Boehner walks away from debt talks

Ok. The President wanted to "negotiate" a brand new point which had not been part of any prior negotiations. Of COURSE Speaker Boehner said "no."

It's called "negotiating in good faith." Somebody oughta teach that trick to this ridiculously inept, simple-minded President.

OMG he brought a new idea to the table. That's what the meeting was "negotiate."

A new idea at the last minute is not "negotiating." It's sabotage. It is deliberate.

And you are an Obamessiah sycophant.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
Wrong. What Speaker Boehner OUGHT to have done was said "No, Mr. President. No." And if the President persisted, then the Speaker OUGHT to have simply walked out.

Somebody needs to teach the President manners and something about good-faith negotiations.

No he shouldn't just walk out. It makes him look like a fucking coward.
Wrong. What Speaker Boehner OUGHT to have done was said "No, Mr. President. No." And if the President persisted, then the Speaker OUGHT to have simply walked out.

Somebody needs to teach the President manners and something about good-faith negotiations.

No he shouldn't just walk out. It makes him look like a fucking coward.

Like when the President just walked out, right?


Walking out on bad faith negotiations being perpetrated by the "other side" is perfectly responsible.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

Bullshit. The GOP is not the minority for legislative purposes, stupid. They own the MAJORITY of 1/2 of the legislative side.

Nice attempt at spin, but totally baseless and thoroughly transparent.
Ok. The President wanted to "negotiate" a brand new point which had not been part of any prior negotiations. Of COURSE Speaker Boehner said "no."

It's called "negotiating in good faith." Somebody oughta teach that trick to this ridiculously inept, simple-minded President.

OMG he brought a new idea to the table. That's what the meeting was "negotiate."

A new idea at the last minute is not "negotiating." It's sabotage. It is deliberate.

And you are an Obamessiah sycophant.

It's deliberate and

In what world is bring ideas to the negotiation table sabatoge...
OMG he brought a new idea to the table. That's what the meeting was "negotiate."

A new idea at the last minute is not "negotiating." It's sabotage. It is deliberate.

And you are an Obamessiah sycophant.

It's deliberate and

In what world is bring ideas to the negotiation table sabatoge...

In the world where that bullshit is ATTEMPTED at the END of the "negotiations," of course.

You know: The REAL world, sycophantic one.
By the way, NO DEAL is an improvement over this proposed bad deal.

Saying "NO" to the President under these circumstances is the ONLY responsible answer.

No it's not responsible. That's being a coward who refuses to negotiate.

I sell cars for a living among other things. I have never negoiated a car sale by telling a customer I'd take $5,000 for a car which they rejected, and then counter with wanting $8,000.
Republicans demands for fiscal responsibility are not crweating a crisis. The crisis is already here. It was caused by years of spending money we didn't have. Blame it on who ever you want, but the onl;y way to prevent collapse is to rein in spending, A LOT!
You are not fiscally responsible if you are willing to default on your debts. Being willing to default in order to reduce your spending is real insanity, far worst than overspending.

But are you fiscally responsible if you get a loan to get out of trouble and keep spending like a drunken sailor?
Neither party is fiscally responsible. We have known that for years. However, if the Republican plan fails and the government defaults on it's obligations, the voters will hold the Republicans responsible.
Nope, they actually passed a plan to raise the debt ceiling, Democrats rejected it.

You can try to spin why a balanced budget amendment, raising the debt ceiling and the rest of the offered plan was not fiscally responsible.
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Ok. The President wanted to "negotiate" a brand new point which had not been part of any prior negotiations. Of COURSE Speaker Boehner said "no."

It's called "negotiating in good faith." Somebody oughta teach that trick to this ridiculously inept, simple-minded President.

OMG he brought a new idea to the table. That's what the meeting was "negotiate."

A new idea at the last minute is not "negotiating." It's sabotage. It is deliberate.

And you are an Obamessiah sycophant.

Oh it is deliberate. The Tea baggers have found the answer to get a Black Man out of the WH. You hold the country hostage until you get rid of all the social programs for the poor. Rather than take Obama out with a fire arm, they think they can do it with the economy. But it is going to backfire.

This all started with the tax cuts for the rich that W dealed out before he started two wars. I hope Obama holds out and we do default. It will spell the end of the Republican Party. Never before in the history of this country has a political party held the country hostage like this. Grover Norquist is ruling the GOP.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

Bullshit. The GOP is not the minority for legislative purposes, stupid. They own the MAJORITY of 1/2 of the legislative side.

Nice attempt at spin, but totally baseless and thoroughly transparent.

I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.
Go ahead set a new bill from the Republicans aside or have Obama veto it. That makes Democrats the obstructionists and defaulters of record.
Evidently, the "negotiations" between the President and the "House" were on track for something like $3 trillion in cuts with no hike in taxes. See: Democrats in ‘volcanic’ mood -

This set-off the tax and spend liberals whom we laughingly call Democrats.

Since they were all "volcanic" and shit (see above link) over a proposal that would have entailed no increase in taxes, the President clearly caved-in to his own peeps.

Thus, he came back with the deal breaker at the last minute: "Say boys and girls. What do ya say to a 300 billion dollar tax hike?"

Naturally, THAT stupid and previously-rejected proposal was (as intended) a deal breaker, freeing the President to tell his faithful flock, "See? I didn't sell your desires down the river!" And it enabled him (however dishonest it is) to proclaim that it was the other side that screwed the pooch on the deal. Oh, poor boo boo. They "left him at the altar" again. :eusa_liar:

The inept guy we call the President is not only playing chicken and other games, he seems incapable of appreciating the true gravity of this situation.

He's a dick. The liberals should be utterly ashamed of themselves for ever voting that dope into office.
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The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

Bullshit. The GOP is not the minority for legislative purposes, stupid. They own the MAJORITY of 1/2 of the legislative side.

Nice attempt at spin, but totally baseless and thoroughly transparent.

I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.

The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.
Think about an impending train wreck.

Were you granted the ability to shift it into slow motion and, were you granted the ability to intervene and prevent the crash, would you?

I don't believe I would. Of course, having worked in what used to be "news" I'd find it unprofessional to prevent a good story. Especially if I were packing a camera.

When adults act like children, I just can't help but shake my head.

Ironically (or maybe not), conservatives seem to enjoy childish behavior in their reps and their favorite AM talk radio hosts since so many conservatives always seem to cheer when one of them has a public tantrum.

If these guys were kids (in terms of age and not just behavior) an adult would have no other choice than to give them a time out (or a spanking).

Why don't you so called "adults" pay your taxes? The TEA PARTY pays their taxes. See what I mean jellybean??

I'm not running GE.
Republicans laid out a good plan and Democrats shot it down. Now its the Democrats turn to put a plan out there. They got all weekend. Calling these sessions talks is a joke, they were window dressing for Obama and nothing substanial was offered by the Democrats or Obama. Obama is so out of touch with how to help the economy, he actually thinks raising taxes right now is a good idea. How is it that we need to raise taxes right now, but let spending cuts be phased in over the next 24 months?

Bottom line...Obama MUST get the republicans to agree to a tax increase for purely political reasons. That stands even though in January proclaimed that a tax increase would cause the loss of over one million jobs. SO why is a tax increase so important now? Obama knows his political base is eroding. He knows the far left wing of the democrat party is already incensed over ANY spending cuts.
This tax increase will raise just $400 billion. The federal government can spend that in a month.
No, that's not how negotiations work. You don't just walk out, especially when there's no time left and the stakes are so high.

Wrong, as usual. You often do walk out.

Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.
Last week, Obama walked out of a meeting. Where is your indignation over that temper tantrum?

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