunately is the typical response from righties when they are confronted with facts that counter their spin.

The debate came and went. Any moron can recap it by quoting, and cutting and pasting. You show off, you. :lol:

You mean the debateS that you lost?? LOL there have been a few debates within this thread, you avoided them after being proven wrong and started attacking anyone who dared to call you on your spin.

This post of yours is just more of the same avoidance.
What am I avoiding, exactly? Debating something with a moron that I've already debated with a thinking poster?
LMAO! STILL making a fool of yourself.


What a fucking idiot! :rofl:

Says the poster who was proven a LIAR.


I saw that. That is from December of last year.

and yet it was in the very clip that YOU cited which aired in April of last year.

You proved yourself WRONG. LOL

Talk about being a fucking idiot, You take the cake. LOL

At least now I see why you rarely post links to back up your arguments.

Still recapping? Good boy. You must be so proud of your 'skills'.

LOL as long as you continue to run away from the truth, I will continue to show it.

Keep running, it's ok everyone knows that you've got NOTHING. LOL
Says the poster who was proven a LIAR.


and yet it was in the very clip that YOU cited which aired in April of last year.

You proved yourself WRONG. LOL

Talk about being a fucking idiot, You take the cake. LOL

At least now I see why you rarely post links to back up your arguments.

Still recapping? Good boy. You must be so proud of your 'skills'.

LOL as long as you continue to run away from the truth, I will continue to show it.

Keep running, it's ok everyone knows that you've got NOTHING. LOL
Again, what exactly am I 'running away from'?

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