Bill Nye the Science Guy just announced he is endorsing Kamala Harris.

You said you weren’t science illiterate. Yet, somehow believe all climate science researched and taught at every university, related corporation and climate research facility in the world, is fraudulent. What an illiterate.
Every one?

Right. More educated people and successful artists usually are.

You guys are all over the place. On one hand, Republicans are the party for the rich and successful. On the other hand, Democrats are the smart ones, but ironically, also the less successful. Funny stuff.
You guys are all over the place. On one hand, Republicans are the party for the rich and successful. On the other hand, Democrats are the smart ones, but ironically, also the less successful. Funny stuff.
Really ? Just because you happen to live in the better area of the trailer park ?
Really ? Just because you happen to live in the better area of the trailer park ?

So the Republican Party is the party for the poor and the Democratic Party is the party for the rich? Just trying to keep the rhetoric straight.

Just as a reminder, as income rises, so does the likelihood of a person being a Republican. That evens out at the ultra-rich levels, but the working “rich” tend to vote Republican. The poorest people tend to vote Democrat.

I wish this chart went higher than 100k/yr, but it sure seems like it is Democrats more likely to live in the trailer parks.

Party Affiliation
So the Republican Party is the party for the poor and the Democratic Party is the party for the rich? Just trying to keep the rhetoric straight.

Just as a reminder, as income rises, so does the likelihood of a person being a Republican. That evens out at the ultra-rich levels, but the working “rich” tend to vote Republican. The poorest people tend to vote Democrat.

I wish this chart went higher than 100k/yr, but it sure seems like it is Democrats more likely to live in the trailer parks.

Party Affiliation

Actually the Republican party is the party of the ignorant, less informed and white supremest. It’s where the neo Nazi is given the voice to preach hate and bigotry.
Actually the Republican party is the party of the ignorant, less informed and white supremest. It’s where the neo Nazi is given the voice to preach hate and bigotry.

Yeah, ok. The ignorant folks that make more money. Gotcha.

And of course we are racists for not supporting the idealistic, brain-dead ideas of Democrats. Get a new shtick.
Yeah, ok. The ignorant folks that make more money. Gotcha.

And of course we are racists for not supporting the idealistic, brain-dead ideas of Democrats. Get a new shtick.
Really, you think that ? HTF did you get that idea ? College education peoples earn significantly more than you les$ educated bozos
Really, you think that ? HTF did you get that idea ? College education peoples earn significantly more than you les$ educated bozos

And yet as I posted, as income rises so does the likelihood of being a Republican. You haven’t figured it out yet?
Really, you think that ? HTF did you get that idea ? College education peoples earn significantly more than you les$ educated bozos

I will help you out a bit. Most small business owners don’t have college degrees and yet many are more successful(higher incomes) than those that don’t. Many barista’s have degrees. Does that make them smarter than the guy without a college degree that hired them to work at their coffee shop? What about the college drops outs? Notable ones include Zuckerberg and Gates. I guess they are the exceptions in your book.

Small business owners aside, of those with college degrees that are working white collar jobs, the higher the compensation, the more likely to be Republican. Again, the more “successful”. I will grant you that this is slowly changing as educational indoctrination is taking it’s toll(on purpose).

Education in and of itself is not a mark of intelligence. I would argue that those that do attain agrees and are able to refrain from buying into the indoctrination and can think for themselves are perhaps the most intelligent.
You can’t be serious, I doubt you’re presently employed in a climate science institution doing research …. …..what an uninformed question . Does this come naturally or do people who think this way have to work at sounding science illiterate.

Non response is noted and shoved down your wide open throat.

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