Boehner walks away from debt talks

No, that's not how negotiations work. You don't just walk out, especially when there's no time left and the stakes are so high.

Wrong, as usual. You often do walk out.

Okay smart ass...yeah one side does walk out from time to time but walking out this late on something so big is not the right thing to do. I know I'm not alone when I say they should sit down and negotiate a deal. That's what everybody wants right now.

Yeah, I'm positively certain that you and every other tic on the ass of society wants the Republicans to cave to Obama's demands for higher taxes and empty promises to cut the budget 10 years from now.

Intelligent people are falling for that swindle.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.
Negotiate? You call trying ram a tax increase down the throats of the people across the table a negotiation?
Obama's idea of compromise is "you'll give me what I want or I will tell the press every five minutes that your side won't negotiate".
All Obama has to do is dump the tax increase and this is a done deal.
The tax hike is a non-starter. Obama's enormous ego and his need to please his base will not allow that.
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.

Wrong. Obama doesn't want to negotiate. He wants to make demands and have Republicans cave into them. Obama hasn't conceded a thing. He has offered nothing but purely imaginary cuts.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

you're a mealy mouthed double talking tool, really... ..:lol:
You know some pretty unbelievable stuff Urkie. I know Obama threw $300B MORE in tax increases on the table yesterday.

And you are the one who is living in some fantasy land. Obama wanted to negotiate the deal and Boehner said no.

not quite, liability and save liberty are by and large correct. they say in the aricle below that there was a deal, then, he Obama, dropped another 400 billion in tax revenue on the table, he may have said he was willing to negotiate but if they had deal minus the 400 billion why bother?

BECAUSE; obama thinks hes winning and is pushing the reps into another corner by air droppiin more demands.....

you have to drop down to the bottom half of the pager, but, its right here, AND we are still waiting on the notes Obama said he would release from the meeting.......

here; snip-

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable.
They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

that bolded portion I emphasized in the smoking gun, obama reneged and asked for more.....
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
That's political. Proving that those of you on the Left are concerned only with political expedience.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?

a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home
Wrong. What Speaker Boehner OUGHT to have done was said "No, Mr. President. No." And if the President persisted, then the Speaker OUGHT to have simply walked out.

Somebody needs to teach the President manners and something about good-faith negotiations.

No he shouldn't just walk out. It makes him look like a fucking coward.
That is an opinion. Not fact. You are reminded to state your comment as an opinion.
It most certainly does not make someone look like a coward when he walks out on negotiations with somebody who is acting in Bad Faith.

Good for Boehner. He's The Adult.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

you're a mealy mouthed double talking tool, really... ..:lol:

Learn to read.
Bullshit. The GOP is not the minority for legislative purposes, stupid. They own the MAJORITY of 1/2 of the legislative side.

Nice attempt at spin, but totally baseless and thoroughly transparent.

I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.

The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.

Nothing you said refutes what I said.

Try again.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
There are two bodies that make up the legislative branch of the federal government. One is democrat majority. The other republican majority.
Now, you are straight.
However, for a moment, we can use your claim. If the democrats are the majority, why is it they cannot get anything done?
Same question goes to recent years when the democrats had a super majority in the House and a de facto majority in the Senate. Why is it the democrats could not get anything done?
BTW, where you people on the left got the idea Obama was negotiating is a mystery.
Here's why the GOP should not compromise: the spending binge was driven by the Dems without GOP support over the past 2+ years. The Dems already got their spending...and we can see the result.

Now, it's time to roll it back.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
There are two bodies that make up the legislative branch of the federal government. One is democrat majority. The other republican majority.
Now, you are straight.
However, for a moment, we can use your claim. If the democrats are the majority, why is it they cannot get anything done?
Same question goes to recent years when the democrats had a super majority in the House and a de facto majority in the Senate. Why is it the democrats could not get anything done?
BTW, where you people on the left got the idea Obama was negotiating is a mystery.

Why couldn't/wouldn't the Dems pass a budget when they controlled the White House and both houses of Congress for two years?
so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?

a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.
Actually, they have every right to stake out their deal points, and set limits for deal breakers.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
There are two bodies that make up the legislative branch of the federal government. One is democrat majority. The other republican majority.
Now, you are straight.
However, for a moment, we can use your claim. If the democrats are the majority, why is it they cannot get anything done?
Same question goes to recent years when the democrats had a super majority in the House and a de facto majority in the Senate. Why is it the democrats could not get anything done?
BTW, where you people on the left got the idea Obama was negotiating is a mystery.

So the President can't veto legislation?? lol, good one.

No one has yet to make a coherent case why the Republicans can justify a no-compromise stance.

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