Boehner walks away from debt talks

The Republicans have already refused to pass a clean debt limit increase bill, so it is wholly the GOP's fault if we default.

What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

That vote was taken more than two months ago. OLD news, dude!
The Republicans have already refused to pass a clean debt limit increase bill, so it is wholly the GOP's fault if we default.

What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

TOTALLY DISHONEST as only a liberal of Carby's "stature" can do dishonesty.

Blaming the GOP for saying "no" to a raise in the debt limit is like blaming the credit card company for refusing to raise YOUR credit limit when your debts outstrip your income.

In REALITY (a word libs don't all care for very much) the ACTUAL blame, under such circumstances, lies with YOU for failing to control your own irresponsible ... what's that word? ... SPENDING!

There are no Maxists in America.

And asking everyone to buy health insurance from for profit corporations is not socialist.

I really am embarrassed for you talking such silliness.

It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

You libtards need to stop using the car insurence as an argument.

According to some state governments that require it, call it finical responsibility. The government does not require you to have collision if you have an accident, you are required to have Liability in case you are the one who has been found at fault.
\Plus car insurance is not forced on those who do not have a car.
The Republicans have already refused to pass a clean debt limit increase bill, so it is wholly the GOP's fault if we default.

What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

thats right, they did. Of course unless you believe that a plan with exactly zero cost cutting would have made moodys and the s&p feel all comfy?

and its all part of the plan my boy-

Why Democrats don't want to tie the debt ceiling to the tax cuts
By Ezra Klein
Posted at 4:06 PM ET, 12/ 9/2010

What's important to understand about the debt-ceiling vote -- where Democrats and Republicans will either strike a deal to increase the Treasury's borrowing cap or the country will collapse into default -- is that it's not like Democrats have simply forgotten about it. It's not that they haven't realized that they could tie it to the tax cuts, which Republicans want and which will add $900 billion to the debt. It's that they simply don't want to. “Let the Republicans have some buy-in on the debt. They’re going to have a majority in the House,” said Harry Reid. “I don’t think it should be when we have a heavily Democratic Senate, heavily Democratic House and a Democratic president.”

The theory goes something like this: Republicans will demand sharp spending cuts in return for lifting the debt ceiling. Let them. "Boehner et al have had the luxury of proposing all sorts of ideas that bear no relation to reality," says Jim Manley, Reid's spokesman. "Next year, they’ll have to lay it all out. No more magic asterisks, no more 'we’ll get back to you.’ "

In this telling, the debt ceiling vote represents a trap for Republicans more than an opportunity for Democrats. If Republicans want to cut spending, now's their chance. But that means passing a package of spending cuts, which they may find less enjoyable than simply saying that Democrats should stop spending so much. And if the American people aren't supportive of the Republicans’ spending cuts, the GOP will be caught defending an unpopular package as part of a political gambit that could lead to the bankruptcy of the United State of America.

more at

Ezra Klein - Why Democrats don't want to tie the debt ceiling to the tax cuts

Oh and from your link-

In a largely symbolic vote, the clean hike failed 318-97.

Read more: Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

I guess the Republicans are not the only ones who send "worthless" bills that don't have a chance of passing up for a vote eh? :lol:
The trust fund is invested in US treasuries - the safest investment on the planet.

See, this is the problem, the Right in America wants to end that safety. The Right in America is willing to see US credit downgraded if the Right can't impose its minority views on all of America.

When you give your children the treasury notes in the "trust fund," in the other hand you are giving them the bills to pay for the treasury notes in the trust fund. You are giving them nothing, there is no lock box, no trust fund, your kids will be paying you welfare because you were too irresponsible to actually save for your own retirement.

I've paid my payroll tax for XX years. The US government borrowed my payroll taxes. I get interest AND I get my principal back if need be.

Your description is daft.

unless you die at 65...or 67, then Tom, Tino Mangesh or carlo gets it, your wife or 'other' doesn't the gov. 'disappears' it...:lol:
It's not "asking" when it's forced with the threat of a fine. But you're correct that it's not socialist. It's fascist.


It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

You libtards need to stop using the car insurence as an argument.

According to some state governments that require it, call it finical responsibility. The government does not require you to have collision if you have an accident, you are required to have Liability in case you are the one who has been found at fault.
\Plus car insurance is not forced on those who do not have a car.

Nice try, but making people buy health insurance is just good policy, not facism.

It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

You libtards need to stop using the car insurence as an argument.

According to some state governments that require it, call it finical responsibility. The government does not require you to have collision if you have an accident, you are required to have Liability in case you are the one who has been found at fault.
\Plus car insurance is not forced on those who do not have a car.

Nice try, but making people buy health insurance is just good policy, not facism.

It doesn't fit their ideology so they reject it

Looks like the Teapublicans are operating under the "destroy the village to save it" tactic. :cuckoo: Nice going Teapublicans :clap2:

naah sounds to me like tobacco, obama is addicted to spending, hes ready to let it blow up over 400 billion?

He's either an incompetent boob, or willfully intent on destroying our country. Either way, he's gotta go.

I'm none too pleased w/ Cantor (R) either :( :lol:
naah sounds to me like tobacco, obama is addicted to spending, hes ready to let it blow up over 400 billion?

He's either an incompetent boob, or willfully intent on destroying our country. Either way, he's gotta go.

I'm none too pleased w/ Cantor (R) either :(

I can see why you'd have a problem with him.

He's smart, and he's right. Those go contrary to your political inclinations.

Obama got his debt-ceiling increase......and what does the Democrats do in the Senate?

Block it.

I guess the GOP called their bluff and they showed they didn't really want an increase in the debt-ceiling. They wanted tax increases.

What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

I find your post amusing.

400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

That's the OPPOSITE of socialism.

That's a plutocracy.

But thanks for playing.
Then move to a fucking socialist country and stop bugging this shit out of the producers.
What they want is a dictated economy and the only way to achieve that is to strong-arm people out of control of their money.

Thats why they're "progressives" they're slowly creating a their utopia - which is - Socialism.

Anyone who is educated in socialist philosophy and how the socialist regime achieves their goals can see this quite clearly....

This is not the first time it happened....

The only way socialists can achieve their goals in a democratic state without a coup is through progressive measures such as progressive tax increases as we have seen over the past 30 or so years.

You see, all those assclowns whom were teenagers and young adults and sympathetic to communism in the 60's and 70's are now running the show in the democratic party, whether they be democratically elected officials or appointed policy makers - they're there in government and other bureaucracies by attempting to create a socialist state.

How's that working out for you?
Obviously, you're not rich. Does it make you feel better that you vote to make it better for those 400, while you struggle to be in the middle class?
It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest

So when Reagan increased our military spending to bankrupt them, it only worked because they couldn't handle it and went bankrupt, it had nothing to do with that Reagan increased military spending to drive them bankrupt.

Every day you are a new educational experience, Chris...

Now it's bankrupting us. What was the point of borrowing hundreds of billions to escalate the Cold War? What did we gain? We're still spending ourselves into oblivion on defense, the Russians still have a few thousand missiles ready to fire at us, we got lunatics all over the country wanting to further bankrupt us with missile defense systems, we're spending billions maintaining troops and material in Cold War defensive postures in places like Europe and Korea...

...pardon the expression, but, what the fuck did we WIN???????

(btw, that's not a rhetorical question. IOW, it merits an answer.)
Stop deflecting.
You've been harping on defense spending and really, you're not in the thread.
Now, I will admit that we're wasting a whole heckofa lot of money having troops stationed in ungrateful nations. I say, bring them home and put then on our borders and in our seaports and airports.
If the rest of the world gets offended, tough shit.
It was Gorbachev's failure to solve his domestic economic and social problems--rather than the Soviet military's inability to keep up with Reagan-led U.S. military increases--that led most directly to the Soviet Union's collapse, the declassified intelligence reports suggest

So when Reagan increased our military spending to bankrupt them, it only worked because they couldn't handle it and went bankrupt, it had nothing to do with that Reagan increased military spending to drive them bankrupt.

Every day you are a new educational experience, Chris...

Now it's bankrupting us. What was the point of borrowing hundreds of billions to escalate the Cold War? What did we gain? We're still spending ourselves into oblivion on defense, the Russians still have a few thousand missiles ready to fire at us, we got lunatics all over the country wanting to further bankrupt us with missile defense systems, we're spending billions maintaining troops and material in Cold War defensive postures in places like Europe and Korea...

...pardon the expression, but, what the fuck did we WIN???????

(btw, that's not a rhetorical question. IOW, it merits an answer.)

The hearts and minds of a grateful nation sir! Yes sir!
Time is running out on Boehner.

If he can't control the idiots in the Tea Party, we are in trouble.
Time is running out on Boehner.

If he can't control the idiots in the Tea Party, we are in trouble.

It's too late, I'm thinking. He FINALLY gets how badly he fucked up, and it's too late. I hope his portfolio takes a Taco Bell-sized dump. Don't raise taxes? FINE! One way or another - karma works.

In a conference call after the meeting, Boehner told rank-and-file Republicans that he hoped to be able to announce a "viable framework for progress" by 4 p.m. today, before the stock markets open in Asia, according to two participants. Lawmakers fear a big drop in investor confidence in U.S. stocks and bonds could start in Asia and sweep toward Europe and the Americas, causing U.S. stock values to plunge Monday.

As clock ticks, sides aim for deal on debt | Detroit Free Press |

It's just good policy.

I guess making everyone buy car insurance is "fascist" too?

You libtards need to stop using the car insurence as an argument.

According to some state governments that require it, call it finical responsibility. The government does not require you to have collision if you have an accident, you are required to have Liability in case you are the one who has been found at fault.
\Plus car insurance is not forced on those who do not have a car.

Nice try, but making people buy health insurance is just good policy, not facism.

I think making people buy a gun and going through firearms training is a good thing. The requirement would be you couldn't buy any gun that was under 700.00 and you would have to a thousand dollars worth of ammo, montly traing, and you would have to Conceal carry. Now thats a good thing.
The Tea Party is wrecking this. Do they really want a default? Government will still run, but I'm more concerned about interest rates, banks, etc.

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