Bitcoin kicking ass


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Yup, it just cleared what was the laughable prediction of 10,000 USD by 2018. I originally bought half a coin a few years ago, sold before a trip to Vegas, with the intentions of buying back in...but stupidly did not. Got lazy since my exchange updated their security and wanted my drivers license and I thought it was too much of a hassle, and I forgot about it....that half a coin (I bought 150 worth) would be worth over 5,000 now. Bought back in a couple months ago (again later than I was meaning too, since I wanted to buy back in early in the summer, but never got around to it). Anyway in about a month I’ve made an 80% return on investment....I DONT THINK ITS GOING TO STOP.

These guys say it’ll go up to a million by 2020...and it sounds crazy, even to me but there are a few factors that are going to contribute to the continual rise. Even if it’s half or even a quarter of that...that’s still phenomenally outstanding.

As of now only 2% of the world use bitcoin, but all it takes to buy it is a smartphone...which’s everyone has nowadays, even in third world countries with how cheap androids are. Coinbase (a BTC exchange) is adding 100,000 new users a day. If you think of it like a stock, there’s really only a small group that stays roughly the same size buying into the stock market. And in that market they’re splitting that money into thousands of thousands of different companies. A very large majority of people in India, China, Europe, etc, and even here in the western world aren’t buying into the stock market...but they are starting to buy into bitcoin, because it’s easy, and un-hackable, they’re making money, and have 100% control of that money vs a bank. Now the more people who buy into, the more it keeps rising and rising. If the user-ship jumps up to a measly 4%....that alone will double the price. Like those guys said, this is just the first inning.

Secondly, bitcoin is forcing Wall Street to take a look, and they are all scrambling to figure out a way to start trading it on their exchanges. The CME is saying it will be exchanging it by the 2nd week in December! That’s gonna be a HUGE jump. As of now a very small percentage of BTC holders own over 100 USD worth in BTC. Not only will opening up BTC to Wall Street add even more users, it will add a lot more big players, as well as lend more validity to it.

Thirdly, economic crisis. People run to things like precious metals during economic crisis. But how many people have the know how and the funds to buy precious metals? Bitcoin is much easier and offers you full control of your money. Don’t get me wrong it’s very wise to own precious metals, but bitcoin could explode. There are plenty of countries on the verge of collapse, like Venezuela, Argentina, and once the happens, a good amount of people in that country will run to bitcoin. There’s even speculation that these countries might even just switch their currency over into cryptocurrency. On top of that, we’re due for at least an economic correction, and could very well be looking at economic crisis. Europe and China are in worse shape than us, and if we falter, that’s going to be a global crisis. On top of that, what’s gonna further drive people to bitcoin is the fact that all of our banks are ready to do a bail in (banks just take a percentage from everyone, 5% haircut across the board). Plenty of people are gonna day fuck that, I’m moving to bitcoin. Also these same banks are talking about doing negative interest rates on savings accounts, forcing people to spend instead of save. Again people will say fuck that, I’m gonna put my savings in bitcoin.

What makes me worry about bitcoin? Well governments could try to crack down on it. I don’t think they can fully eliminate it with their citizens, but they could make it difficult to use and exchange. On top of that the energy consumption of miners. They are using a lot of energy. But the beautiful thing about bitcoin is that it can fork, and change it’s form to something more workable, in a free market setting. It forks, people who have owns BTC before the fork own the same amount of the new fork, as well as classic BTC, then the two compete to see what’s better. I could see a fork into something using less power coming in few years. Or having cell phones, tablets, etc, join into the mining to take the load off computing, Or alternative energy sources to take the load off of energy.

If it does hit a million by 2020...I’m looking at 500,000 Dollars. I’d be perfectly happy if it only goes to 50,000 by 2020. That’s still a great freaking investment. I’m thinking about just putting in like 50 bucks every paycheck in, using it as a savings account on steroids. Anyway, buy in now. Put in money your willing to loose (I doubt you’ll ever loose it all, or even a portion), and just watch it go.
Since bitcoin is backed by less than Enron it will suffer the same end. Fiat money is Fiat money no matter the name.
Since bitcoin is backed by less than Enron it will suffer the same end. Fiat money is Fiat money no matter the name.
What exactly do you think the USD is??? And you don’t really understand either birtcoin or the Enron debacle. The difference between bitcoin and USD, is that there’s actually a finite amount of bitcoin. There’s only ever gonna be 21 million. The fed had been printing money a 2 trillion per year. And Americans haven’t seen a wage increase in over 15 years despite increasing inflation. Technically, you’ve been getting a 2% tax increase every year haha. And you aren’t seeing any of that 2 trillion, it’s going straight to Wall Street, and companies are using that free money to buy their own stocks, jumping up their value, and pocketing the money...The whole friggen stock market might as well be Enron. Even if you have your money in “safe” stocks, like the big boys on the market, those are the first to take a big hit in economic crisis, that’s pretty much inevitable.

Put 100 dollars in BTC see what it does for you. Then get back to me. I’m sure your the type who has no problem using 100 at a casino.
I don't trust it

I can see a time when you try to cash a Bitcoin and people just laugh at you

Like Confederate money
I don't trust it

I can see a time when you try to cash a Bitcoin and people just laugh at you

Like Confederate money
That’s fair many don’t. I just recommend putting in money you’re ok with loosing. Think of it as going to the casino, except at this casino, black is hitting 9 out of 10 times, and you just keep letting your money ride, and the 9 out of 10 time odds are projected to get better.

I’m a big poker player, and to put it in poker terms. The pot is huge, but it’s low to call. Even if you have a crappy hand you still buy into that, and see what your cards do. Sure you probably loose that hand, but if you do that every time there’s a big pot, low buy in, and it works 1 out of 10 tens, that’s still a profitable bet. But here’s the difference, if you see it going south, you can pull out at any time, and you don’t ever have to loose all your money, or even most (I highly doubt it’ll ever go to 0 since it has practicality).

Also they already have BTC debit cards, and BTC ATMS and the amount is growing and growing. A lot of foreign people use it to send money overseas, instead of using bell, and for things like that. You can use BTC to buy on overstock, Amazon is getting ready to support it if it gets big, and you can already buy amazon gift cards (as well as tons of other distributors) with bitcoin. It’s more than a stock, hedge, or asset, it has practicality that’s growing.
Since bitcoin is backed by less than Enron it will suffer the same end. Fiat money is Fiat money no matter the name.

What do you think the U.S. dollar is?
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!

My MMA coach has become a millionaire off of Bitcoin.
Yup, it just cleared what was the laughable prediction of 10,000 USD by 2018. I originally bought half a coin a few years ago, sold before a trip to Vegas, with the intentions of buying back in...but stupidly did not. Got lazy since my exchange updated their security and wanted my drivers license and I thought it was too much of a hassle, and I forgot about it....that half a coin (I bought 150 worth) would be worth over 5,000 now. Bought back in a couple months ago (again later than I was meaning too, since I wanted to buy back in early in the summer, but never got around to it). Anyway in about a month I’ve made an 80% return on investment....I DONT THINK ITS GOING TO STOP.

I was going to buy some a couple of years ago when it was only $220 a coin, but I let one of my friends talk me out of it.
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Ive already made back pocketed my original investment, did that last night. And now I’m up another couple hundred already. Even in the extreme unlikliness that it drops to zero, I’d still be nuetral.

The USD is fiat currency. Currency that the fed has been inflating at a clip of 2 trillion a year...Your USD is dropping in value. The American people are not getting a raise despite inflation going up. When global economic crisis hits, where do you think the billions of people who can’t afford gold or silver are going to put their money in?
Since bitcoin is backed by less than Enron it will suffer the same end. Fiat money is Fiat money no matter the name.

What do you think the U.S. dollar is?
The US Dollar is backed by the Federal government which is backed by the US taxpayer. What is bitcoins ? There are specific reasons the dollar could lose value and you can more or less be prepared for those that's not the case for bitcoin. In the event of a total collapse at least you could use money as toilet paper or to start a fire.
Yup, it just cleared what was the laughable prediction of 10,000 USD by 2018. I originally bought half a coin a few years ago, sold before a trip to Vegas, with the intentions of buying back in...but stupidly did not. Got lazy since my exchange updated their security and wanted my drivers license and I thought it was too much of a hassle, and I forgot about it....that half a coin (I bought 150 worth) would be worth over 5,000 now. Bought back in a couple months ago (again later than I was meaning too, since I wanted to buy back in early in the summer, but never got around to it). Anyway in about a month I’ve made an 80% return on investment....I DONT THINK ITS GOING TO STOP.

I was going to buy some a couple of years ago when it was only $220 a coin, but I let one of my friends talk me out of it.
That stinks, I got a buddy like that too. It’s definitly not too late in my opinion, it’s still very early on, even though it seems counter intuitive. We tend to think of it like a stock, and we think we’ve already missed out on the boom. Or that it’s a bubble that’s gonn crash. No the correct way to look at it is like a brand new separate stock market that was just created, an in that market there’s only a few big companies. But it’s a stock market that anyone in the world can get into, and very very few have gotten into it thus far...but it’s gaining a lot of traction, not only here but in China, India, Europe, South America, etc. In the actual stock market the number of people buying stocks stays roughly the same, and they’re pouring money into thousands of different companies. There aren’t many in the US playing around with stocks, let alone the rest of the world. But bitcoin/cryptos are very easy to get into for the young folks in the US and for pretty much everyone else in the world, even impoverished people, as long as they have at least a smartphone. And Coinbase alone, which is an American exchange, is adding 100,000 new users a day. Imagine how many people are being added worldwide as this is just starting to pick up steam, and they mainly are all buying into the same 3 or so cryptos (big companies if you want to think about it in those terms). What further tells us that this is still early on in the climb is that a vast majority of the people who have bitcoin, have less than 100 USD into it. So people in China or India making 3 bucks an hour playing around with 20 bucks or so have been making like an extra half days worth of money in a day doing nothing, playing in this easily accessible microcosm of a stock market, that they don’t have to pour their savings into just to buy a single share of something in the regular stock market. You best believe this is spreading like wildfire. The CME is treating ready to trade bitcoin in a couple of weeks, the rest of Wall Street will follow. Financial advisors will be telling the wealthy to buy into it, because there’s only a finite amount....and oh by the way when there’s economic crises somewhere in the world, people run to bitcoin. And I think we all recognize we’re probably due for something significant in the near future.

Not saying fully trust it. I could be wrong, but I really don’t think we should be looking at it through the eyes of, it’s a stock in such and such company and it’s a bubble. If anything I think it’s like buying into google or Facebook very early on. Again be careful, do your own research, don’t just listen to all the bitcoin bulls either, listen to the bears too. Put in money your willing to loose, and HOLD haha. If it does reach 1 million by 2020, and you put 100 in now, you’re looking at almost 10 grand in 2 years.
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Ive already made back pocketed my original investment, did that last night. And now I’m up another couple hundred already. Even in the extreme unlikliness that it drops to zero, I’d still be nuetral.

The USD is fiat currency. Currency that the fed has been inflating at a clip of 2 trillion a year...Your USD is dropping in value. The American people are not getting a raise despite inflation going up. When global economic crisis hits, where do you think the billions of people who can’t afford gold or silver are going to put their money in?
You believe a global economic crisis won't affect your ability to access the web and your bitcoin ? Right now bitcoin costs more than gold.
Since bitcoin is backed by less than Enron it will suffer the same end. Fiat money is Fiat money no matter the name.

What do you think the U.S. dollar is?
The US Dollar is backed by the Federal government which is backed by the US taxpayer. What is bitcoins ? There are specific reasons the dollar could lose value and you can more or less be prepared for those that's not the case for bitcoin. In the event of a total collapse at least you could use money as toilet paper or to start a fire.
True. I don’t think it’s ever gonna go back down to anything below 1000 in a crash. Bitcoin is kind of an asset/hedge/stock as well as currency all mashed in one. It does have practicality. A lot of foreign folks use it or other cryptos to send money back to families across boarders. You can use it on sites like overstock to purchase. Amazon added a couple crypto domain names, so they are starting to pay attention. Even if they don’t accept straight bitcoin there’s sites you can go on to exchange BTC for amazon gift cards. You can use it like a mini savings account since it’s unhackable technology, and as of now has a ridiculously awesome interest rate haha. They even have BTC debit cards, and BTC ATMs now.

I still recommend that everyone get precious metals. But billions of billions of people around the world can’t even afford the smallest quantities of precious metals. And if global crises hits, or some country has an economic collapse, or even just a hard recession. They’re gonna be enough people running to it that’s going to skyrocket the price. Banks all over the world, including US banks, are all ready to either just take money from their customers or go with negative interest rates on savings accounts to force people to spend. People who don’t trust what their respective countries crazy economic policies are defiantly view bitcoin as at least an option, maybe even trust it more than their own currency.

It’s getting ready to go up on the CME, that’s gonna add more faith to it, as well as inject a shit ton more money. That could lead to a domino effect of the rest of Wall Street joining the party, which will further inject more money into it.

I really think it’s all just beginning. And the people who think that too, have been laughed it since it went up to 2000. The bears keep calling it a bubble every milestone it hits. I just think they’re too used to thinking in terms of stocks and the stock market. If it was a stock doing this I’d definitely agree with them, but it isn’t, it’s a wildly new concept we’re just not used to.

Anyway put a 100 or so in. Play around with it. It’s at the very least wise to dip your toes in now.
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Ive already made back pocketed my original investment, did that last night. And now I’m up another couple hundred already. Even in the extreme unlikliness that it drops to zero, I’d still be nuetral.

The USD is fiat currency. Currency that the fed has been inflating at a clip of 2 trillion a year...Your USD is dropping in value. The American people are not getting a raise despite inflation going up. When global economic crisis hits, where do you think the billions of people who can’t afford gold or silver are going to put their money in?
You believe a global economic crisis won't affect your ability to access the web and your bitcoin ? Right now bitcoin costs more than gold.
Yea but you can buy fractions of bitcoin. Can’t really buy .00045 or whatever of a gold coin. A factory worker in China worried about collapse could buy .0000045 of bitcoin. And if .03% of Chinese people do that because they worried about their countries economic status, well that’s shit ton of value added to bitcoin.
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!

My MMA coach has become a millionaire off of Bitcoin.
People who get in on schemes early enough usually profit otherwise the scheme wouldn't exist
Bitcoin approaching 12,000

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I recommend you get together as much US currency as you can and buy into the fucking pyramid scheme ASAP! Bitcoin is a fucling ripoff and the only people REALLY making money are those converting the 'monopoly money' into actual US dollars. See how easy it is for you to ACTUALLY sell off your imitation gold 'bitcoins' into US cash. It will be like trying to return your newly purchased set of Encyclopedia Britannicas to the salesman you bought them from. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Ive already made back pocketed my original investment, did that last night. And now I’m up another couple hundred already. Even in the extreme unlikliness that it drops to zero, I’d still be nuetral.

The USD is fiat currency. Currency that the fed has been inflating at a clip of 2 trillion a year...Your USD is dropping in value. The American people are not getting a raise despite inflation going up. When global economic crisis hits, where do you think the billions of people who can’t afford gold or silver are going to put their money in?
I can trade my dollar for a coke. My dollar is real. It exists physically.
Your bitcoin is a completely imaginary product. Make your money while you can Mr Amway
Why are people here acting like I’m telling them to dump their entire savings into it. No, I’m only using money that I’m comfortable with loosing, and I’ve already made that money back and have pocketed it. I’m encouraging people to dip their toes in because this could be HUGE. It may crash and I fully aknowledge that. And I even listed my worries in my OP. But when the bulls (usually made up of people who actually understand bitcoin) were calling for 10,000 by the end of this, they were laughed at. I think it could close at 13 even 14 thousand by the end of the year. Even if it only goes up to 50,000 by 2020 (which is like a 10th of a 10th of what bulls think it could actually go up to) that’s still freaking incredible. And that’s only 2 years away now.

No one here would have this much of a problem if I told them to dip their toes into stock of such and such new company because it could go big. I get it’s an fairly new concept and an unknown, but the world is changing fast. And bitcoin may not be the currency of the future, but I think Blockchain tech will. And dipping you toes in now is wise. Even if Bitcoin crashes by 50%, ITS STILL UP LIKE 500% FOR THE YEAR. Be careful do your research.

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