Boehner walks away from debt talks

hey, it is what it is, don't blame me becasue you talk out of 3 sides of your head. thats your gig homer.

You got a-holed because you once again lied about what I said. I didn't make any judgment of debt ceiling vote in May, I simply proved it happened to the poster who didn't believe it.

I never lied, you just have a complete lack of a) consistency which leads to b) forgetting what you are even responding to and not following the train of debate.

you have a) argued in the past that majorities don't mean shit, UNTIL it now become convenient, in which you argue that because the dems have the presidency and senate the house should knuckle under,

b) you have argued in past that the house sent a useless bill they knew was dead on arrival to the senate for a vote, now, faced with same, a symbolic vote for a naked debt ceiling began as usual obfuscating when caught up in using an example of something you disparaged, because, you make up your positions as you go long for the most part....

You claimed the debt ceiling bill was a Democratic initiative, so you either lied about that or were ignorant of the facts.

Take your pick, dishonesty or ignorance. I'll stipulate to either.

And for the nth time before I neg rep you I only posted the fact of the GOP having voted down the clean bill (which does in fact make them totally liable for a default) because someone didn't believe me.
You got a-holed because you once again lied about what I said. I didn't make any judgment of debt ceiling vote in May, I simply proved it happened to the poster who didn't believe it.

I never lied, you just have a complete lack of a) consistency which leads to b) forgetting what you are even responding to and not following the train of debate.

you have a) argued in the past that majorities don't mean shit, UNTIL it now become convenient, in which you argue that because the dems have the presidency and senate the house should knuckle under,

b) you have argued in past that the house sent a useless bill they knew was dead on arrival to the senate for a vote, now, faced with same, a symbolic vote for a naked debt ceiling began as usual obfuscating when caught up in using an example of something you disparaged, because, you make up your positions as you go long for the most part....

You claimed the debt ceiling bill was a Democratic initiative, so you either lied about that or were ignorant of the facts.

Take your pick, dishonesty or ignorance. I'll stipulate to either.

And for the nth time before I neg rep you I only posted the fact of the GOP having voted down the clean bill (which does in fact make them totally liable for a default) because someone didn't believe me.

It was a Democratic initiative. Both Geithner and Obama said that's what they wanted. They're Democrats, right?
Time is running out on Boehner.

If he can't control the idiots in the Tea Party, we are in trouble.

Not only is Boehner NOT a control freak, his guidance seems to me to be to avoid using government like a candy store as was the case with his immediate predecessor. Before the end of the year the projection is that for every dollar of tax that is collected, 100% of it will go to paying interest.

That sends the mathematician of those who live in the world of reality a stern warning.

Seems to have no influence whatever on those who live in the rarefied air of elitism, condescension, and groupthink that is shared by fewer than 25% of Americans. The other 75% of American citizens believe taxes are through the roof and what are in need of control. John Boehner insists that that is the control issue--overspending and underplanning. He's right on when he doesn't drink the current Administration's koolade.

You see, good leaders can make hard calls when their hand is pushed. All that money Obama spent on his friends to prosper their banking concerns did not put American workers back on the job. His shutdown of procuring oil from the Gulf of Mexico worsened several problems: (1) removing the high-paying jobs of tens of thousands of oil field workers and putting them into unemployment lines and (2) an exponential increase in gas prices (3) the consequence of decimating the interstate tourist industry (4) loss of auxiliary jobs that support communities that depend on the tourist industry (police, teachers, small businesses)

You can't blame all that on any previous administration.

Boehner is dealing with an administration that is the proverbial Little House of Horrors. They're freaking crazy, think more money and higher tax is going to make the problem go away. Not!

The problem will go away when Obama is ousted from office on voting day.
You got a-holed because you once again lied about what I said. I didn't make any judgment of debt ceiling vote in May, I simply proved it happened to the poster who didn't believe it.

I never lied, you just have a complete lack of a) consistency which leads to b) forgetting what you are even responding to and not following the train of debate.

you have a) argued in the past that majorities don't mean shit, UNTIL it now become convenient, in which you argue that because the dems have the presidency and senate the house should knuckle under,

b) you have argued in past that the house sent a useless bill they knew was dead on arrival to the senate for a vote, now, faced with same, a symbolic vote for a naked debt ceiling began as usual obfuscating when caught up in using an example of something you disparaged, because, you make up your positions as you go long for the most part....

You claimed the debt ceiling bill was a Democratic initiative, so you either lied about that or were ignorant of the facts.

Take your pick, dishonesty or ignorance. I'll stipulate to either.

And for the nth time before I neg rep you I only posted the fact of the GOP having voted down the clean bill (which does in fact make them totally liable for a default) because someone didn't believe me.

You claimed the debt ceiling bill was a Democratic initiative, so you either lied about that or were ignorant of the facts.

what does that even mean?

show me what you think I said......:cuckoo:
Pelosi would have never stood for this! She would have threatened committee reassignments, changes in office locations, a cut in reelection funds and a host of other things to keep teh Democrats in line. Boehner is letting people think for themselves? What is up with that?
pelosi would have never stood for this! She would have threatened committee reassignments, changes in office locations, a cut in reelection funds and a host of other things to keep teh democrats in line. Boehner is letting people think for themselves? What is up with that?

Boehner doesn't control the Tea Party and any IDIOT who thinks he has some power over us is a braindead moron. Screw that crybaby and screw DingleBarry. Some of us are damn sick and tired of the theatrics and total BULLSHIT from both sides. CUT THE FUCKING DEFICIT.. it's not hard to understand- LIVE WITHIN what you take in.. PERIOD.
Love this picture!!! Obama looks like his calm, cool self. Bonehead looks like he did something wrong and is about to cry. :lol::lol::lol:

How much are you leeching off the system in child tax credits?

SS is involuntary and that's your big bitch? I'll make your SS tax voluntary, you make the portion of my tax that goes to defense voluntary (I'll pay half of it because that's about what we need).

Let's make it all voluntary. then we'd have a perfectly libertarian government.

I'll go for that in a heartbeat.
UM, he offered TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in cuts, including military, entitlements, etc.

Not what you're describing as "resisting cutting the budget", not at all !!

Looks like Boehner, the tan man, turned yellow !!!

Promising future cuts is giving nothing since no future Congress, and not even this congress, is bound to the current deal. Let's see some real immediate cuts right now. He wants the debt ceiling raised, he needs to compromise if he is going to get it.
He is compromising. I really don't think right wing morons like yourself know what the term "compromise" means.
Obama is not compromising anything. He is dead set on getting a tax increase.
All he has to do is let it go and the deal gets done.
Obama is looking to save his political face. He needs to regain his base.
Obama is doing "my way or the highway".. He is the one insisting on the one item he knows damned well the Republicans will not give him
Obama painted himself into a corner here. He did this back in January when he decided to extend the Bush tax cuts. Obama stated that "raising taxes now would cost perhaps as many as one million jobs. So what is the difference between then and now? Nothing.
Those who support obama have got to be the most stupid people on earth.


the Obama administration believes taxes on small business must increase so the administration does not have to “shrink the overall size of government programs.”

What a fucking joke.

[ame=]‪Geithner: Taxes on 'Small Business' Must Rise So Government Doesn't 'Shrink' | C‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Small Business Roundtable‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Boehner doesn't control the Tea Party and any IDIOT who thinks he has some power over us is a braindead moron. Screw that crybaby and screw DingleBarry. Some of us are damn sick and tired of the theatrics and total BULLSHIT from both sides. CUT THE FUCKING DEFICIT.. it's not hard to understand- LIVE WITHIN what you take in.. PERIOD.

Oh, its difficult for them to understand...

The moron democrats may not understand, however the politicians do - and they just don't give a fuck.
Seems to have no influence whatever on those who live in the rarefied air of elitism, condescension, and groupthink that is shared by fewer than 25% of Americans. The other 75% of American citizens believe taxes are through the roof and what are in need of control.

LOL! The tax burden on the citizenry is lower than its been in decades.
Seems to have no influence whatever on those who live in the rarefied air of elitism, condescension, and groupthink that is shared by fewer than 25% of Americans. The other 75% of American citizens believe taxes are through the roof and what are in need of control.

LOL! The tax burden on the citizenry is lower than its been in decades.

Bush thanks you for your support.:clap2::lol:
Those who support obama have got to be the most stupid people on earth.


think for 5 second morons.

Then tell me why small businessmen should pay less in taxes than me. Thanks.

Moron? You do realize Taxes AND Revenue are the same thing? You don't raise taxes in a stalled economy. You tight your belt and make those hard entitlalment cuts. Then when the economy is back on track raise taxes.
It's better to create new tax payers then to creae new forms of taxes.
You do realize Taxes AND Revenue are the same thing?
You don't raise taxes in a stalled economy. You tight your belt and make those hard entitlalment cuts.

No - YOU don't raise taxes with record deficits. Because you're stupid. Anyone with half a brain can figure out its just not possible to eliminate the deficit without both cuts to spending and hikes to taxes.

Then when the economy is back on track raise taxes.

It's better to create new tax payers then to creae new forms of taxes.
OK, then go fuck your wife and get her pregnant, I don't really see where you're coming from with that one with new taxpayers, that's sort of up to nature in the long run. Don't really need to create "new forms" of taxes shit for brains, the present income tax system is well suited.
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Seems to have no influence whatever on those who live in the rarefied air of elitism, condescension, and groupthink that is shared by fewer than 25% of Americans. The other 75% of American citizens believe taxes are through the roof and what are in need of control.

LOL! The tax burden on the citizenry is lower than its been in decades.

Bush thanks you for your support.:clap2::lol:

Fuck that twat. The tax burden is low because he left us with a shitty economy and people started dropping into lower tax brackets.

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