Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

I watched that Maddow-Cox video clip - now it's very clear why Air America went bankrupt and why MSNBC viewership is in the toilet. What a couple of nasty shrews.

As usual that FACTS are ignored and the rigthy engages in personal attacks in lieu of a REAL debate.

How typical. LOL

You have put your finger on why Right wing talk radio is so successful. It is their bread and butter.

So being dishonest as they engage in personal attacks is their bread and butter??

Read the thread, moron.

LOL That is hilarious coming from the poster who deletes and ignores any content that doesn't suit his spin.

If you had actually read the thread you wouldhave realized that you got your ass handed to you many pages ago and IF you had any integrity you would ahve admitted that fact. However, it's obvious that you don't read and have no integrity which IMO is why you continue to post your baseless non-responsive attacks continuously.

You lost, you know it and engaging in baseless personal attacks is the best retort you have to offer. LOL


Pssst: The debate came and went, but continue recapping. Someone should come along and give you a cookie for it soon. I would, but my last cookie went to my dog for pooing outside.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to relive the fact that you got owned if I were you either. LOL Attacking me won't change the facts.
LOL That is hilarious coming from the poster who deletes and ignores any content that doesn't suit his spin.

If you had actually read the thread you wouldhave realized that you got your ass handed to you many pages ago and IF you had any integrity you would ahve admitted that fact. However, it's obvious that you don't read and have no integrity which IMO is why you continue to post your baseless non-responsive attacks continuously.

You lost, you know it and engaging in baseless personal attacks is the best retort you have to offer. LOL


Pssst: The debate came and went, but continue recapping. Someone should come along and give you a cookie for it soon. I would, but my last cookie went to my dog for pooing outside.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to relive the fact that you got owned if I were you either. LOL Attacking me won't change the facts.
And, your point is?
So what? Racism is a part of the Democratic party, too. Big time.


The difference, IDIOT, is that I don't deny that racism exists in the democrat party. Tea partiers and their supporters have tried to deny that racism is a part of their movement and there in lies the dishonesty.

Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are. LOL

Again, so what that there are racists in any large population? What is your point?

Or, are you just showing off your prowess in quoting what others say some more?

Ok, I don't mean this to insult you but am asking honestly and sincerely, Are you retarded??

You ask for my point when I explain my point within the very post that you responded to. If you aren't even going to read what is written then why post??

So, Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are.

It's quite a show when smith, TM, and/or out newest addition to the box-of-rocks brigade, stainmaster, spam the board with their inanity.

It's funny how you try to make excuses for you avoidance of facts by claiming that i am spamming when in fact i am responding to posts.

Face it, your arguments and spin have been shot down and your only recourse is to continually attack the messenger as you avoid the facts.

How typical. LOL

Imagine that, more avoidance. LOL
The difference, IDIOT, is that I don't deny that racism exists in the democrat party. Tea partiers and their supporters have tried to deny that racism is a part of their movement and there in lies the dishonesty.

Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are. LOL

Again, so what that there are racists in any large population? What is your point?

Or, are you just showing off your prowess in quoting what others say some more?

Ok, I don't mean this to insult you but am asking honestly and sincerely, Are you retarded??

You ask for my point when I explain my point within the very post that you responded to. If you aren't even going to read what is written then why post??

So, Thanks for the spin and thanks for proving once again how idiotic you truly are.

cut her some slack, she can't help herself.

it is her hedgehog defense.
Obama Liberal Hypocrite watch. Calls for "Civility" but then calls us "teabaggers."

Just be glad he only calls you "teabaggers".

After, "A “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ", you deserve worse. Much worse.
It's funny how you try to make excuses for you avoidance of facts by claiming that i am spamming when in fact i am responding to posts.

Face it, your arguments and spin have been shot down and your only recourse is to continually attack the messenger as you avoid the facts.

How typical. LOL

Imagine that, more avoidance. LOL
As I keep posting, I'm not avoiding you, moron.

And, as I've already debated with a thinking poster, I have no need nor an inclination to debate anew with a moron.

So, your point is what?
Obama Liberal Hypocrite watch. Calls for "Civility" but then calls us "teabaggers."

Just be glad he only calls you "teabaggers".

After, "A “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ", you deserve worse. Much worse.

The sad thing is that their argument is completely baseless because obama used the term in 2009 and his call for civility was a few days ago.

They did not occur at or near the same time but that didn't stop the OP and other from posting baseless propaganda and running with it.

This thread is based on a LIE. Not that any of them ahve the integrity to come back an admit it, especially not the author of the OP who once attacked liberals saying that they never engage in an honest debate. LOL

Imagine that, more avoidance. LOL
As I keep posting, I'm not avoiding you, moron.

And, as I've already debated with a thinking poster, I have no need nor an inclination to debate anew with a moron.

So, your point is what?

I have already made my points, restated them again and you posting a :popcorn: is not a response, it is avoidance.

You skipping posts while you attack me with a quick response calling the facts that I posted "inanity" when they are FACTS that counter the propaganda put forth and perpetuated by morons like you, is avoidance

Fact is you were WRONG on several accounts and your only response is to attack the messenger and avoid a debate that you know you can't win.
Obama has no class.

He is an embarrassment as POTUS.

Thanks for proving my point. Despite the fact that the core argument of this thread is based on a LIE you continue to present your same baseless attacks.

And as typical when given the opportunity to admit that you were wrong, you show that you lack the integrity to do so and instead decide to perpetuate the lie with more of your baseless attacks.
Imagine that, more avoidance. LOL
As I keep posting, I'm not avoiding you, moron.

And, as I've already debated with a thinking poster, I have no need nor an inclination to debate anew with a moron.

So, your point is what?

I have already made my points, restated them again and you posting a :popcorn: is not a response, it is avoidance.

You skipping posts while you attack me with a quick response calling the facts that I posted "inanity" when they are FACTS that counter the propaganda put forth and perpetuated by morons like you, is avoidance

Fact is you were WRONG on several accounts and your only response is to attack the messenger and avoid a debate that you know you can't win.

Actually, all you did was parrot points already made by thinking posters a few days ago.

I don't debate with morons especially after I had an excellent debate with a thinking poster.

Is that dumbed down enough for you? Or do you still need your fix of bandwidth?
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As I keep posting, I'm not avoiding you, moron.

And, as I've already debated with a thinking poster, I have no need nor an inclination to debate anew with a moron.

So, your point is what?

I have already made my points, restated them again and you posting a :popcorn: is not a response, it is avoidance.

You skipping posts while you attack me with a quick response calling the facts that I posted "inanity" when they are FACTS that counter the propaganda put forth and perpetuated by morons like you, is avoidance

Fact is you were WRONG on several accounts and your only response is to attack the messenger and avoid a debate that you know you can't win.

Actually, all you did was parrot points already made by thinking posters a few days ago.

I don't debate with morons especially after I had an excellent debate with a thinking poster.

Is that dumbed down enough for you? Or do you still need your fix of bandwidth?

aw, thanks for playing but once again you avoid the content of my post and only engage in more of your typical and baseless personal attacks. You asked a question and I responded, you avoided the response and attacked. Why ask if you don't want an answer?? LOL

I have to go for now but it's been more than fun shooting down your spin as well as the argument that this thread and your own attack were based upon, which I originally pointed out did not fit the timeline and you chose to avoid. So what is your excuse for avoiding that debate??

I have already made my points, restated them again and you posting a :popcorn: is not a response, it is avoidance.

You skipping posts while you attack me with a quick response calling the facts that I posted "inanity" when they are FACTS that counter the propaganda put forth and perpetuated by morons like you, is avoidance

Fact is you were WRONG on several accounts and your only response is to attack the messenger and avoid a debate that you know you can't win.

Actually, all you did was parrot points already made by thinking posters a few days ago.

I don't debate with morons especially after I had an excellent debate with a thinking poster.

Is that dumbed down enough for you? Or do you still need your fix of bandwidth?

aw, thanks for playing but once again you avoid the content of my post and only engage in more of your typical and baseless personal attacks. You asked a question and I responded, you avoided the response and attacked. Why ask if you don't want an answer?? LOL

I have to go for now but it's been more than fun shooting down your spin as well as the argument that this thread and your own attack were based upon, which I originally pointed out did not fit the timeline and you chose to avoid. So what is your excuse for avoiding that debate??


You haven't added anything to the discussion that hasn't already been discussed at length days ago. Thus, you haven't a point and never did.
Actually, all you did was parrot points already made by thinking posters a few days ago.

I don't debate with morons especially after I had an excellent debate with a thinking poster.

Is that dumbed down enough for you? Or do you still need your fix of bandwidth?

aw, thanks for playing but once again you avoid the content of my post and only engage in more of your typical and baseless personal attacks. You asked a question and I responded, you avoided the response and attacked. Why ask if you don't want an answer?? LOL

I have to go for now but it's been more than fun shooting down your spin as well as the argument that this thread and your own attack were based upon, which I originally pointed out did not fit the timeline and you chose to avoid. So what is your excuse for avoiding that debate??


You haven't added anything to the discussion that hasn't already been discussed at length days ago. Thus, you haven't a point and never did.


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