Bill O'Reilly nails it: Obama not leveling on Ebola

Barry Hussein hasn't leveled with the American people yet. Everything in the administration is clouded by coverup or incompetence or outright criminal behavior. We are spending millions to bomb empty buildings for propaganda purposes while the president plays golf or goes to never ending democrat fund raisers for the rich and famous.
O Reilly Obama Administration s BS Has to Stop on Ebola and ISIS CNS News
And think about it for a minute. Obama sort of rhymes with Ebola. Both are from Africa, and not native to American continental soil (or perhaps even America). We need a full, independent investigation to learn the facts.

And bendog sounds sort of like bend over.......draw your own conclusions.
He's being presidential?

No, I mean the OP was obviously written by an idiot.
But how can we positively know that Obama has no connection to Ebola without a full and independent investigation by someone like O'Rielly? To say there is none without proof is prejudgment. The price of freedom is CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
O Reilly Obama Administration s BS Has to Stop on Ebola and ISIS CNS News
And think about it for a minute. Obama sort of rhymes with Ebola. Both are from Africa, and not native to American continental soil (or perhaps even America). We need a full, independent investigation to learn the facts.
One of Bill's commonsense Talking Points upon which few can disagree or deny.

I like the part where O'Reilly says ominously ...."he knows that I know......" What a pompous asshole.
O Reilly Obama Administration s BS Has to Stop on Ebola and ISIS CNS News
And think about it for a minute. Obama sort of rhymes with Ebola. Both are from Africa, and not native to American continental soil (or perhaps even America). We need a full, independent investigation to learn the facts.
It beats actually funding anything, doesn't it? :D

Anyone who takes their cues from Bill O'Reilly has no credibility of any kind.

And if you dont see the sense in what he said because you're a blind partisan...? Hmmm.
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable

And what do you do? You immediately go for the political. Figures....
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable

And what do you do? You immediately go for the political. Figures....

Thanks whether its political or not I'm not wrong...or maybe you forgot to point out what was wrong with my post. Either way, your bad.

I addressed his points made...

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