Boebert harrassing women in the restrooms.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
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This is unfortunate.

But I knew things like this would happen as soon as the idiots started saying it’s cool for boys to go into the girls bathroom as long as they claim they are girls.

If we did not have that particularly asinine part of the woke movement, a woman who seemed to mannish would simply be ignored. Because it would be crazy to think of some guy just pretending to be a girl and walking in the girls bathroom. It is still crazy except that it happens.

Now that you have normalized such behavior then of course people who are actually normal not “normalized“ have to be on their guard.

Collateral damage in the culture war that you insisted on. Pretty minor damage compared to the high school girls who I’ve actually been raped by these little punks in skirts.
Must be a fucking bridge troll of a bitch. :laughing0301:

How embarrassing that someone mistook the woman for a dude.

She seems to see ghosts everywhere. Maybe the House can pass a law about harassing women in the restroom?

This might not be as embarrassing as the hand job in the theater but I imagine more stressful to the lady who simply wanted to do her business but got harassed.

Lauren Boebert forced to apologize after trying to kick out ‘a guy’ from women’s bathroom at Capitol
At least she's not some man claiming to be a woman.

But you wouldn't know the difference, would you?
I understand why OP is confused.

They identify as an anarchist, but they are nothing but your run if the lefty cult fuck.
Boebert admitted she “made an error regarding a mistaken identity” in a statement to the Daily Beast. “I apologized, learned a lesson, and it won’t happen again,” Boebert said.
I'm not sure, I get this. Is the reason Boebert (yes, truly a dingbat) owed the guy an apology, because they "Congress" are a co-equal branch, so they don't actually have to pay any attention to executive orders, themselves, unless for the press? They can have all the guys in the women restrooms of the capital, that they want?
Trans is a scam and the people pushing it are evil.

Mental illness needs treatment. WEF/Democrats encourage trans as part of their attacks on Americans.

Democrats = perverted freaks
Some of these tranny nutjobs are admitting on social media they will break the law and obstruct justice and aid and abet criminal aliens who the Federal Government is looking to repatriate to their country of citizenship.

They may want to rethink that.

Biskupski v. Attorney Gen. of the US, __ F.3d __, 2007 WL 2774528 (3d Cir. Sept. 25, 2007) (federal misdemeanor conviction of violating 8 U.S.C. 1324(a)(2)(A), aiding and abetting alien smuggling, is an "aggravated felony" even though only punishable as a misdemeanor under federal law).
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