Boehner Decides Helping Hillary Win Is Better Than Passing Immigration Reform


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Boehner Decides Helping Hillary Win Is Better Than Passing Immigration Reform

Great read. Great piece.

2016 .... things could get worse indeed:

**Texas becomes a blue state for good.

**Arizona turns purple, maybe blue.

4. The GOP’s worst problem is that Obama’s unilateral relaxation of immigration enforcement will add a newer and more potent dimension to the immigration issue. No longer will Republicans merely have to promise to oppose reform legislation. They will have to promise to undo what Obama has done.

This is an important distinction. A campaign promise about legislation can be easily slipped, as a president can blame any failure to comply on Congress (often rightly). A promise about executive action cannot be so easily slipped. Interest groups have a way of forcing candidates to make specific, immediate promises of executive action.

And so Republicans may well find themselves in the position of watching their nominee pledging to prosecute or deport immigrant families or children pardoned or left alone by Obama. The only way their friends, neighbors, or relatives who happen to be legal citizens can spare them will be to vote for Clinton. It may have seemed that the Republicans’ standing with immigrant communities had sunk to a new low in 2012, but in 2016, things could actually get worse.
this board has been taken over with trash

good grief
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The far right trash are unhappy that they continue to lose power to the other trash.

Stephanie believes she is quality. :lol:
No one on their right mind should support Immigration reform under this administration.
What good is immigration reform, if it will not fix the problem? What's to stop more illegals from entering afterwards? The cycle will just repeat itself. It is nothing but a patch, and any administration that considers patching up a problem is not giving the real reason for wanting to do this.

It all comes down to votes. The vast majority of these illegals would no doubt be voting democrat if they become citizens.

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