Boehner walks away from debt talks

It's a fact, not an opinion and I posted it on this thread.

ok so you say it's a fact so where's you supporting link?

I posted the link on this thread, you find it. You need to stop drunk posting.

In other words you don't have a link? You can use that excuse of I posted the link only when you have posted the link more than once and people keep asking you for the link. I have not seen the link you're talking about Either you don't have a link or you're lying.
ok so you say it's a fact so where's you supporting link?

I posted the link on this thread, you find it. You need to stop drunk posting.

In other words you don't have a link? You can use that excuse of I posted the link only when you have posted the link more than once and people keep asking you for the link. I have not seen the link you're talking about Either you don't have a link or you're lying.

First post on page 15 of this thread you drunk posting, non-reading dumb fuck. If I had posted the link on page 3 I would have reposted it. But, if your stupid ass is too lazy to click back one page to get a feel for the thread then that's too fucking bad. Damn does someone still cut your meat for you?
I posted the link on this thread, you find it. You need to stop drunk posting.

In other words you don't have a link? You can use that excuse of I posted the link only when you have posted the link more than once and people keep asking you for the link. I have not seen the link you're talking about Either you don't have a link or you're lying.

First post on page 15 of this thread you drunk posting, non-reading dumb fuck. If I had posted the link on page 3 I would have reposted it. But, if your stupid ass is too lazy to click back one page to get a feel for the thread then that's too fucking bad. Damn does someone still cut your meat for you?

Fuck tard I don't read every post. let's see you said your link was posted on page 15? What was the first post I posted to? It wasn't from a post made on page 15
Bush did not spend 2.5 trillion in 2 years on a bunch of bullshit like Obama did, we where not redlined from 2000-2006 in debt either, like we are now under Obama.

HOWEVER: As Chris so succinctly stated. "Actually it is all the GOP.

Bush inherited a budget surplus, a stong economy, and a nation at peace.

He then cut taxes, his SEC allowed Wall Street to run a $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponze scheme, and he started TWO useless wars.

He left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and trillions of dollar wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Bush did not spend 2.5 trillion in 2 years on a bunch of bullshit like Obama did, we where not redlined from 2000-2006 in debt either, like we are now under Obama.

HOWEVER: As Chris so succinctly stated. "Actually it is all the GOP.

Bush inherited a budget surplus, a stong economy, and a nation at peace.

He then cut taxes, his SEC allowed Wall Street to run a $516 TRILLION DOLLAR derivative Ponze scheme, and he started TWO useless wars.

He left us with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and trillions of dollar wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan."

WTF??? 516 trillion!!!
Then perhaps the President should stop resisting cutting the budget now.

UM, he offered TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in cuts, including military, entitlements, etc.

Not what you're describing as "resisting cutting the budget", not at all !!

Looks like Boehner, the tan man, turned yellow !!!

Cuts in the future, which means phony cuts.

Cutting military benefits is the same as cutting the military. How is that an "offer?" that's like Boehner "offering" to cut taxes on corporate jets.
President Obama says House Speaker John Boehner "walked away" from debt talks over "an extraordinarily fair" deal.

No details yet. Get ready for double digit interest rates. It should make Bachmann happy!

I expect Boehner is trying to impress the Tea Party, and his boss "cantdo cantor.

merged- del

Boehner has nothing to gain from such a "deal" and Obama had everything to gain.
Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run by a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

When you compromise with a con artist, you still end up getting screwed.
What are you talking about? Republicans are the ones offering the Compromise. The Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. We will do that if you do immediate spending cuts and put a balance budget amendment up for a vote.

You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.

The Democrats don't dare to allow a balanced budget amendment to come up for a vote because the voters support such measures by overwhelming majorities.

That would be the end of the liberal utopia.
What name comes to mind when the stock market crash in 1929 and the great depression in the 30's is mentioned? The Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority leader or President Herbert Hoover?

Good point!
Obama tried to pull one over Boehner and move the goal posts. Boehner being wise got up and walked out for a reason. Obama wanted 400billion more in extra taxes. This is what happens when you have a person with no executive experience in dealing with budgets and fiscal reform as your president.

The fact that there were any taxes whatsoever in this con job is appalling enough. Even without the extra $400 billion, the deal wass probably a non-starter.

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