Boehner walks away from debt talks

Mitch McConnell is pissing in his pants right now.

The bat shit crazy Tea Party is about to wreck the Republicans chances in the 2012 election.

You apparently know nothing about the tea party, libertarian movement or real republicans.

The only asshat "republicans" that would dissent the tea party are authoritarian neo-cons and I wouldn't even call a neo-con a republican.

Your "democrats" have become Marxists and "republicans" are becoming libertarians, mostly in response to the democrat er Marxist authoritarianism you hold so dear to your hearts.


There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.

There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

Specious comparison.

Forcing someone to buy insurance just because he is alive is not the same as requiring insurance in order to license a vehicle for operation on public roads.

One has the option of not having a car without penalty. In the case of ObamaCare, one is fined if one doesn't buy health insurance.

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.

What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.
A compromise here means Americans lose for sure. Higher taxes, more debt and a longer jobs recovery.

See, some extremists here aren't ashamed to admit as much. Where are the rest of you song and dancers?

Why won't the rest of you admit you'd rather see the country default and suffer the consequences than make ANY compromise?

Let's get this straight. All that needs to be done is this: Obama pulls the tax increase off the table and the deal gets done.
BTW, the nation will not default. Keeping the debt ceiling at the current level will render the federal government's ability to borrow nil.
The country will not shut down. Of course panicky financial markets will run for the hills.
The very same people you Lefties hate with a passion( Wall Street traders) will take it in the shorts.......Oh, but wait....You people have 401k's and mutual funds as well. Uh oh....Suddenly you are concerned about the health of the Markets....
It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

Specious comparison.

Forcing someone to buy insurance just because he is alive is not the same as requiring insurance in order to license a vehicle for operation on public roads.

One has the option of not having a car without penalty. In the case of ObamaCare, one is fined if one doesn't buy health insurance.

Actually it's exactly the same.

By the way, do you own a car?

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.

What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.

What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

Socialism is pretty danged close to a plutocracy. The only difference is that in Socialism, the small controlling elite own other people via the state apparatus.
No it's not.

And by the way Reagan and Bush's deficit spending was a tax increase.

Reagans was needed to outspend the Soviets on defense and bring them to their knees. He succeeded.

No, actually the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight.

But if that the right wing fantasy keeps you warm at night, so be it.

You really are an Historically Illiterate Moron.

Why do you think the USSR put on "the weight"?

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.

What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

SAME old unproved bogus CLAIM. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Back that bullshit up.

400 people most certainly do NOT control half the nation's wealth.

Your rhetoric isn't just stale, it's false.
What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

SAME old unproved bogus CLAIM. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Back that bullshit up.

400 people most certainly do NOT control half the nation's wealth.

Your rhetoric isn't just stale, it's false.

Thanks for making it easy for me.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Michael Moore says 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined
What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

Socialism is pretty danged close to a plutocracy. The only difference is that in Socialism, the small controlling elite own other people via the state apparatus.

No, actually they are the exact opposite.
Reagans was needed to outspend the Soviets on defense and bring them to their knees. He succeeded.

No, actually the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight.

But if that the right wing fantasy keeps you warm at night, so be it.

You really are an Historically Illiterate Moron.

Why do you think the USSR put on "the weight"?

Mikhail Gorbachev was more responsible for the American victory in the Cold War than President Ronald Reagan, according to CIA intelligence documents made public Thursday.

It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest.

Gorbachev's Failures With Economy Ended Cold War, Cia Reports Show - Chicago Tribune
I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.

SAME old unproved bogus CLAIM. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Back that bullshit up.

400 people most certainly do NOT control half the nation's wealth.

Your rhetoric isn't just stale, it's false.

Thanks for making it easy for me.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Michael Moore says 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined

BEFORE I open that "link," does it REALLY rely on what fucking Michael Moore claims?

Oh brother.

This oughta be good.
No, actually the Soviet Union collapsed of its own weight.

But if that the right wing fantasy keeps you warm at night, so be it.

You really are an Historically Illiterate Moron.

Why do you think the USSR put on "the weight"?

Mikhail Gorbachev was more responsible for the American victory in the Cold War than President Ronald Reagan, according to CIA intelligence documents made public Thursday.

It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest.

Gorbachev's Failures With Economy Ended Cold War, Cia Reports Show - Chicago Tribune

You don't grok WHY they had economic problems in the first place.

Massive allocations of resources to the military didn't help the USSR economy.

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