Black Panther: "Obama need to go back to his roots..."

I dunno...

Why are bed wetters so upset by EVERYTHING Glen Beck says?

Beck's got a national show. Where'd they dig up this guy? It's like they look for this kind of stuff just to stir the pot. Like I said, the question is "what's their motive". It's certainly fishy and The Blaze has a reputation for pushing, if not crossing, the line. Wouldn't be a bit surprised, if it turned out they planted the guy.


Who is "they"? The people who helped Beck fund his subscriber's network online? I'm pretty sure he established that himself. He started out at CNN if I recall,l is CNN part of some RW conspiracy to "stir up the pot"?

"They" is The Blaze, the topic of the post. Please try and keep up. You're just muddying the waters by making it about Beck. The point is that there's no comparison in influence between the BPs and Beck, no matter how much you want to SPIN it that way.
an idiot said:
“He need to go back to his roots and stop people from killing Africans in the streets,”

Ok this is the perfect illustration of the NO-Information voter.

This imbecile "thinks" the moonbat messiah grew up as an ordinary Black American.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto. He's never been arrested for Walking While Black" in a white suburb. He's never had to choose between working hard at school or being ridiculed for "acting white". He's never been denied a job because he was black, he's never had a real job anyway.

Obozo doesn't give a flying rat's fuck about black people in this country. He uses them for political gain, period.

His own blood relatives (that is if Frank Marshal Davis isn't his true father) live in squalid conditions in Kenya. $100 a month from him could change their lives. He has "family" in the states that live in the ghetto, but only moochelle's mother is fit to get any support from the family.

If black people ever wake up and realize the democrook party still has it's foot on their necks, the country will be far better served.

Raw Video: New Black Panther Party, Protesters Take Over Ferguson Police Chief?s News Conference | Video |

This is funny. Racists never know a thing about President Obama ans when they say things like -

...ordinary Black American.


Obozo has no clue what it's like to live as an impoverished black person growing up in a ghetto...

the prove then know even less about American blacks.
Beck's got a national show. Where'd they dig up this guy? It's like they look for this kind of stuff just to stir the pot. Like I said, the question is "what's their motive". It's certainly fishy and The Blaze has a reputation for pushing, if not crossing, the line. Wouldn't be a bit surprised, if it turned out they planted the guy.


Who is "they"? The people who helped Beck fund his subscriber's network online? I'm pretty sure he established that himself. He started out at CNN if I recall,l is CNN part of some RW conspiracy to "stir up the pot"?

"They" is The Blaze, the topic of the post. Please try and keep up. You're just muddying the waters by making it about Beck. The point is that there's no comparison in influence between the BPs and Beck, no matter how much you want to SPIN it that way.

The Blaze is muddying waters? The Black Panthers twirled night sticks at polling places and they threatened cops during Occupy. AG Holder had no problem with them. Seems you now have a problem with the BP and trying to blame The Blaze.
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

Because the Panthers are non-representative of the black population at-large. When The Blaze tries to imply that they are, that IS racist. We know what their motives are and they aren't to show blacks in a good light or to further racial harmony.

Racial Harmony? For starters, how about stop burning down neighborhoods and looting stores? While we are at it, stop the flash mobs and knock down game.

Who is "they"? The people who helped Beck fund his subscriber's network online? I'm pretty sure he established that himself. He started out at CNN if I recall,l is CNN part of some RW conspiracy to "stir up the pot"?

"They" is The Blaze, the topic of the post. Please try and keep up. You're just muddying the waters by making it about Beck. The point is that there's no comparison in influence between the BPs and Beck, no matter how much you want to SPIN it that way.

The Blaze is muddying waters? The Black Panthers twirled night sticks at polling places and they threatened cops during Occupy. AG Holder had no problem with them. Seems you now have a problem with the BP and trying to blame The Blaze.

My post was about the person I was responding to muddying the waters, but it could apply to The Blaze, too. Thanks for pointing out their contribution to the mess that's current politics in America. I'm not the one that has a problem with the BPs. I was merely saying they're irrelevant. Are you having trouble keeping up, too?
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

Because the Panthers are non-representative of the black population at-large. When The Blaze tries to imply that they are, that IS racist. We know what their motives are and they aren't to show blacks in a good light or to further racial harmony.

What complete bullshit.

You're devoted to the idea that Tea Partiers are racist, the "rightwing extremists" and represent the true feelings of the entire GOP.

God Forbid black people in general be represented by extreme racist leftwing agitators though.

You're a mindless drone incapable of an independent thought, There are trees producing oxygen outside your hovel, you owe them an apology for wasting their time.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

Because the Panthers are non-representative of the black population at-large. When The Blaze tries to imply that they are, that IS racist. We know what their motives are and they aren't to show blacks in a good light or to further racial harmony.

Racial Harmony? For starters, how about stop burning down neighborhoods and looting stores? While we are at it, stop the flash mobs and knock down game.

Don't forget the wholesale murder of other blacks, which is practically invisible to the mainstream "press".
Who but The Blaze would know where to find or care about a comment from the Black Panthers? Maybe it isn't racist, but it really makes you wonder about their motives.

What is so racist about giving The Black Panthers a voice in the media? Why are you trashing the Blaze for giving the Black Panthers coverage and not asking the obvious question as to why ABC, CBS, NBC, taxpayer-funded PBS, CNN, and MSNBC are not giving the Black Panthers a voice?

Because the Panthers are non-representative of the black population at-large. When The Blaze tries to imply that they are, that IS racist. We know what their motives are and they aren't to show blacks in a good light or to further racial harmony.

New Black Panthers have called for white babies to be killed. They need to be discredited...over and over. That NBP needs to be arrested for impersonating the police by holding his press conference where the real police held theirs.
I have been a white kid living in "da ghetto". I have far better understanding of what life in "da ghetto" is about than your moonbat messiah.

So you are black also?

You're a fucking retard.

It's because of imbeciles like you that I totally endorse liberals having abortions.

And because of people like you I throw fish back into the pond, yet that does not answer my question...

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