Bombshell Transcripts Reveal Trump, in Fact, Ordered National Guard for January 6th — General Milley Confirms

Which makes no difference whatsoever. It doesn't matter what semantics issues you have. The meaning is what it is.

Go see.
Another leftard lie.

Democrats are liars.

I've seen the transcript, I know exactly what he said.

So does the rest of America.

All except the brainwashed leftards, who keep repeating the MSM click bait.
Another leftard lie.

Democrats are liars.

I've seen the transcript, I know exactly what he said.

So does the rest of America.

All except the brainwashed leftards, who keep repeating the MSM click bait.
Then you know Trump asked about getting the NG to protect his violent mob, and we can move on.

Unless you would like to once again accuse everyone on the planet BUT the orange pile of shit of being corrupt liars.

Which you are sure to do. 🙄
Then you know Trump asked about getting the NG to protect his violent mob, and we can move on.

False. The word "protect" was never used either.

You're lying again
Unless you would like to once again accuse everyone on the planet BUT the orange pile of shit of being corrupt liars.

You misunderstand. I'm accusing YOU. :p

You're the one using the words, they're your words.
False. The word "protect" was never used either.
Red herring. Useless semantic attempt.

What the Pentagon chief said was crystal clear.

As was trump's intent.

The guard was meant to protect his mob. So that they could succeed at stopping the certification.

It's the same reason the Park Service was not notified: they would have staffed up the event, making it harder for his mob to succeed at their mission.

And you know it's true. How frustrating and embarrassing it must feel to have to put on an act you don't even believe in.

All for someone who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

One day you are going to look back at yourself with disgust and embarrassment for this.
Red herring. Useless semantic attempt.

What the Pentagon chief said was crystal clear.

As was trump's intent.

The guard was meant to protect his mob. So that they could succeed at stopping the certification.

It's the same reason the Park Service was not notified: they would have staffed up the event, making it harder for his mob to succeed at their mission.

And you know it's true. How frustrating and embarrassing it must feel to have to put on an act you don't even believe in.

All for someone who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

One day you are going to look back at yourself with disgust and embarrassment for this.
Deflection. Nice try.

You're lying about what the man said.

You've been busted.

Now you're deflecting, and next you'll backpedal.
Deflection. Nice try.

You're lying about what the man said.

You've been busted.

Now you're deflecting, and next you'll backpedal.
Nope. What he said was very clear. Trump wanted the guard to protect his mob.

And this was, of course, to help them succeed in their mission to stop the certification, in case counterprotestors tried to stop them physically.

You're not going to equivocate and insult and crybaby your way out from under these simple facts.

But your time is yours to waste. Have fun.
Nope. What he said was very clear. Trump wanted the guard to protect his mob.

You're still lying. He never said that.

Besides, listen to yourself. Protect from WHAT? The Capitol Police?

You're saying Trump called out the Guard to protect against the police?

That makes no sense at all

Just admit it, you're making the whole thing up. It's a leftard fantasy. :p
None of that is in dispute in the real world -

We have to accept that they live in a different realm.
You know what the real bitch is with these responses is?

This about the tenth time those assholes brought it up...........and every time we show them the door with facts.

Oh, I'm so sorry, they have their own truths....... :disbelief:

Trump did indeed request National Guard deployment to ensure a peaceful protest on January 6th, 2021.


  • “[January 3, 2021] The President just says, ‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.” *
  • “[POTUS said! ‘Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.
The lying January 6 Committee, all lying media pundits, Pelosi and Schumer, all need to be put in Gitmo.

These transcripts vindicate Trump.

Lol, the gateway Pundit. Hilarious 😂 More retard stories please. They are entertaining.

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