Bill O'Reilly nails it: Obama not leveling on Ebola

These partisan Republicans are nuts. On the one hand, they want smaller government and reduced government spending; on the other, they whine because they want government to provide greater protection, even while reducing funding.

Freaking nuts.
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable

And what do you do? You immediately go for the political. Figures....

Thanks whether its political or not I'm not wrong...or maybe you forgot to point out what was wrong with my post. Either way, your bad.

I addressed his points made...

Nope. Everyone of his suggestions on how to stop an outbreak are completely logical. You just wont admit it because of the source,which makes you a political hack.
Well, to be serious for just a moment, and not one freaking second longer, the travel ban can cut both ways. Ebola is going to come into the US, with or without the ban. Perhaps less so with the ban, but then again, ultimately the only way to gain control over the disease is with better treatment and less infection in W. Africa. It's not an airborne disease, and the answer to contain it in a hospital setting. I suspect ultimately we'll have a travel ban, even though a travel ban will not totally keep people from coming here having been in W. Africa, but along with the ban we'll have more aid going to W.Africa for treatment.

As for O'Reilly, he's titillated with the Africa/African connection.
Well, to be serious for just a moment, and not one freaking second longer, the travel ban can cut both ways. Ebola is going to come into the US, with or without the ban. Perhaps less so with the ban, but then again, ultimately the only way to gain control over the disease is with better treatment and less infection in W. Africa. It's not an airborne disease, and the answer to contain it in a hospital setting. I suspect ultimately we'll have a travel ban, even though a travel ban will not totally keep people from coming here having been in W. Africa, but along with the ban we'll have more aid going to W.Africa for treatment.

As for O'Reilly, he's titillated with the Africa/African connection.

Titillated? Really?
Perhaps less so?
And he was right about the whole"if we quarantine the country it'll make it worse because no one can enter the country to help" What a crock of shit. No one suggested we keep out aid workers and to say so is a dodge of the lamest kind.
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable

And what do you do? You immediately go for the political. Figures....

Thanks whether its political or not I'm not wrong...or maybe you forgot to point out what was wrong with my post. Either way, your bad.

I addressed his points made...

Nope. Everyone of his suggestions on how to stop an outbreak are completely logical. You just wont admit it because of the source,which makes you a political hack.

I agree I'm not saying that stopping travel wont be effective. What I said was Bill O can propose all sorts of things that can work but since he doesnt have to implement any of it its all really easy. He sits in the Peanut gallery and proclaims his solutions is best...dont trust the govt because they are lying (he doesnt say how he knows...he simply proclaims it to be).

I'll ask you again, are we supposed to listen to the health professionals on this or not? Bill seems to think we should but we shouldnt.

And all he has to do is declare it so. The fact that you refuse to even think about Bills ideas shows who the hack actually is
Well, to be serious for just a moment, and not one freaking second longer, the travel ban can cut both ways. Ebola is going to come into the US, with or without the ban. Perhaps less so with the ban, but then again, ultimately the only way to gain control over the disease is with better treatment and less infection in W. Africa. It's not an airborne disease, and the answer to contain it in a hospital setting. I suspect ultimately we'll have a travel ban, even though a travel ban will not totally keep people from coming here having been in W. Africa, but along with the ban we'll have more aid going to W.Africa for treatment.

As for O'Reilly, he's titillated with the Africa/African connection.

Thank you...Bill O doesnt think about that because he doesnt have too. He just gives simple answers to complicated issues and drops the mic to high five himself
Well, to be serious for just a moment, and not one freaking second longer, the travel ban can cut both ways. Ebola is going to come into the US, with or without the ban. Perhaps less so with the ban, but then again, ultimately the only way to gain control over the disease is with better treatment and less infection in W. Africa. It's not an airborne disease, and the answer to contain it in a hospital setting. I suspect ultimately we'll have a travel ban, even though a travel ban will not totally keep people from coming here having been in W. Africa, but along with the ban we'll have more aid going to W.Africa for treatment.

As for O'Reilly, he's titillated with the Africa/African connection.

Titillated? Really?
Perhaps less so?
And he was right about the whole"if we quarantine the country it'll make it worse because no one can enter the country to help" What a crock of shit. No one suggested we keep out aid workers and to say so is a dodge of the lamest kind.
There's no dodge.
WHO cautions against Ebola-related travel restrictions - The Washington Post
Ultimately, Ebola will have to eradicated there because while it's a bad illness, it's not as easy to get as .... say the flu ... unless you're in a place with inadequate hospitals and care. Again, my guess is we'll have a ban on commercial travel, but the military or private contractors will do the hauling. And, it's not really a positive to quarantine doctors without borders and health workers.
I havent watched but I bet its a bunch of leading questions out of thin air

"When did they know it?" is always a good one. Mysterious and paranoid at the same time.

Did he use the classic line "Some say...." then add in his own commentary that he says came from other people. I like that one too

Ignore the political.
What he says makes total sense. You may not like his opinion on who's to blame but you cant fault his logic on the needed actions.

Funny he starts out saying the Govt isnt protecting us when his whole schtick is to say govt needs to be smaller and smaller. Then when he has comments from the govt he wants to protect him he determines they dont know nothing.

I mean, come on. Are we supposed to listen to the people in charge or not...or both and none at the same time.

Then determines people arent telling the By sheer declaration! Thats how! Its irrefutable

And what do you do? You immediately go for the political. Figures....

Thanks whether its political or not I'm not wrong...or maybe you forgot to point out what was wrong with my post. Either way, your bad.

I addressed his points made...

Nope. Everyone of his suggestions on how to stop an outbreak are completely logical. You just wont admit it because of the source,which makes you a political hack.

They're disingenuous and evasive...and when it suits their purpose they like to get literal and make you define every word and term...You know, the usual deflections and distractions.
But Ebola has a Certificate of live birth on record somewhere I just know it......And don't tell me it's forgery either.......
Well, to be serious for just a moment, and not one freaking second longer, the travel ban can cut both ways. Ebola is going to come into the US, with or without the ban. Perhaps less so with the ban, but then again, ultimately the only way to gain control over the disease is with better treatment and less infection in W. Africa. It's not an airborne disease, and the answer to contain it in a hospital setting. I suspect ultimately we'll have a travel ban, even though a travel ban will not totally keep people from coming here having been in W. Africa, but along with the ban we'll have more aid going to W.Africa for treatment.

As for O'Reilly, he's titillated with the Africa/African connection.

Titillated? Really?
Perhaps less so?
And he was right about the whole"if we quarantine the country it'll make it worse because no one can enter the country to help" What a crock of shit. No one suggested we keep out aid workers and to say so is a dodge of the lamest kind.
There's no dodge.
WHO cautions against Ebola-related travel restrictions - The Washington Post
Ultimately, Ebola will have to eradicated there because while it's a bad illness, it's not as easy to get as .... say the flu ... unless you're in a place with inadequate hospitals and care. Again, my guess is we'll have a ban on commercial travel, but the military or private contractors will do the hauling. And, it's not really a positive to quarantine doctors without borders and health workers.

This is all your link says..the title is purposely misleading.

As governments in West Africa struggle to contain the Ebola epidemic, World Health Organization officials are warning that the suspension of flights and imposition of travel restrictions raise fears of shortages and could undermine the capacity to respond

raise fears and COULD "undermine" the capacity to respond. Pretty weak. You're wrong to purposely post misinformation.

Go read the actual article and see all the nations and airlines that have enacted travel bans.
Cape Verde has banned anyone from North America because we have allowed the disease into our country and are now a vector.

...but you need to play politics...that's more important...carry on, little partisan..
These partisan Republicans are nuts. On the one hand, they want smaller government and reduced government spending; on the other, they whine because they want government to provide greater protection, even while reducing funding.

Freaking nuts.

Do you know what the governments main function is?

There is no set answer to that; it is dependent upon the society and culture that forms the government. As usual, you have tried to narrow a definition into a constrained limit.
Barry Hussein hasn't leveled with the American people yet. Everything in the administration is clouded by coverup or incompetence or outright criminal behavior. We are spending millions to bomb empty buildings for propaganda purposes while the president plays golf or goes to never ending democrat fund raisers for the rich and famous.
it is not an administration.., it is a REGIME.., and everyone knows what that means !! :up:
These partisan Republicans are nuts. On the one hand, they want smaller government and reduced government spending; on the other, they whine because they want government to provide greater protection, even while reducing funding.

Freaking nuts.

Do you know what the governments main function is?

There is no set answer to that; it is dependent upon the society and culture that forms the government. As usual, you have tried to narrow a definition into a constrained limit.

So you're into the nanny state?
The gov is the cure for all that ails you huh?
You dont believe the govs main function is to protect the American people from outside threats?

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