Bill Nye the Science Guy just announced he is endorsing Kamala Harris.

Deniers champion stupidity.

At least we "deniers" can answer simple climate questions... and we have actual data to back up the truth.

Your side just has FUDGE, FRAUD, and BULLSHIT.

Find a climate "scientist" willing to answer the questions....

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Your problem is I an NOT a science illiterate.

Your High Priests faked their experiment -- the experiment the whole Klimate Kult is based on.

But don't you DARE question them. You'll be branded an apostate and kicked out of the club for being a heretic.
Hilarious. Anyone who doesn’t know that climate science studies include everyone from engineers to mathematicians to biologists and computer science et al, is not only illiterate, but an imbecile.
Hilarious. Anyone who doesn’t know that climate science studies include everyone from engineers to mathematicians to biologists and computer science et al, is not only illiterate, but an imbecile.
If you deny the whole of AGW theory or evolution, you are science illiterate and should not be taken seriously.
If you deny the whole of AGW theory or evolution, you are science illiterate and should not be taken seriously.
These people are amazingly confident in their insistence that every university in the world gives out science
degrees based upon fraud….while they brag about having a degree from one if them. How does that work ?
These people are amazingly confident in their insistence that every university in the world gives out science
degrees based upon fraud….while they brag about having a degree from one if them. How does that work ?
Who has made that claim? Because I haven't seen it. Or is it like climate science..."Everybody just knows!"?
If you deny the whole of AGW theory or evolution, you are science illiterate and should not be taken seriously.

AGW is a complete lie that has precisely ZERO ACTUAL DATA to support it, just FUDGE.

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 warms atmosphere

DATA - we have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

Translation from NBC - the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere for more than 3 decades of rising Co2 in the atmosphere, and then was FUDGED in 2005 with laughable BS excuses


"climate science" says FUDGE THE DATA and claim "warming" that DOES NOT EXIST
Who has made that claim? Because I haven't seen it. Or is it like climate science..."Everybody just knows!"?
You said you weren’t science illiterate. Yet, somehow believe all climate science researched and taught at every university, related corporation and climate research facility in the world, is fraudulent. What an illiterate.
These people are amazingly confident in their insistence that every university in the world gives out science
degrees based upon fraud….while they brag about having a degree from one if them. How does that work ?
The exact same way they try to cite published science as proving the scientists are all frauds and liars.

The same way they cite monetized youtube videos by people with resumés as solid evidence that debunks all the actual evidence, because people with degrees and resumés are all frauds and liars.
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AGW is a complete lie that has precisely ZERO ACTUAL DATA to support it, just FUDGE.

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 warms atmosphere

DATA - we have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."

Translation from NBC - the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere for more than 3 decades of rising Co2 in the atmosphere, and then was FUDGED in 2005 with laughable BS excuses


"climate science" says FUDGE THE DATA and claim "warming" that DOES NOT EXIST
More babble.
Yes, that's what your cult told you to believe.
so, you know climate science better than climate scientists. Can you even change a light bulb ?
The exact same way they try to cite published science as proving the scientists are all frauds and liars.

The same way they cite monetized youtube videos by people with resumés as solid evidence that debunks all the actual evidence, because peope with degrees and resumés are all frauds and liars.
Amazing to how confident they are in something they heard from Trump and his minions.
Funny how your MMGW cult lets anyone be a climate expert, even someone with a journalism degree. :auiqs.jpg:
Since every accredited college or university that gives out degrees acknowledges AGW, it would be silly not go along with it.

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