Boehner walks away from debt talks

Then perhaps the President should stop resisting cutting the budget now.

UM, he offered TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in cuts, including military, entitlements, etc.

Not what you're describing as "resisting cutting the budget", not at all !!

Looks like Boehner, the tan man, turned yellow !!!

Promising future cuts is giving nothing since no future Congress, and not even this congress, is bound to the current deal. Let's see some real immediate cuts right now. He wants the debt ceiling raised, he needs to compromise if he is going to get it.
He is compromising. I really don't think right wing morons like yourself know what the term "compromise" means.
Boehner is concerned, too. Unfortunately, he postured for at least three weeks too long, and now we are almost definitely going to be well and truly screwed.

All they have to do is give him a clean bill, right now, to raise the debt limit. Do all the other shit after the fact. But this? This is bullshit.
Your fear of the TEA party is showing.

Numbnuts? It's always a good idea to fear the deranged lunatic holding a gun.

Really please continue. Are you certified to exam people, to be able to determin their mental state of manid? To uphold the Constitution is not a derangedment, but to allow it to be striped down and changed is a form of derangement. It's stupid to give a central power so much un-natural authority.
It appears that Obama is out now, other than saying 'no short term ceiling.' Notice that after demanding they all show up for his meeting, he figures out that it's not really his job. :lmao

Responsibility for debt talks shifts to Congress, away from Obama -

Responsibility for debt talks shifts to Congress, away from Obama
By Sam Youngman and Molly K. Hooper - 07/23/11 05:45 PM ET

This weekend's turn of events have shifted the responsibility of raising the debt ceiling and reducing the deficit to Congress -- and away from President Obama.

Obama and congressional leaders from both parties met at the White House on Saturday morning, and the two branches of government agreed to go their separate ways.

The president blasted lawmakers for playing "reckless political games" and told them to go back to work...

Perhaps more interesting, looks like McConnell's plan is dead. So for now, it's in the hands of the House:
GOP readies new debt ceiling plan; bill set for Sunday | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

GOP readies new debt ceiling plan; bill set for Sunday
By: Byron York | Chief Political Correspondent Follow Him @ByronYork | 07/23/11 9:21 PM
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., holds his hand up as he whispers to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, during a photo opportunity in the House Speaker's office before a meeting on the debt limit increase on Capitol Hill in Washington on Saturday, July 23, 2011.(AP Photo/Harry Hamburg)

House Republicans are finishing work on a new proposal to resolve the standoff over the debt ceiling. The proposal, set to be finished and crafted into the form of a bill by Sunday, will be in two parts. The first will combine a short-term increase in the debt ceiling with spending cuts. The second will lay the groundwork for a longer-term increase in the debt ceiling coupled with far-reaching deficit reduction.

"Senator Reid said on Friday that he is going to wait for us to move," says a well-informed GOP House aide. "So we'll move." Another well-informed aide confirmed the basic outline of what's happening.

Staff of the House Rules Committee is involved in the work, which is an indication that the process is nearing completion. Before any bill can be considered on the House floor, the Rules Committee must first pass a rule setting out the process for its consideration. Once the proposal is finished, it would likely be posted on the Rules Committee website, probably no later than Monday, so the committee could meet to consider it on Tuesday and it could be on the House floor by Wednesday...

It's unclear whether the new proposal would have any Democratic support. After a meeting between Boehner, McConnell, Reid, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Reid released a statement saying, "I have said repeatedly…that I will not support any agreement that fails to raise the debt ceiling though the end of 2012." Asked about possible Democratic support, another Republican aide said flatly: "I don't know.
When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they're doing so for purely selfish reasons. It's the human equivalent of a puppy dog's face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes” -- Greg Gutfeld

Where is ever righty nutter an armchair shrink? WTF is wrong with you morons?
When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they're doing so for purely selfish reasons. It's the human equivalent of a puppy dog's face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes” -- Greg Gutfeld

Where is ever righty nutter an armchair shrink? WTF is wrong with you morons?

Why that certainly is an enlightening response. :cool: Guess you just had nothing to say in response to the post? :lol:
When one becomes a liberal, he or she pretends to advocate tolerance, equality and peace, but hilariously, they're doing so for purely selfish reasons. It's the human equivalent of a puppy dog's face: an evolutionary tool designed to enhance survival, reproductive value and status. In short, liberalism is based on one central desire: to look cool in front of others in order to get love. Preaching tolerance makes you look cooler, than saying something like, “please lower my taxes” -- Greg Gutfeld

Where is ever righty nutter an armchair shrink? WTF is wrong with you morons?

Why that certainly is an enlightening response. :cool: Guess you just had nothing to say in response to the post? :lol:

You're a quick one.
Where is ever righty nutter an armchair shrink? WTF is wrong with you morons?

Why that certainly is an enlightening response. :cool: Guess you just had nothing to say in response to the post? :lol:

You're a quick one.

I just appear that way compared to you. :eusa_whistle:

I post related to the topic, no need to copy & paste signatures other than perhaps in flame zone. Then again, I rarely feel compelled to answer in top of the board threads, unless I do have something to add to the conversation. In general unless a post is directed at me, such as your own, if I think it pointless I just read the next.
Not raising the debt ceiling will be more devastating over the long run for other nations outside of the United States. The slight possibility that it won't get done this time round means that other markets around the world will go in free-fall mode, along with the US, but expect the US to get out of it a lot quicker than the rest.

I'm sure it will get done, but if it doesn't expect the Euro to go under! Therefore the USD will appreciate over the long term.

But we're expecting a bit too much, I think.
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Not raising the debt ceiling will be more devastating over the long run for other nations outside of the United States. The slight possibility that it won't get done this time round means that other markets around the world will go in free-fall mode, along with the US, but expect the US to get out of it a lot quicker than the rest.

How? Its OUR currency that will fail.
When you give your children the treasury notes in the "trust fund," in the other hand you are giving them the bills to pay for the treasury notes in the trust fund. You are giving them nothing, there is no lock box, no trust fund, your kids will be paying you welfare because you were too irresponsible to actually save for your own retirement.

I've paid my payroll tax for XX years. The US government borrowed my payroll taxes. I get interest AND I get my principal back if need be.

Your description is daft.

unless you die at 65...or 67, then Tom, Tino Mangesh or carlo gets it, your wife or 'other' doesn't the gov. 'disappears' it...:lol:

You sure you understand how insurance works?
What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

thats right, they did. Of course unless you believe that a plan with exactly zero cost cutting would have made moodys and the s&p feel all comfy?

and its all part of the plan my boy-

Why Democrats don't want to tie the debt ceiling to the tax cuts
By Ezra Klein
Posted at 4:06 PM ET, 12/ 9/2010

What's important to understand about the debt-ceiling vote -- where Democrats and Republicans will either strike a deal to increase the Treasury's borrowing cap or the country will collapse into default -- is that it's not like Democrats have simply forgotten about it. It's not that they haven't realized that they could tie it to the tax cuts, which Republicans want and which will add $900 billion to the debt. It's that they simply don't want to. “Let the Republicans have some buy-in on the debt. They’re going to have a majority in the House,” said Harry Reid. “I don’t think it should be when we have a heavily Democratic Senate, heavily Democratic House and a Democratic president.”

The theory goes something like this: Republicans will demand sharp spending cuts in return for lifting the debt ceiling. Let them. "Boehner et al have had the luxury of proposing all sorts of ideas that bear no relation to reality," says Jim Manley, Reid's spokesman. "Next year, they’ll have to lay it all out. No more magic asterisks, no more 'we’ll get back to you.’ "

In this telling, the debt ceiling vote represents a trap for Republicans more than an opportunity for Democrats. If Republicans want to cut spending, now's their chance. But that means passing a package of spending cuts, which they may find less enjoyable than simply saying that Democrats should stop spending so much. And if the American people aren't supportive of the Republicans’ spending cuts, the GOP will be caught defending an unpopular package as part of a political gambit that could lead to the bankruptcy of the United State of America.

more at

Ezra Klein - Why Democrats don't want to tie the debt ceiling to the tax cuts

Oh and from your link-

In a largely symbolic vote, the clean hike failed 318-97.

Read more: Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

I guess the Republicans are not the only ones who send "worthless" bills that don't have a chance of passing up for a vote eh? :lol:

The poster wanted proof the Republicans voted down a debt ceiling bill. They did. The 'symbolism' of it was to demonstrate that the Republicans would NOT support a clean bill, which happens to be my original point, which happens support my claim that default will be ALL the fault of the GOP.

Having tied debt ceiling passage to their own set of demands, the GOP made debt ceiling passage conditional. Therefore they have created all by themselves the only reason the country could default.

That makes the GOP solely responsible.
What was the bill number again?

IT'S OFFICIAL: The Dream Of A "Clean" Debt Ceiling Vote Just Died, And We're Now In Uncharted Territory

Debt Ceiling: Clean Debt Ceiling Vote Fails 318-97

The Republicans took their stand in May by unanimously voting against raising the debt ceiling.

So default is ALL on the GOP.

TOTALLY DISHONEST as only a liberal of Carby's "stature" can do dishonesty.

Blaming the GOP for saying "no" to a raise in the debt limit is like blaming the credit card company for refusing to raise YOUR credit limit when your debts outstrip your income.

In REALITY (a word libs don't all care for very much) the ACTUAL blame, under such circumstances, lies with YOU for failing to control your own irresponsible ... what's that word? ... SPENDING!

Well, if you support default, I guess that's how you would view it.

That was the point here, setting aside everything else that is irrelevant to this point -

It will be the GOP's FAULT if the country defaults. Period. Now maybe you don't like that choice of words...

...would you prefer to say that it will be solely to the GOP's credit if the country defaults?? That would logically be the pro-default crowds preferred language.

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