Boehner walks away from debt talks

You really are an Historically Illiterate Moron.

Why do you think the USSR put on "the weight"?

Mikhail Gorbachev was more responsible for the American victory in the Cold War than President Ronald Reagan, according to CIA intelligence documents made public Thursday.

It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest.

Gorbachev's Failures With Economy Ended Cold War, Cia Reports Show - Chicago Tribune

You don't grok WHY they had economic problems in the first place.

Massive allocations of resources to the military didn't help the USSR economy.

True, but that's now what brought them down.

Their system just did not work, and it would have come down anyway.

But bravo to Reagan for making that speech at the Berlin Wall.
Why do you want the U.S. to follow their example if it cratered their economy?
You really are an Historically Illiterate Moron.

Why do you think the USSR put on "the weight"?

Mikhail Gorbachev was more responsible for the American victory in the Cold War than President Ronald Reagan, according to CIA intelligence documents made public Thursday.

It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest.

Gorbachev's Failures With Economy Ended Cold War, Cia Reports Show - Chicago Tribune

You don't grok WHY they had economic problems in the first place.

Massive allocations of resources to the military didn't help the USSR economy.

Why didn't we pay for the escalation of the Cold War under Reagan?

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam.

When did the idea of paying for wars become a bad idea in the minds of Republicans and Conservatives?
Raising taxes is not an effective way to raise more tax revenue. A growing economy with a broader tax base raises more revenue.
It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

Specious comparison.

Forcing someone to buy insurance just because he is alive is not the same as requiring insurance in order to license a vehicle for operation on public roads.

One has the option of not having a car without penalty. In the case of ObamaCare, one is fined if one doesn't buy health insurance.

The Republican budget, aka the Ryan budget, forces seniors to buy health insurance from private companies.
The President agrees to reductions in SS & Medicare, something Bush couldn't get done in 2005. Something he referred to as "his greatest failure."

Fast forward 6 yrs- Obama GIVES the right something that up until now, they could only dream of. He agrees in spite of the fact his own supporters are so angry 50,000 people have signed a petition saying they won't support his reelection campaign if he does.

It's apparent that a leader who is ready to eviscerate one of the core principles of his own party, despite the great dissent among his supporters, is doing so in hopes of averting economic disaster for our country. It is also apparent to anyone who is intellectually honest that the GOPT has been negotiating in bad faith all along.
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Raising taxes is not an effective way to raise more tax revenue. A growing economy with a broader tax base raises more revenue.


So you're claiming it was a mistake to raise taxes to pay for almost all of our wars before 1980,

and things are better now fiscally because we didn't pay for the last 4 wars?

I am doing a little digging of my own, but I gotta tell ya, that figure (despite the "true" verdict from PolitiFact) still seems fucking ridiculously shaky to me.

And your use of the word "plutocracy" is also misleading as hell.

It would be one thing if they had their wealth and refused to do anything with it for society. But most of them employ hundreds and thousands of their fellow Americans as well as making large philanthropic donations regularly.

I see no evidence that they "rule" America or even seek to do so. Influence? Yes. No doubt. I'm ok with that; although I'd bet you dollars to donuts that YOU object.
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Why can't SS checks be funded with the TRUST FUND in the LOCK BOX?

The trust fund is invested in US treasuries - the safest investment on the planet.

See, this is the problem, the Right in America wants to end that safety. The Right in America is willing to see US credit downgraded if the Right can't impose its minority views on all of America.
It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest

So when Reagan increased our military spending to bankrupt them, it only worked because they couldn't handle it and went bankrupt, it had nothing to do with that Reagan increased military spending to drive them bankrupt.

Every day you are a new educational experience, Chris...
a) you do understand what a declarative statement is? OR isn't
b) be that as it may, "erik", in any event, its seems pretty clear cut to me, I suggest some reading comprehension let me help you with that;

Sorry, but you you and others on here don't seem to want to address this one simple point: The GOP has a majority in the House, but that's it. As a result, they are in NO position to take this give-us-all-we-want-and-we-give-nothing stance they seem to be taking.

you seem to forget that all revenue legislation must originate in the House...

Kind of knocks the air out of all the pissing and moaning about the president not putting up a plan. lol
Why can't SS checks be funded with the TRUST FUND in the LOCK BOX?

The trust fund is invested in US treasuries - the safest investment on the planet.

See, this is the problem, the Right in America wants to end that safety. The Right in America is willing to see US credit downgraded if the Right can't impose its minority views on all of America.

When you give your children the treasury notes in the "trust fund," in the other hand you are giving them the bills to pay for the treasury notes in the trust fund. You are giving them nothing, there is no lock box, no trust fund, your kids will be paying you welfare because you were too irresponsible to actually save for your own retirement.
It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest

So when Reagan increased our military spending to bankrupt them, it only worked because they couldn't handle it and went bankrupt, it had nothing to do with that Reagan increased military spending to drive them bankrupt.

Every day you are a new educational experience, Chris...

Now it's bankrupting us. What was the point of borrowing hundreds of billions to escalate the Cold War? What did we gain? We're still spending ourselves into oblivion on defense, the Russians still have a few thousand missiles ready to fire at us, we got lunatics all over the country wanting to further bankrupt us with missile defense systems, we're spending billions maintaining troops and material in Cold War defensive postures in places like Europe and Korea...

...pardon the expression, but, what the fuck did we WIN???????

(btw, that's not a rhetorical question. IOW, it merits an answer.)
Why can't SS checks be funded with the TRUST FUND in the LOCK BOX?

The trust fund is invested in US treasuries - the safest investment on the planet.

See, this is the problem, the Right in America wants to end that safety. The Right in America is willing to see US credit downgraded if the Right can't impose its minority views on all of America.

When you give your children the treasury notes in the "trust fund," in the other hand you are giving them the bills to pay for the treasury notes in the trust fund. You are giving them nothing, there is no lock box, no trust fund, your kids will be paying you welfare because you were too irresponsible to actually save for your own retirement.

I've paid my payroll tax for XX years. The US government borrowed my payroll taxes. I get interest AND I get my principal back if need be.

Your description is daft.
Then if we default, it's clearly the Democrats fault. Thanks for clearing that up!

The Republicans have already refused to pass a clean debt limit increase bill, so it is wholly the GOP's fault if we default.

What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?
Of course.

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