Boehner walks away from debt talks

I don't care what went on, nor do I know and neither do you. The bottom line is that they were supposed to be working out a deal and one side said "we're done." If you walk out of negotiations this late in the game it's a PR nightmare. He's just put his party in a position where they will be blamed for anything that goes wrong from now on.

Horseshit. That's Democrat spin, and nothing more.

Obama killed the deal by moving the goal posts. However, the deal had no chance in the House anyway.

That's not spin. That's what I know will happen and you know it too but you won't admit it. The mainstream media is blaming the Republicans already because they refuse to negotiate a deal that can pass congress. Obama put things that he didn't want to on the table and he's taken serious heat from the left for it. What did the Repubs put on the table that they didn't want to? Very little.

That deal would have passed. If the majority of Republicans had voted against a bi-partisan plan then they would be blamed for sure. That is not even a question.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.
No, that's not how negotiations work. You don't just walk out, especially when there's no time left and the stakes are so high.

Wrong, as usual. You often do walk out.

Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.
No, that's not how negotiations work. You don't just walk out, especially when there's no time left and the stakes are so high.

Wrong, as usual. You often do walk out.

Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.

A bad deal is worse than no deal in my opinion.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.
Wrong, as usual. You often do walk out.

Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.

A bad deal is worse than no deal in my opinion.

No deal isn't an option here so no...that's not the case this time.
Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.

A bad deal is worse than no deal in my opinion.

No deal isn't an option here so no...that's not the case this time.

Too big too fail huh? When you ignore options, you often make a poor choice.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.

What part of increasing the tax by $300 late in the game is fantasy Urkie? How is that negoiating? What type of kook thinks you have to say yes to the President, because he called a meeting?
A bad deal is worse than no deal in my opinion.

No deal isn't an option here so no...that's not the case this time.

Too big too fail huh? When you ignore options, you often make a poor choice.

Yeah, it is too big to fail. Do you know why? Because we're talking about the entire country here. If a deal doesn't get done then it will be bad for the country as a whole and for what reason? There is no political gain from a default.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.

Ok. The President wanted to "negotiate" a brand new point which had not been part of any prior negotiations. Of COURSE Speaker Boehner said "no."

It's called "negotiating in good faith." Somebody oughta teach that trick to this ridiculously inept, simple-minded President.
What part of increasing the tax by $300 late in the game is fantasy Urkie? How is that negoiating? What type of kook thinks you have to say yes to the President, because he called a meeting?

Obama brought the idea to the table (kind of like they do at most negotiations) and expected Boehner to be reasonable. Right then and there Boehner could have demanded more cuts in spending. Instead he chose the easy path and said no.
Welcome To BoehnerLand
"Where Honesty Is Never A Requirement!"

Clinton left no balanced budget Clinton also left us the road to 9/11 bosnia ring a bell?


So what will oibama leave the next president in 2012?
14 plus trillion. Right now a trillion would sound like a winner to me.

It rings a bell with me, I was one of the troops he sent there.

Actually bush left $11 trillion

here, I don't see your link either, but thats an old story, it appears you don't post answers to Q's, you just ask them then obfuscate.

Date Dollar Amount
09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
Ok. The President wanted to "negotiate" a brand new point which had not been part of any prior negotiations. Of COURSE Speaker Boehner said "no."

It's called "negotiating in good faith." Somebody oughta teach that trick to this ridiculously inept, simple-minded President.

OMG he brought a new idea to the table. That's what the meeting was "negotiate."
By the way, NO DEAL is an improvement over this proposed bad deal.

Saying "NO" to the President under these circumstances is the ONLY responsible answer.

No it's not responsible. That's being a coward who refuses to negotiate.
What part of increasing the tax by $300 late in the game is fantasy Urkie? How is that negoiating? What type of kook thinks you have to say yes to the President, because he called a meeting?

Obama brought the idea to the table (kind of like they do at most negotiations) and expected Boehner to be reasonable. Right then and there Boehner could have demanded more cuts in spending. Instead he chose the easy path and said no.

So you admit Obama changed the offer to an even MORE difficult position. How is Boehner making his offer even more unacceptable to Democrats moving the discussion forward?
What part of increasing the tax by $300 late in the game is fantasy Urkie? How is that negoiating? What type of kook thinks you have to say yes to the President, because he called a meeting?

Obama brought the idea to the table (kind of like they do at most negotiations) and expected Boehner to be reasonable. Right then and there Boehner could have demanded more cuts in spending. Instead he chose the easy path and said no.

Wrong. What Speaker Boehner OUGHT to have done was said "No, Mr. President. No." And if the President persisted, then the Speaker OUGHT to have simply walked out.

Somebody needs to teach the President manners and something about good-faith negotiations.
Republicans demands for fiscal responsibility are not crweating a crisis. The crisis is already here. It was caused by years of spending money we didn't have. Blame it on who ever you want, but the onl;y way to prevent collapse is to rein in spending, A LOT!
You are not fiscally responsible if you are willing to default on your debts. Being willing to default in order to reduce your spending is real insanity, far worst than overspending.

And you are not fiscally responsible if you borrow more money to pay debt you are unable to manage.
If I'm behind in my mortgage, I don't take out a loan to buy a boat. I sell my big screen or pawn my ring. I do not take on more debt.

What's irresponsible is starting wars and not raising taxes to pay for them.

Our deficit/debt problems started around 1980. That's also when we stopped raising revenues to pay for our wars.

If Bush and the Republicans had paid for the Iraq and Afghan wars, we'd be about 2 trillion dollars away from the debt ceiling.
So you admit Obama changed the offer to an even MORE difficult position. How is Boehner making his offer even more unacceptable to Democrats moving the discussion forward?

It's easy...Boehner could have said, if you want to put 400 billion in revenues on the table, then lets make some additional spending cuts to balance the deal.

And you just admitted that the Democrats have compromised a ton with your statement.

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