Births fall to 42-year low in U.S.


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Now I would have thought that the pandemic would have led to an increase in appears not:

Some experts have sounded the alarm on declining birth rates and what this will mean for the U.S. economy in the years to come. In a recent interview with "CBS This Morning" co-host Tony Dokoupil, Dowell Myers, who studies demographics at the University of Southern California, called the phenomenon a "crisis.
"We need to have enough working-age people to carry the load of these seniors, who deserve their retirement, they deserve all their entitlements, and they're gonna live out another 30 years," he said. "Nobody in the history of the globe has had so many older people to deal with."
The pandemic could prove to exacerbate the decline. The Brookings Institution has predicted "a large, lasting baby bust" of at least 300,000 fewer children in 2021. Health departments in more than two dozen states provided records to CBS News, showing a 7% drop in births in December — nine months after the first lockdowns began. Phil Cohen, a sociologist at the University of Maryland, said December's drop was the biggest he's seen since the baby boom ended in 1964.
"We don't know if it's the beginning of a bigger decline over the whole next year or if it's just a shock from March," Cohen said in February. "But I'm more inclined based on history to think that all of next year is going to be very much down for births."

I guess there is a silver lining:

Among teenagers, many of whom shifted to remote learning due to the pandemic, birth rates fell precipitously, according to data released by the CDC. The birth rate for young women between the ages of 15 and 19 fell to a record low in 2020, dropping to 15.3 births per 1,000, an 8% decline from the year before. That continues a significant downward trend over the past two decades — down 75% from 1991, the most recent peak.

This is repeat.

Close the border. Let our citizens get back to work for twenty years and then open it back up as needed. Easy-peasy.
Screw the border, close down ANY business that employs non-citizens. 90% improvement in a couple of months.
I have been listening to that BS for just as long. You should have been doing that all along. So, close down the border. I don't want to hear about taking care of business. I want to see it.
Exactly what the globalists want, and open your borders.

Globalist are all about population control. Seeing millions die from the pandemic, along with those left alive having fewer children is nirvana for them.

They have been having we dreams about this for decades now with Bill Gates leading the charge.
There are over 1 million jobs going unfilled in key sectors of our economy.

This is repeat.

Close the border. Let our citizens get back to work for twenty years and then open it back up as needed. Easy-peasy.
The whites are not having children, the Blacks and Hispanics are.

And? We have hispanic and black citizens. I have heard the same crap over and over.

This is repeat.

Close the border. Let our citizens get back to work for twenty years and then open it back up as needed. Easy-peasy.
The whites are not having children, the Blacks and Hispanics are.

And? We have hispanic and black citizens. I have heard the same crap over and over.
Its true. The young take care of the aged.

This is repeat.

Close the border. Let our citizens get back to work for twenty years and then open it back up as needed. Easy-peasy.
The whites are not having children, the Blacks and Hispanics are.

And? We have hispanic and black citizens. I have heard the same crap over and over.
Its true.
And? You don't really have a point.
Birth rates go up and birth rates go down. A declining birth rate is not a huge deal. More young couples are figuring out they don't want kids but instead want careers and to travel and have nice things. It's their choice and we should not encourage them otherwise.
Birth rates go up and birth rates go down. A declining birth rate is not a huge deal. ...

A very huge deal. You're not much of an economist. And birthrates do not turn on a dime. More like parking a battleship.

U.S. states with the highest rates of divorce​

  • Nevada – 4.4 divorces per 1,000 residents
  • Arkansas – 4.1
  • Oklahoma / Utah / Wyoming / Idaho – 3.8
  • Alaska / Alabama – 3.7
  • Kentucky – 3.5
  • Colorado – 3.3
  • Maine – 3.2
  • North Carolina / Vermont / Virginia – 3.1
  • Missouri / Montana – 3.0 7

Look at that , the republican states have the highest rates of divorce.

divorce and childbirth go hand in hand.

This is repeat.

Close the border. Let our citizens get back to work for twenty years and then open it back up as needed. Easy-peasy.
The whites are not having children, the Blacks and Hispanics are.

Fertility rates among blacks and Latinos in the US are falling and falling fast.

U.S. states with the highest rates of divorce​

  • Nevada – 4.4 divorces per 1,000 residents
  • Arkansas – 4.1
  • Oklahoma / Utah / Wyoming / Idaho – 3.8
  • Alaska / Alabama – 3.7
  • Kentucky – 3.5
  • Colorado – 3.3
  • Maine – 3.2
  • North Carolina / Vermont / Virginia – 3.1
  • Missouri / Montana – 3.0 7

Look at that , the republican states have the highest rates of divorce.

divorce and childbirth go hand in hand.
Penelope? This is how babies are made.......
Birth rates go up and birth rates go down. A declining birth rate is not a huge deal. ...

A very huge deal. You're not much of an economist. And birthrates do not turn on a dime. More like parking a battleship.
We went through the exact same crap with my generation. Jumped up and down, screamed and yelled and then lowered wages like a mofo.

Shut the border down. End H1b visas. There appears to be a collective amnesia for the corporations.


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