Boehner walks away from debt talks

Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run by a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

Rumble on the street is Obama "invited" key Republicans into his office for a "compromise." Then he engaged the soliloquy form of dictation as to what that compromise would be, and he disallowed any of them to speak. Ergo, they left. THAT'S NOT COMPROMISE, THAT'S DICTATORSHIP.

Furthermore, United States Representatives are elected in their states by a direct vote of the people in their own area. Their job is to speak in the interests of the people.

In Obama's office, apparently, there is no listening going on to American voters from conservative-voter precincts.

We can and will speak a lot louder in 2012. We'll be speaking in terms of a pink slip for a President who has no respect for what 80% of the Americans are saying--STOP THE SPENDING.

The American people will not be reelecting politicians who spend over purse.

The first tea party was over British overtaxing.

This tea party is not amused at Obama for saboteuring any semblance of a balanced budget on his watch. Spendthrifts with no budget plans and a 9.2% unemployment factor get pink slips.
President Obama says House Speaker John Boehner "walked away" from debt talks over "an extraordinarily fair" deal.

No details yet. Get ready for double digit interest rates. It should make Bachmann happy!

Why dont you support spending cuts? Do you really like burdening your fellow Americans by taxing their labor why politicians glut themselves?

Ever hear of entitlements? A lot of you righty retirees are on them, so is that the cuts you have in mind?
What are you talking about? Republicans are the ones offering the Compromise. The Democrats want to raise the debt ceiling. We will do that if you do immediate spending cuts and put a balance budget amendment up for a vote.

You are just upset that Republicans are actually trying to get something out of this deal. How dare they make the President compromise for something he wants.
Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats don't have to do anything. This is a House Republican initiative to reduce spending by threatening the nation with default. If it blows up in their face, it is they who will face the consequences at the polls. However all Americans will face the consequences long before the next election.

The House gave them a bill and Harry Reid shot it down.

Nether Obama nor the Dems in the Senate are doing a darned thing.

They wanted a tax increase so they could brag about it. The Repugs didn't fall for their tricks, so now they're down to crying about how the GOP is the one not doing anything.
Senate Democrats don't have to do a damn thing. House Republicans started the default crisis by demanding huge spending cuts with no tax increases before raising the debt ceiling. I think Senate Democrats believe that if the worst happens and the nation defaults, they can blame it on House Republicans. House Republicans seem to feel the opposite.

If the nation defaults on it's debts, it will probably be the first time in history that a nation, not at war that is capable of paying it's debts refused to do so. If this happens, the American voters should throw all these idiots out of office.
Obama is the worst President in the History of this country.


George W. Bush is the worst president in American history.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Now the Republicans in the House are going to ruin the economy in the hopes that it will win them the 2012 election.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Clinton left no balanced budget Clinton also left us the road to 9/11 bosnia ring a bell?

Eight years later Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars

So what will oibama leave the next president in 2012?
14 plus trillion. Right now a trillion would sound like a winner to me.

Tell me you aren't this dumb.

14 trillion is the National Debt. Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of that figure by lowering taxes for the rich.

A trillion was the DEFICIT that Bush left. A DEFICIT is only a one year shortfall in the budget.

Do a little reading...
Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run by a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

Rumble on the street is Obama "invited" key Republicans into his office for a "compromise." Then he engaged the soliloquy form of dictation as to what that compromise would be, and he disallowed any of them to speak. Ergo, they left. THAT'S NOT COMPROMISE, THAT'S DICTATORSHIP.

Furthermore, United States Representatives are elected in their states by a direct vote of the people in their own area. Their job is to speak in the interests of the people.

In Obama's office, apparently, there is no listening going on to American voters from conservative-voter precincts.

We can and will speak a lot louder in 2012. We'll be speaking in terms of a pink slip for a President who has no respect for what 80% of the Americans are saying--STOP THE SPENDING.

The American people will not be reelecting politicians who spend over purse.

The first tea party was over British overtaxing.

This tea party is not amused at Obama for saboteuring any semblance of a balanced budget on his watch. Spendthrifts with no budget plans and a 9.2% unemployment factor get pink slips.

You tea party pussies are ridiculous.

Oh, my taxes are too high! oooo...I need lower taxes.

Our taxes are too low. That's why we have a deficit. It was created by the Bush tax cuts.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.
Unfortunately, the Senate Democrats don't have to do anything. This is a House Republican initiative to reduce spending by threatening the nation with default. If it blows up in their face, it is they who will face the consequences at the polls. However all Americans will face the consequences long before the next election.

The House gave them a bill and Harry Reid shot it down.

Nether Obama nor the Dems in the Senate are doing a darned thing.

They wanted a tax increase so they could brag about it. The Repugs didn't fall for their tricks, so now they're down to crying about how the GOP is the one not doing anything.
Senate Democrats don't have to do a damn thing. House Republicans started the default crisis by demanding huge spending cuts with no tax increases before raising the debt ceiling. I think Senate Democrats believe that if the worst happens and the nation defaults, they can blame it on House Republicans. House Republicans seem to feel the opposite.

If the nation defaults on it's debts, it will probably be the first time in history that a nation, not at war that is capable of paying it's debts refused to do so. If this happens, the American voters should throw all these idiots out of office.

I'll disagree then agree with you;

We're capable of paying our debts. The incredibly sad thing is that our elected officials are incapable of deciding how to do it.

This is why I am so much in favor of making the Constitution much more specific than it is. You write rules into the supreme document to force action; not seemingly reward inaction and obstructionism.

The upcoming default is a symptom of a grave disease. Our government is dysfunctional. There is no reason to think that a new breed of legislators will do any better than the current crop. The lax rules will still be there; the monied interest will still have major influence; and soon we'll be back were we are now.

Change the rules and you have a good start on improving the country.

I agree with you though on one aspect; there are elements of the government that need to be voted out immediately. Anybody who is compromise-adverse needs to go.

George W. Bush is the worst president in American history.

Clinton left Bush with a balanced budget, a strong economy, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars.

Now the Republicans in the House are going to ruin the economy in the hopes that it will win them the 2012 election.

Is there no evil the Republican Party won't endorse?

Clinton left no balanced budget Clinton also left us the road to 9/11 bosnia ring a bell?

Eight years later Bush left Obama with a trillion dollar deficit, a shattered economy, and two useless wars

So what will oibama leave the next president in 2012?
14 plus trillion. Right now a trillion would sound like a winner to me.

Tell me you aren't this dumb.

14 trillion is the National Debt. Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of that figure by lowering taxes for the rich.

A trillion was the DEFICIT that Bush left. A DEFICIT is only a one year shortfall in the budget.

Do a little reading...

No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.
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Clinton left no balanced budget Clinton also left us the road to 9/11 bosnia ring a bell?


So what will oibama leave the next president in 2012?
14 plus trillion. Right now a trillion would sound like a winner to me.

Tell me you aren't this dumb.

14 trillion is the National Debt. Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of that figure by lowering taxes for the rich.

A trillion was the DEFICIT that Bush left. A DEFICIT is only a one year shortfall in the budget.

Do a little reading...

No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details
President Obama says House Speaker John Boehner "walked away" from debt talks over "an extraordinarily fair" deal.

No details yet. Get ready for double digit interest rates. It should make Bachmann happy!

Why dont you support spending cuts? Do you really like burdening your fellow Americans by taxing their labor why politicians glut themselves?

Ever hear of entitlements? A lot of you righty retirees are on them, so is that the cuts you have in mind?

You really don't understand Social Security at all, do you. Congress decided that since some people couldn't save their money and wound up dying for lack of resources to pay for food and doctors in their senior years, that money would be deducted from their paychecks each payday. Every employer is required by law to send very nearly 8% of a person's salary to the Feds for this issue of security when the person became unable to work as he grew older. They called it Social Security. The Congress decided to be the gatekeeper of these funds that would accumulate interest and fund those people at retirement time.

Along the way, Congress saw this part of the purse under its care as its own shop of budget delights and used it sans accumulating enough interest to do what it was intended to do--take care of the people who paid into it all their working lives.

It's really OUR MONEY when we retire. It's not the Federal government's candy to give away to other people.

Now, just what do you think went wrong?

Do you think of my retirement as an "entitlement" I didn't pay for? Or that the Fed can give or withhold at its whim and dictation MY MONEY? Think before answering. If you are 25, you are eligible to retire in about 40 years. In 40 years, you may not have any hair. You may have an autoimmune issue or two. You may have some health problems that make it hard for you to stand on your feet, and if you're a man, your wife may insist you wear depends instead of making 12 extra loads of pants and skivvies every week when she is not able to lift heavy baskets any more, and when she makes you do it, you pee your pants again. Your doctor may tell you you have dementia, but you can't remember why the doctor told you to take that stuff in the 3 little brown plastic cannisters you got at the pharmacy after your last visit.

In short, life may hand you an entirely different paradigm than the live-forever one you are living in now with the certainty you will be around for a twilight year powerfest of accomplishment and low golf scores.

DOH! Didn't your parents tell you that "old age is not for sissies?" Don't you tell me my Social Security Savings is an entitlement. I paid for it.
Tell me you aren't this dumb.

14 trillion is the National Debt. Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of that figure by lowering taxes for the rich.

A trillion was the DEFICIT that Bush left. A DEFICIT is only a one year shortfall in the budget.

Do a little reading...

No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

That website is not accurate and probably put together by a liberal. As I said, this is the democrats fault who have been in charge for 6 years.


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No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

That website is not accurate and probably put together by a liberal. As I said, this is the democrats fault who have been in charge for 6 years.


Not accurate?

It has links to the treasury website.

God gave you eyes, but you cannot see.
Tell me you aren't this dumb.

14 trillion is the National Debt. Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of that figure by lowering taxes for the rich.

A trillion was the DEFICIT that Bush left. A DEFICIT is only a one year shortfall in the budget.

Do a little reading...

No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

Obama has added 4 trillion just in the last 2 and a half years. Throw in Clinton and you ain't that far from half of the debt. You might need some help with your math. And if you think it was all from lowering taxes on the rich then you really are misinformed.
No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

That website is not accurate and probably put together by a liberal. As I said, this is the democrats fault who have been in charge for 6 years.

So in your world, anything that happens when bush was president was the congress' fault and anything that happens when Obama is president is his fault?
No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

Obama has added 4 trillion just in the last 2 and a half years. Throw in Clinton and you ain't that far from half of the debt. You might need some help with your math. And if you think it was all from lowering taxes on the rich then you really are misinformed.

Got a link for that?
No, the dems have been in charge for 6 years total until 6 months ago. This is their creation. You are very young right now and don't understand how politics work Chris. When you get older you will understand how budgets operate and how these democratic induced large deficits effect us taxpayers.

Very young? I'm 57.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Here are the links to the Treasury website... Calculation Details

Obama has added 4 trillion just in the last 2 and a half years. Throw in Clinton and you ain't that far from half of the debt. You might need some help with your math. And if you think it was all from lowering taxes on the rich then you really are misinformed.

Sorry buckaroo, but the 2009 budget was Bush's.

And when you are in an deflationary spiral the government HAS to be the demand of last resort. The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression. And who caused this economic collapse? The Bush administration.

And the rich have had their average tax rate lowered from 26% to 17% just in the last 20 years.
Compromise is not in the vocabulary of the Tea Party. The country is being run by a man that holds no office. Grover Norquist is probably telling Boehner what his next move is right now. Enjoy the view of being a 3rd world country.

Rumble on the street is Obama "invited" key Republicans into his office for a "compromise." Then he engaged the soliloquy form of dictation as to what that compromise would be, and he disallowed any of them to speak. Ergo, they left. THAT'S NOT COMPROMISE, THAT'S DICTATORSHIP.

Furthermore, United States Representatives are elected in their states by a direct vote of the people in their own area. Their job is to speak in the interests of the people.

In Obama's office, apparently, there is no listening going on to American voters from conservative-voter precincts.

We can and will speak a lot louder in 2012. We'll be speaking in terms of a pink slip for a President who has no respect for what 80% of the Americans are saying--STOP THE SPENDING.

The American people will not be reelecting politicians who spend over purse.

The first tea party was over British overtaxing.

This tea party is not amused at Obama for saboteuring any semblance of a balanced budget on his watch. Spendthrifts with no budget plans and a 9.2% unemployment factor get pink slips.

You tea party <taboo anatomical term omitted> are ridiculous.

Oh, my taxes are too high! oooo...I need lower taxes.

Our taxes are too low. That's why we have a deficit. It was created by the Bush tax cuts.

My dream is that one day people will realize that paying your taxes is patriotic.

And that people who are against paying their taxes are anti-American.

The fire department and the police department and the post office and the school system and the EPA and Social Security and Medicare and the interstate highway system and the Hoover Dam and NASA and Seal Team Six are all good things, and they are paid for with our taxes.

I am not tea party. I never attended a tea party rally, answered a tea party request, nor engaged in any form of tea party movement. I said "this tea party" in deference to those who are insisting on no more taxing. They are not interested in being the EU poster child any more.

This nation was categorically formed by American colonists whose good will toward monarchs perished under the larceny of a British King who saw everyone in the world as his cash cow; he apparently saw himself as absolute master of the realm and everyone in it, who was properly at his beck and call if he yawned and looked their way.

The last straw was the tax on tea. Americans adopted coffee as the national beverage and threw away boxes and boxes of tea with the new high-tax tea stamps upon them.

Guess what. The founders decided to form a union in which people could have business and land ownership that wasn't "granted" as a privilege for cowtowing to any monarch or his entourage.

I never failed to pay taxes during my career years, always paid local, state and federal taxes. I'm not hollering about that.

We presently have a President who views government as a candy store, and he gets to choose who gets the candy, and nobody else does. He's just as pompous as King George of England who launched the colonies into the United States with not only high taxes, but with zero representation in his court, since he was so lofty and those colonist people were such low-class scum he didn't want to have his ears bothered with their words and suggestions!

We fixed the problem. George Washington, in the bitterest winter known at Valley Forge, persevered with barefoot youngsters and men alike, at the behest of the Continental Congress and his fellow countrymen, to push forth and drive the British off these shores. In the meantime, the Continental Congress, full of love for their deliverers ensured that they and their posterity would no longer be subject to the abuses of government they suffered as colonists, and the Bill of Rights was born.

Their patriotism began so they could make their own living and make their own governing decisions.

I come from a long line of patriots, and your little dittoes of Obama's henchmen do not make me less a patriot than I was born to be.

I say taxing for the sake of resolving every problem and never, never being able to pay back anything with my taxes except interest on loans that never should have been made is what's not patriotic. It's a ditto of King George's untenable rule and will harm future generations to be yoked into a government no different than the one we kicked ass on in the American Revolution and finally, the Battle of New Orleans, since the British were determined to take back what they considered theirs.

You can't own a man. That's nothing but slavery. We decided against that in the Civil War, but we started the ball rolling in 1776 when we declared our independence from the monarch in the British Isles who was too high and mighty to hear our best people or to seek their opinion on how best to govern people he gave not a fig for, except to yoke with higher and higher taxes so he could live a more and more privileged life with all his European neighbors gasping in jealousy at his wealth and pomp.

Fiddlesticks, our founders did good. :D

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