Boehner walks away from debt talks

A compromise here means Americans lose for sure. Higher taxes, more debt and a longer jobs recovery.

See, some extremists here aren't ashamed to admit as much. Where are the rest of you song and dancers?

Why won't the rest of you admit you'd rather see the country default and suffer the consequences than make ANY compromise?

Then if we default, it's clearly the Democrats fault. Thanks for clearing that up!

The Republicans have already refused to pass a clean debt limit increase bill, so it is wholly the GOP's fault if we default.

was that before or after the dems had to be wrestled to the ground, burning up 7 very valuable weeks to create a budget for this year, in THIS YEAR, becasue for the first time since 1974 they punted on doing their duty and creating one in 2010?
A compromise here means Americans lose for sure. Higher taxes, more debt and a longer jobs recovery.

See, some extremists here aren't ashamed to admit as much. Where are the rest of you song and dancers?

Why won't the rest of you admit you'd rather see the country default and suffer the consequences than make ANY compromise?


why did obama renege on the deal?
Breaking News:

WashingtonPost via twitter

Boener Gives Obama New Deadline: 2 P.M. EDT Sunday July 24 To Save Asian Markets!/susanferrechio/status/94851117451718656

In conference call with GOP members Speaker Boehner calls for a debt ceiling deal by 2 p.m. Sunday to avoid rattling Asian markets..... 30 minutes ago via web

The 2 pm time Boehner is aiming for on a deal is meant to get ahead of the markets opening in Asia at 4 pm eastern..... 6 minutes ago via web

Boehner said he would try to get members the details ahead of a public announcement. He said he is aiming for Cut Cap and Balance framwork .....4 minutes ago via web

Boehner warned in call Republican leverage "goes down" after Aug 2 if deal is not reached by then. Plus it would be a "disaster" for country.... 3 minutes ago via web

Boenher knows he has no leverage as noted by the bolded sentence.
He has a lot of leverage. Obama doesn't want to miss his August 3rd $38,500 per person fundraiser/birthday party.

How's it going to look if he stops SS checks from going out on the 2nd, and then takes Airforce One to fly to his party the next day?
Mitch McConnell is pissing in his pants right now.

The bat shit crazy Tea Party is about to wreck the Republicans chances in the 2012 election.
People like Trajan are proving MY point. The GOP stance is that there is no such thing as compromise, that there is no such thing as middle ground.

Their stance is that only 2 positions exist, total victory or total defeat.

They are irrational ignorant extremists.

for all intents and purposes there are only 2 sides, just becasue obama has to sign of on something doesn't mean he or the senate 'outnumber ' the other party for the purposes of a deal as if that alone should count for something.

back to reality- whats clear is if the house is supposedly the big issue? Thats what we have been told.... why then did Obama bfreak the deal?

Oh, becasue he heard the senate got more? Well, he backed out by adding more demands to boehner.....and what happened?

The president can veto a bill that passes the House AND Senate. The Senate can reject a bill that passes the House.

All the House can do is block a bill that the Senate and/or the President wants.

I guess when you guys were zealously defending 41% of the Senate blocking everything in sight,

you had a very very very different attitude. Wonder why that is?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.:blahblah:
How fucking dumb are you? USArmyRetired said something about race,can't you read?

I went back 12 pages or so and all I found was this:
"The entitlements that need to be cut is welfare and SSI checks for minorities"
This is a logical partial solution, though I wish he hadn't used the word "minorities".
You see fit to expand that to the US Armed Forces after 10 or 12 pages? The race card is your play, boy.
I really don't much give a shit what color a porch monkey is. We need to get people off the porch and off to work. Raising taxes so we can pay them to sit on their asses isn't the way to create jobs.

Who are the minorities in this country? You complain about the race card but you call black men "boy". You looked 12 pages for something right in front of you? you are one dumb fuck.
Congress consistently brings the Government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the Federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility – two things that set us apart from much of the world.

--- Ronald Reagan
Why can't SS checks be funded with the TRUST FUND in the LOCK BOX?
Nothing you said refutes what I said.

Try again.
Yours is a typical response from someone who just got schooled.

The Republicans don't control either the Senate or the Presidency. No bill is going to pass without the Senate and the President behind it, therefore,

the Republicans are in the minority. They control one leg of the stool. The Democrats control two.

That has not been refuted.
Newsflash. The Office of POTUS is the EXECUTIVE BRANCH.
Once again, since you insist on claiming the democrats have the majority, why is it they cannot get anything done?
Oh, they get stuff done by passing bills nobody has read and spending money without a budget.

And we can see where that has gotten the economy...
Why should anything more than 50% of the concessions be by the Democrats?

Because for the past 2+ years they have rammed through enormous spending increases against the will of the American people.

Sheer idiocy, dishonest, and irrelevant. As well as being a non-sequitur.

As everyone can see, there is NO case any conservative here can make to defend the GOP's no-compromise stand.
Ignorance is not a virtue.
read and weep democrats, you're guy screwed the pooch. own it.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt
Jul 23, 2011

At his news conference on Capitol Hill, Boehner said he had an agreement with the White House for $800 billion in revenue, but Obama added $400 billion at the last week. "The White House moved the goal posts," he said.

White House officials said the $400 billion was negotiable. They said those proposed tax change came from the bipartisan plan generated by the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six," meaning the ideas had garnered some Republican support.

Obama, GOP try to figure out way forward on debt - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.
Mitch McConnell is pissing in his pants right now.

The bat shit crazy Tea Party is about to wreck the Republicans chances in the 2012 election.

You apparently know nothing about the tea party, libertarian movement or real republicans.

The only asshat "republicans" that would dissent the tea party are authoritarian neo-cons and I wouldn't even call a neo-con a republican.

Your "democrats" have become Marxists and "republicans" are becoming libertarians, mostly in response to the democrat er Marxist authoritarianism you hold so dear to your hearts.

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