Boehner walks away from debt talks

He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?

a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

People like Trajan are proving MY point. The GOP stance is that there is no such thing as compromise, that there is no such thing as middle ground.

Their stance is that only 2 positions exist, total victory or total defeat.

They are irrational ignorant extremists.
He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?

a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...
Who said anything about race? Oh you did, didn't you.

How fucking dumb are you? USArmyRetired said something about race,can't you read?

I went back 12 pages or so and all I found was this:
"The entitlements that need to be cut is welfare and SSI checks for minorities"
This is a logical partial solution, though I wish he hadn't used the word "minorities".
You see fit to expand that to the US Armed Forces after 10 or 12 pages? The race card is your play, boy.
I really don't much give a shit what color a porch monkey is. We need to get people off the porch and off to work. Raising taxes so we can pay them to sit on their asses isn't the way to create jobs.

Who are the minorities in this country? You complain about the race card but you call black men "boy". You looked 12 pages for something right in front of you? you are one dumb fuck.
When adults act like children, I just can't help but shake my head.

Ironically (or maybe not), conservatives seem to enjoy childish behavior in their reps and their favorite AM talk radio hosts since so many conservatives always seem to cheer when one of them has a public tantrum.

If these guys were kids (in terms of age and not just behavior) an adult would have no other choice than to give them a time out (or a spanking).

Why don't you so called "adults" pay your taxes? The TEA PARTY pays their taxes. See what I mean jellybean??

I'm not running GE.

Which explains why they made a profit.
Actually, they have every right to stake out their deal points, and set limits for deal breakers.

Yeah, that's negotiation 101. Doesn't mean what they set as "deal breakers" is reasonable. And again, if they're deal points don't include any kind of compromise when they're only in control of one part of the gov't, they're not looking all that reasonable...or rational.
Here's why the GOP should not compromise: the spending binge was driven by the Dems without GOP support over the past 2+ years. The Dems already got their spending...and we can see the result.

Now, it's time to roll it back.

The Reagan, Bush, and Bush Jr. years of not paying for the wars with tax revenue is why we hit the debt ceiling when we did and the main reason we have a debt problem in the first place.

The Democratic spending of the last 2 years that is not related to either Bush policies, tax cuts, or the economy is about half a trillion dollars of stimulus,

and that is pretty much over.
Bullshit. The GOP is not the minority for legislative purposes, stupid. They own the MAJORITY of 1/2 of the legislative side.

Nice attempt at spin, but totally baseless and thoroughly transparent.

I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.

The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.
What % of GDP is comprised of defense outlays? How has that changed since the 1960s?
a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...

I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.

The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.

Nothing you said refutes what I said.

Try again.

No need to try again. In fact, I did refute your bullshit despite your dishonest claim that I hadn't.

Why don't YOU try to be honest and accurate for a first time -- possibly ever in your life?

The GOP side of the LEGISLATION being proposed and haggled over is HALF (not a minority) of the equation.

The President STILL isn't part of the legislative Branch, you dolt. He may want to be, and you may wish that he was, but it still isn't so.

Thank God.
I can't believe you don't know how a bill becomes law. Although why should I be surprised at any new manifestation of your comical ignorance at this point?

A bill must pass the House, the Senate, and be signed by the President to become law. (We can set aside the veto override, for god's sake, since a. it's not relevant here and b. I don't want to make this any more complicated than I have to, given your mental capacity).

The Republicans have a majority in the House, a MINORITY in the Senate, and a DEMOCRAT is President.

If you have it in you to show me how that adds up to any expectation by the Republicans that a 100% no-compromise GOP debt ceiling/budget agenda should become LAW,

by all means make that case.

I'll be happy to debate you on that.

The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.

Nothing you said refutes what I said.

Try again.
Yours is a typical response from someone who just got schooled.
so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

He didn't say that at all. Are there any other positions that you want to make up for him or is this it?

a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home

Why shouldn't the GOP meet the Democrats halfway on revenues? Specifically, in the context of negotiations between two sides that are effectively equal in status.
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.
There are two bodies that make up the legislative branch of the federal government. One is democrat majority. The other republican majority.
Now, you are straight.
However, for a moment, we can use your claim. If the democrats are the majority, why is it they cannot get anything done?
Same question goes to recent years when the democrats had a super majority in the House and a de facto majority in the Senate. Why is it the democrats could not get anything done?
BTW, where you people on the left got the idea Obama was negotiating is a mystery.

So the President can't veto legislation?? lol, good one.

No one has yet to make a coherent case why the Republicans can justify a no-compromise stance.

Wrong AGAIN. Compromise is improper when it entails risking the breakdown the very thing one is seeking to repair.

Your assessment (especially YOUR laughable assessment) to the contrary is of no value.
The LEGISLATIVE side of that equation, you mentally defective ignoramous, consists of CONGRESS. Since you clearly can't keep up, here's a study guide for you:

Congress (the LEGISLATIVE Branch) consists of a House of Representatives and the Senate.

Currently, you D student you, the Senate is controlled (majority wise) by the Democrat Parody.

Currently (you dishonest tool) the House of Representatives has a pretty solid REPUBLICAN majority.

Thus, the Republicans are absolutely NOT the "minority for legislative purposes" as YOU ignorantly and incorrectly maintained. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And, by the way, to the silly extent that you want to make the Executive Branch part of the Legislative branch because the President can sign a bill into law or veto it, your tawdry cheap-ass dishonest effort is rejected.

He can only veto a bill which has been passed in the first place, you ignorant buffoon. He has NO official say on whether or not that happens, ESPECIALLY where one of the two houses is not under the control of his Party.

Step up when you feel like another lesson in remedial basic American governance, you dolt.

Nothing you said refutes what I said.

Try again.
Yours is a typical response from someone who just got schooled.

The Republicans don't control either the Senate or the Presidency. No bill is going to pass without the Senate and the President behind it, therefore,

the Republicans are in the minority. They control one leg of the stool. The Democrats control two.

That has not been refuted.
Then if we default, it's clearly the Democrats fault. Thanks for clearing that up!
The GOP is in the MINORITY, for legislative purposes, and they are taking a 100% our way or no way stand in these negotiations.

That's insane. If this crisis does blow up, the American people aren't stupid enough not to see who caused it.

so you are claiming in essence; if the opposition party, to the pres. has only one side of the congress they should stfu and just knuckle under?

I now, majorities count?

you're a mealy mouthed double talking tool, really... ..:lol:

Learn to read.

uh huh. :lol:
Actually, they have every right to stake out their deal points, and set limits for deal breakers.

Why should anything more than 50% of the concessions be by the Democrats?

Because for the past 2+ years they have rammed through enormous spending increases against the will of the American people.

Sheer idiocy, dishonest, and irrelevant. As well as being a non-sequitur.

As everyone can see, there is NO case any conservative here can make to defend the GOP's no-compromise stand.

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