Black Panther: "Obama need to go back to his roots..."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
an idiot said:
“He need to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in the streets,”

Ok this is the perfect illustration of the NO-Information voter.

This imbecile "thinks" the moonbat messiah grew up as an ordinary Black American.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway.

Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's fuck about black people in this country. He uses them for political gain, period.

His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.

If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served.

Raw Video: New Black Panther Party, Protesters Take Over Ferguson Police Chief?s News Conference | Video |
Very few Africans in the US. And unless you have dual-citizenship you're not an African-American. I'm not an Israeli-American or Jewish-American, I'm just an American like everyone else (legally entitled to be here.) :)

So unless going back to Hawaii accomplishes something, this was a dumb thing to say. Not like the public is thrilled at the Black Panthers to begin with you can get away with saying dumb things.
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So I got negged for this thread by dumbfuck Carla_Danger and called a racist.

If there is such a thing as a rational liberal, I'd love to see what argument could be made that this thread illustrates some feeling of superiority on my part between whatever race I am and whatever race I happened to address.

Carla, you're one stupid ****, and the most recent addition to my ignore list.

an idiot said:
“He need to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in the streets,”

Ok this is the perfect illustration of the NO-Information voter.

This imbecile "thinks" the moonbat messiah grew up as an ordinary Black American.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway.

Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's fuck about black people in this country. He uses them for political gain, period.

His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.

If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served.

Raw Video: New Black Panther Party, Protesters Take Over Ferguson Police Chief?s News Conference | Video |

Obama's roots are that. after his Kenyan father abandoned him and his mother, he grew up the son of an Irish mother and grandchild of Irish grandparents. He attended the finest private schools in Hawaii followed by Ivy League undergrad and graduate schools. Those are his roots.
an idiot said:
“He need to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in the streets,”

Ok this is the perfect illustration of the NO-Information voter.

This imbecile "thinks" the moonbat messiah grew up as an ordinary Black American.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway.

Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's fuck about black people in this country. He uses them for political gain, period.

His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.

If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served.

Raw Video: New Black Panther Party, Protesters Take Over Ferguson Police Chief?s News Conference | Video |

Obama's roots are that. after his Kenyan father abandoned him and his mother, he grew up the son of an Irish mother and grandchild of Irish grandparents. He attended the finest private schools in Hawaii followed by Ivy League undergrad and graduate schools. Those are his roots.

His stepfather was well to do as well. Government agent with an oil company I believe. His mother was making excellent money as well.

Never "down with the struggle". Ever.
Very few Africans in the US. And unless you have dual-citizenship you're not an African-American. I'm not an Israeli-American or Jewish-American, I'm just an American like everyone else (legally entitled to be here.) :)

So unless going back to Hawaii accomplishes something, this was a dumb thing to say. Not like the public is thrilled at the Black Panthers to begin with you can get away with saying dumb things.

The New Black Panthers are out of Karenga's line. Not at all like the old Black Panthers. These idiots are just racist assholes.
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.
an idiot said:
“He need to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in the streets,”

Ok this is the perfect illustration of the NO-Information voter.

This imbecile "thinks" the moonbat messiah grew up as an ordinary Black American.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway.

Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's fuck about black people in this country. He uses them for political gain, period.

His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.

If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served.

Raw Video: New Black Panther Party, Protesters Take Over Ferguson Police Chief?s News Conference | Video |

So...the honeymoon is over?
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Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

I dunno...

Why are bed wetters so upset by EVERYTHING Glen Beck says?

Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

I dunno...

Why are bed wetters so upset by EVERYTHING Glen Beck says?

Beck's got a national show. Where'd they dig up this guy? It's like they look for this kind of stuff just to stir the pot. Like I said, the question is "what's their motive". It's certainly fishy and The Blaze has a reputation for pushing, if not crossing, the line. Wouldn't be a bit surprised, if it turned out they planted the guy.
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Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

I dunno...

Why are bed wetters so upset by EVERYTHING Glen Beck says?

Beck's got a national show. Where'd they dig up this guy? It's like they look for this kind of stuff just to stir the pot. Like I said, the question is "what's their motive". It's certainly fishy and The Blaze has a reputation for pushing, if not crossing, the line. Wouldn't be a bit surprised, if it turned out they planted the guy.


Who is "they"? The people who helped Beck fund his subscriber's network online? I'm pretty sure he established that himself. He started out at CNN if I recall,l is CNN part of some RW conspiracy to "stir up the pot"?

Or are you talking about the idiot moonbat BP who questioned the messiah? There can't possibly be a black leader still on the plantation that criticizes the great (derp) leader right?

Of course all those bed wetters who infiltrated Tea Party rallies and were later tracked down and proven to be democrook operatives, weren't really democrook operatives right? Amazing how you're not willing to even look into who this clown is, but you'll swallow hook line and sinker a fraud at a Tea Party rally, and reject the notion you've been duped by an imposter.

So let me ask you this, what do you "think" the motive is for a BP to speak out against your messiah and articulate frustration that obozo hasn't done shit for black people? The standard of living for the black community has not improved one bit. I can still remember seeing videos of his black supporters convinced their lives were going to improve just because he was in office. Now that it hasn't, they're still supposed to thank their master for reduced rations?

Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

Have you ever heard so much squabble about a President's race?

Or ethnic origins?

The last time religion was a factor? Was Kennedy.

When people constantly and consistently talk about race, it makes you wonder about their feelings about it.

I generally forget that President Obama has a father from Kenya or a mother who roots are in Ireland, until I hear a conservative talk about it. (And they generally leave out the Irish part)
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

Have you ever heard so much squabble about a President's race?

Or ethnic origins?

The last time religion was a factor? Was Kennedy.

When people constantly and consistently talk about race, it makes you wonder about their feelings about it.

I generally forget that President Obama has a father from Kenya or a mother who roots are in Ireland, until I hear a conservative talk about it. (And they generally leave out the Irish part)

I'm pretty sure this time they were talking about his grandparents in Hawaii.:eusa_whistle:
Very few Africans in the US. And unless you have dual-citizenship you're not an African-American. I'm not an Israeli-American or Jewish-American, I'm just an American like everyone else (legally entitled to be here.) :)

So unless going back to Hawaii accomplishes something, this was a dumb thing to say. Not like the public is thrilled at the Black Panthers to begin with you can get away with saying dumb things.

The New Black Panthers are out of Karenga's line. Not at all like the old Black Panthers. These idiots are just racist assholes.

There what? Like 20 or 30 of these guys?

Why is it when one of them so much as farts it's all over the conservative media?
The little panther guy was right, obama should go back to Hawaii - immediately and permanently. He's made enough of a mess.
So I got negged for this thread by dumbfuck Carla_Danger and called a racist.

If there is such a thing as a rational liberal, I'd love to see what argument could be made that this thread illustrates some feeling of superiority on my part between whatever race I am and whatever race I happened to address.

Carla, you're one stupid ****, and the most recent addition to my ignore list.

I tried to give you a positive but the system wouldn't let me.
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

The Black Panthers need to be specific about which roots they are referring to.....the roots of elite privilege or the roots of class and race warfare? Most would agree, the latter.
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

Because the Panthers are non-representative of the black population at-large. When The Blaze tries to imply that they are, that IS racist. We know what their motives are and they aren't to show blacks in a good light or to further racial harmony.

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