Boehner walks away from debt talks

Why should anything more than 50% of the concessions be by the Democrats?

Because for the past 2+ years they have rammed through enormous spending increases against the will of the American people.

Sheer idiocy, dishonest, and irrelevant. As well as being a non-sequitur.

As everyone can see, there is NO case any conservative here can make to defend the GOP's no-compromise stand.


We're in this situation because ever since Obama was inaugurated, the Dems have engaged on the Mother of All Spending Binges without bipartisan support.

They already got Their Side Of A Compromise via dirty politics.
Actually, they have every right to stake out their deal points, and set limits for deal breakers.

Why should anything more than 50% of the concessions be by the Democrats?

Because the Democratics, you moron, are stuck on stupid.

We GOT into this dangerous mess, this impending disaster, by consistently agreeing to spend vastly more than we take in. Spending the Treasury funds is nothing less than a damn addiction to these Congressmen and women. We cannot afford this anymore. Our debt IS dangerous and MUST be immediately fixed.

But that's not what the Democrat way of "negotiating" seeks. Instead of seeking spending cuts that amount to something, the present crap -- errr-- crop of Democratics want to increase the debt limit (i.e., they want to be in the position to still SPEND) and they want to RAISE taxes (i.e., they want to be in the position to still SPEND). In short, they are acting exactly like addicts; the VERY behavior that got us into the mess, and THAT'S their notion of working to fix the problem. :cuckoo:

Since they are clearly nuts, there is no "compromise" available.

They must bend to the will of the responsible party. They MUST go cold turkey.

Poor addicts. Withdrawal hurts. Go have a nice puke. Sweat it out. Too bad. Poor boo boo. Tough. Suck it.

If it's a really really BAD idea to give heroin to an addict going through withdrawals (and it is) then it's JUST as bad and possibly even more dangerous to permit these ass clowns ANY further ability to SPEND.

Break the damn addiction.

But "compromise?" No. Not a good idea. A very BAD idea, in fact.
A compromise here means Americans lose for sure. Higher taxes, more debt and a longer jobs recovery.
Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...


It puts the GOP in a better position than you let on...

Besides your claim the GOP is taking a "give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing" stance is totally wrong....the House passed the CCB bill which allowed for raising the debt limit 2.4 trillion...why didn't that satisfy BO...?

The CCB would probably have passed the Senate if given time to discuss....but ole Harry Reid used a technicality to table it with no deliberation by the supposedly most deliberative body in the universe....
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a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

People like Trajan are proving MY point. The GOP stance is that there is no such thing as compromise, that there is no such thing as middle ground.

Their stance is that only 2 positions exist, total victory or total defeat.

They are irrational ignorant extremists.

for all intents and purposes there are only 2 sides, just becasue obama has to sign of on something doesn't mean he or the senate 'outnumber ' the other party for the purposes of a deal as if that alone should count for something.

back to reality- whats clear is if the house is supposedly the big issue? Thats what we have been told.... why then did Obama bfreak the deal?

Oh, becasue he heard the senate got more? Well, he backed out by adding more demands to boehner.....and what happened?
The GOP has put forward several detailed plans and proposals.

Where is Obama's? Let's see the details out in the open, not hidden in some back room Tick Tock stunt.
Yes - go look up a vid of his presser yesterday.

It wasn't pretty.
Because for the past 2+ years they have rammed through enormous spending increases against the will of the American people.

Sheer idiocy, dishonest, and irrelevant. As well as being a non-sequitur.

As everyone can see, there is NO case any conservative here can make to defend the GOP's no-compromise stand.


We're in this situation because ever since Obama was inaugurated, the Dems have engaged on the Mother of All Spending Binges without bipartisan support.

They already got Their Side Of A Compromise via dirty politics.

Bipartisan support. That you even typed that makes you the joke of the day, granny.
you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...


It puts the GOP in a better position than you let on...

Besides your claim the GOP is taking a "give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing" stance is totally wrong....the House passed the CCB bill which allowed for raising the debt limit 2.4 trillion...why didn't that satisfy BO...?

The CCB would probably have passed the Senate if given time to discuss....they were only 3 votes short.....but ole Harry Reid used a technicality to ram it through with no deliberation by the supposedly most deliberative body in the universe....

I wonder what the excuse was? So they could get a different bill intorduced by House Democrats right away? In the end Congress will have to pass a bill without reading it. We will have to pass it in order to understand it.
NYC is a moron.

But that has long been common knowledge.

It puts the GOP in a better position than you let on...

Besides your claim the GOP is taking a "give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing" stance is totally wrong....the House passed the CCB bill which allowed for raising the debt limit 2.4 trillion...why didn't that satisfy BO...?

The CCB would probably have passed the Senate if given time to discuss....they were only 3 votes short.....but ole Harry Reid used a technicality to ram it through with no deliberation by the supposedly most deliberative body in the universe....

I wonder what the excuse was? So they could get a different bill intorduced by House Democrats right away? In the end Congress will have to pass a bill without reading it. We will have to pass it in order to understand it.

They're just waiting to come up with their estimate for how many jobs it will Save or Create.

This issue is pretty simple. Obama pretty much tells congress: "do as I instruct the Senate to do or I will tell my voting base of loyal drones its all republicans fault, at least they do as I tell them."

Anda, anda, anda, anda I'm going to veto any House bill passed by Senate if it hits my desk.

Thats pretty much our transparent asshat of a president.

Obama is an activist community organizer - not a president.

Hes negotiating like a union delegate - NOT a president.

Besides, its not even his fucking position to be "negotiating" - thats the job of congress, however our progressive Senate jumps when Obamafuck says how high.
Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

People like Trajan are proving MY point. The GOP stance is that there is no such thing as compromise, that there is no such thing as middle ground.

Their stance is that only 2 positions exist, total victory or total defeat.

They are irrational ignorant extremists.

for all intents and purposes there are only 2 sides, just becasue obama has to sign of on something doesn't mean he or the senate 'outnumber ' the other party for the purposes of a deal as if that alone should count for something.

back to reality- whats clear is if the house is supposedly the big issue? Thats what we have been told.... why then did Obama bfreak the deal?

Oh, becasue he heard the senate got more? Well, he backed out by adding more demands to boehner.....and what happened?

The president can veto a bill that passes the House AND Senate. The Senate can reject a bill that passes the House.

All the House can do is block a bill that the Senate and/or the President wants.

I guess when you guys were zealously defending 41% of the Senate blocking everything in sight,

you had a very very very different attitude. Wonder why that is?
Breaking News:

WashingtonPost via twitter

Boener Gives Obama New Deadline: 2 P.M. EDT Sunday July 24 To Save Asian Markets!/susanferrechio/status/94851117451718656

In conference call with GOP members Speaker Boehner calls for a debt ceiling deal by 2 p.m. Sunday to avoid rattling Asian markets..... 30 minutes ago via web

The 2 pm time Boehner is aiming for on a deal is meant to get ahead of the markets opening in Asia at 4 pm eastern..... 6 minutes ago via web

Boehner said he would try to get members the details ahead of a public announcement. He said he is aiming for Cut Cap and Balance framwork .....4 minutes ago via web

Boehner warned in call Republican leverage "goes down" after Aug 2 if deal is not reached by then. Plus it would be a "disaster" for country.... 3 minutes ago via web
you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...


It puts the GOP in a better position than you let on...

Their control of the purse is not in dispute, but it's still just one part of Congress. If they want other things done, they still have to negotiate with the ohter House and the WH.

Besides your claim the GOP is taking a "give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing" stance is totally wrong....the House passed the CCB bill which allowed for raising the debt limit 2.4 trillion...why didn't that satisfy BO...?

This whole thing is about raising the debt limit and avoiding default. Did the CCB bill give anything in concessions besides that?

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