"Blue is the Warmest Color" controversy


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
'Blue Is The Warmest Color's French Visa Revoked After Conservative Group Appeals Rating

"Abdellatif Kechicheā€™s 2013 Palme dā€™Or winner, Blue Is The Warmest Color, lost its French operating visa today when a Paris court ruled that the film contains ā€œrealistic sex scenes likely to offend the sensibilities of a young audience.ā€ The lesbian love story that stars Spectreā€˜s LĆ©a Seydoux, originally was given a -12 rating, meaning anyone over 12 could see it. That rating now will be reconsidered by the Classification Commission, but the courtā€™s decision also will be appealed.

This latest controversy was stirred up by Promouvoir, a conservative-values group that increasingly has been calling on the Administrative Court of Paris to reverse ratings the group deems inappropriate. Other targets have included Gaspar NoĆ©ā€™s Love, Virginie Despentesā€™ Baise-Moi, Universalā€™s Fifty Shades Of Grey and Lars von Trierā€™s two Nymphomaniac films. The group first asked for Blueā€˜s visa to be pulled in September 2014."

rest at link

France has conservative religious groups? :) Talk about moral relativism. Their big complaint was 12 year-olds shouldn't see it (and they went nanners over "Pirates of the Caribbean" too another article mentions.) Dunno what French 12 year-olds are used to seeing without objection, but I can't imagine anything short of full-blown porn is going to shock them. Besides, what are you seeing a lesbian romance movie for if lesbian sex scens are going to offend you?

Gotta love the comparison to the US though where the movie is NC-17. Apparently Americans are emotionally or sexually retarded about 5 years.

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