Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers who's whining? Seriously though, there has to be some responsibility for the inital bad choice of the name. But continuing to use this term is a bit bad form....well until the TP Patriots spew something vile at someone else...

POTUS said it.
in other words, you have no answer and were just spewing.


Awwww you're pissy because I didn't bite at the attempted deflection.:lol:

i'm not pissy at all, actually. i'm more amused.

i didn't know that expecting you not to be a hypocrite was a deflection.


Yes, your knickers are in a knot because I don't give a shit about how Bush conducted himself in comparison to Obama. If you can't make it about Bush, then you're not happy. Now have a cookie and quit pouting.:lol:
If you have ever called obama a messiah or any other rephrasing of his name to be derogatory then how would you go about exlpaining away that contradiction?
If is a good word.

its rude, obnoxious and insulting and intended to destroy any discussion. using his middle name in caps is simply a racist jab...

all fine, but the people who foster that kind of thing... along with lumping everyone they disagree with as 'libruls' or whatever other derrogatory derivation they come up with on a given day... really have no right to complain about what they're called.

Danforth. Danforth. What the hell kind of name is Danforth? Sounds like an out of touch Republican.
If is a good word.

its rude, obnoxious and insulting and intended to destroy any discussion. using his middle name in caps is simply a racist jab...

all fine, but the people who foster that kind of thing... along with lumping everyone they disagree with as 'libruls' or whatever other derrogatory derivation they come up with on a given day... really have no right to complain about what they're called.

Danforth. Danforth. What the hell kind of name is Danforth? Sounds like an out of touch Republican.

wouldn't have been so bad if he could spell potato. :lol:
Poor TPs....

I hope Obama didn't hurt their feelings....they always say such nice things about him
He didn't hurt my feelings. He is just an embarrassment to me as President.

he's not an embarrassment. now the guy before him... THAT was an embarrassment.
To you, Obama is not an embarrassment. To many of us, his classlessness is just one area where he is an embarrassment.

(Bush has nothing to do with that, but you already know that. ;))
If I were black Id be very upset that a fucking dummy like Obama was the first black President. He really does nothing to counter the idea that but for Affirmative Action, he'd be running an ACORN office trying to set up a brothel for underage illegal prostitutes.

We see none of his college or law school papers but we're treated to his unending gaffes and stupidity 24/7. How smart can he be?
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The term 'tea bagger' (as noted in CF's post) doesn't appear on the site you linked. Not once.

Do you even understand the whole concept of the 'tea bag party', aka as 'the tea party'? Did you even bother to read the list at the bottom of your link of some of the reasons why the tea party was started? I doubt it.

The tea partiers chose to use the tea bag as a nod to the Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and then modernized it . . . Taxed Enough Already. It was the LEFT media who brought up the sexual reference of the term 'tea bagger' and it is the LEFT who continue to use this term to try and dismiss, insult, mock, make fun of and generally blow off the entire tea party movement as nothing more than some loon fringe thing.

Stop acting as if the tea partiers had any other intention when they chose the name and the concept of sending tea bags to congress as a way to have their voice heard. Everyone knows it was, and continues to be, the LEFT that uses the term in a derogatory way. And for Obama to stoop to that level? Classless and par for the course.

Herein lies your problem...the original tea party, the Boston Tea Party, was rebellion against taxation (payments, premiums) without representation. It was being perpetrated on the colonists by a corporation, the British East India Company.

The modern day equivalent of the British East India Company is NOT the government, which is the vessel of governance WITH representation our founding father's created. It is corporations, like the modern day British East India Company; health insurance cartels that tax (payments, premiums) WITHOUT representation.

A simpler and more concise explanation...the teabaggers are PEA brains.

That may be one of the dumbest thing you every posted you stupid fucking cocksucker. Do you know HOW dumb that had to be to surpass your lowbrow standards?

Well thank you Frank. If you feel it's the dumbest thing I every posted, that means it is the smartest thing I ever posted...because, herein lies YOUR problem; bad breath; you couldn't tell chocolate from dogshit without tasting it...
If I were black Id be very upset that a fucking dummy like Obama was the first black President,. He really does nothing to counter the idea that but for Affirmative Action, he'd be running an ACORN office trying to set up a brothel for underage illegal prostitutes.

We see none of his college or law school papers but we're treated to his unending gaffes and stupidity 24/7. How smart can he be?

Thanks for ONCE AGAIN proving that your angst has nothing to do with race....
I just call them TPs...

It's easier to type and reflects what a bunch of ass wipes for the wealthy that they truly are!
Poor TPs....

I hope Obama didn't hurt their feelings....they always say such nice things about him
He didn't hurt my feelings. He is just an embarrassment to me as President.

president for his side. we are his enemies, we presently do not have anyone who represent us.

Poor baby...

I suggest you find a good candidate for 2012 and maybe your side will win.

I doubt it....but you can always try
I read si modo, willow, and others, and I can only conclude their hatred for our president is based on race. There is nothing else to personally detest the man. Amazing!

Classlessness? We have fringe whingers from the right here who are receiving federal assistance while biting the same hand that is giving to them. That is an utter lack of class.

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