Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Look Douchebag, I recall we "Debated" Global Warming we're all you assholes do is point to someplace where it's warmer and say, "See that?! Global Warming!" and then ask for an "Amen" as peer review.

The "Tea Bagger" Phrase is an invention of Liberal Cocksuckers and Douchebags. I'm sure of that

REALLY?????the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.
More hack whining. Every idiotic whining post from conservative that has nothing to do with anything Obama is doing as president, just shows he's doing a great job. Keep making yourselves look like idiots with this petty, pathetic bullshit.
Part of the job is being a leader. Classlessness doesn't cut it.[/QUOTE

every time he opens his class less mouth and makes such stupid left wing utterances his popularity rises in the left and sinks in the right.. we can whine at the polls. I'm gonna request the KKK stand next to the Black Panthers at my poll. equal intimidation under the law.

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.
I never knew that the term 'teabag' meant anything other than some filter paper around some dried tea leaves until Rachel Maddow so crassly introduced me to another meaning of the term 'teabag' in April of 2009.

There are two very different definitions of the term - one originating from the street and one originating from the beverage. Denying that is dishonest.
Agreed totally. If anyone says it doesnt have a sexual meaning, they're trying to pull a fast one.
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Maybe you guys in the Teabagger Brigade shouldn't have used it yourselves first....
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Maybe you guys in the Teabagger Brigade shouldn't have used it yourselves first....

oh yes,, blame the victims.. that's the style.
The Tea Partiers should stop letting the "tea-bagger" thing bother them. Trust me, that does more for the liberals than it does for them. It's kind of like if I really liked calling other dudes "queer" and "fag". At a certain point, you'd start thinking maybe I'm...deflecting rather than cracking wise. So let them keep saying "tea-bagger" as if it's cute. Maybe one day we'll find out why many of them derive a certain amusement by that double entendre.
Look Douchebag, I recall we "Debated" Global Warming we're all you assholes do is point to someplace where it's warmer and say, "See that?! Global Warming!" and then ask for an "Amen" as peer review.

The "Tea Bagger" Phrase is an invention of Liberal Cocksuckers and Douchebags. I'm sure of that

REALLY?????the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.
The Tea Partiers should stop letting the "tea-bagger" thing bother them. Trust me, that does more for the liberals than it does for them. It's kind of like if I really liked calling other dudes "queer" and "fag". At a certain point, you'd start thinking maybe I'm...deflecting rather than cracking wise. So let them keep saying "tea-bagger" as if it's cute. Maybe one day we'll find out why many of them derive a certain amusement by that double entendre.
At some point making up names based on the real name went from being cute to just acting like a moron. For most of us, that was sometime before thrid grade. who's whining? Seriously though, there has to be some responsibility for the inital bad choice of the name. But continuing to use this term is a bit bad form....well until the TP Patriots spew something vile at someone else...

5 4 3 2 1.... :eusa_drool:
Doubtless the defense here will be that The One wasn’t aware of the sexual connotation and therefore had no idea that the term offends tea partiers. Funny thing, though: Offhand, I can’t recall a single instance of him saying “teabaggers” publicly. Not in speeches, not in interviews, not at town halls, not even at that fundraiser a few weeks ago when he goofed on protesters by saying they should be thanking him for cutting their taxes, i.e. for running up gigantic deficits. If he doesn’t know the term’s impolitic, how come he hasn’t innocently used it on camera yet?
He knows. They all know.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year … That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”

Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.​
Now As USUAL, Obama is right and wrong. The stimulus is part of what created the Tea Party. But it wasn't the Republicans being against it, it was the fact it was voted into law DESPITE people like me and you calling our Congressman and Senators and telling them NOT to vote for it, and they voted for it ANYWAY. Jerks!

Typical that Obama has it backwards.

But this is so typically liberals. Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

This reminds me of the liberal op who once demanded of me "in the interests of civility" not to use the word liberal. But not five minutes later, he called conservatives, KKKonservatives.

When I pointed out this hypocrisy, he was furious.

"Civility" to a liberal means YOU can't say anything critical about THEM. It doesn't mean they can't say anything they want about YOU.

After all, THEY, the all high liberal, are the elite and soooooooooooooooooooo above you. It's "uncivil" to criticize them. :eusa_snooty:

YOU, however, are the plebes. You are the proletariat. YOU are the peasants. You can't expect the same civility demanded of YOU towards liberals to be directed back at you YOU. :eusa_snooty:

YOU are a peasant and it's for your own "good" they call you every name in the book. Maybe you will finally see your eeeeeeeeevil ways and become liberal!!!!!! :eusa_snooty:

The arrogance and pompous hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.


Maybe you guys in the Teabagger Brigade shouldn't have used it yourselves first....

Debunked that urban myth before

Trying to misuse the protest request to send boxes of tea bags to representatives was then warped by many a liberal activist and commentator who then started calling the group the teabaggers
That's funny considering the last few times we were in the same thread you pretty much ignored the debate and engaged in pointless attacks.

Your current response is about all the debate you usually engage in but since you brought it up how about debating the fact that tea baggers called themselves tea baggers to begin with??

Look Douchebag, I recall we "Debated" Global Warming we're all you assholes do is point to someplace where it's warmer and say, "See that?! Global Warming!" and then ask for an "Amen" as peer review.

The "Tea Bagger" Phrase is an invention of Liberal Cocksuckers and Douchebags. I'm sure of that

Actually I never debated global warming in that manner but if you could show me how and where I did I will gladly admit that I am wrong.

BTW I am still waiting on your proof but as usual you have none. BTW I am still waiting on your proof in this thread.

Like I said, Ray Nagin is giving you guys cover. The perps will never be caught because they were Marxists (Democrats) and they beat up Republicans

The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

When the movement started, teabaggers themselves used the phrase to describe themselves. Liberals have kept it going, but it didnt germinate with them.

You're lying, Numbnuts. They called themselves Tea Party and other Liberal scumbags like yourself used the derogatory Teabagger phrase
I don't believe for one second that Obama doesn't sit around with people like Rahm and snicker about the term. He's just pissed at all the outward opposition and chose to strike out with childish behavior. I find it amusing that he allows the mask to slip and show his true colors. He's really not so poised and in control as some would like to think.

PLEASE tell me you don't believe Bush showed "poise and control"?

Who the fuck cares?? I didn't realize this was a compare/contrast study. Does Obama use Bush as his measuring stick on how to conduct himself??:lol:

in other words, you have no answer and were just spewing.


The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

That may be one of the dumbest thing you every posted you stupid fucking cocksucker. Do you know HOW dumb that had to be to surpass your lowbrow standards?
Who the fuck cares?? I didn't realize this was a compare/contrast study. Does Obama use Bush as his measuring stick on how to conduct himself??:lol:

in other words, you have no answer and were just spewing.


Awwww you're pissy because I didn't bite at the attempted deflection.:lol:

i'm not pissy at all, actually. i'm more amused.

i didn't know that expecting you not to be a hypocrite was a deflection.

Poor TPs....

I hope Obama didn't hurt their feelings....they always say such nice things about him

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