Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

One other thing I though was interesting too, and telling, if true, I had the chance to see a little bit of a story from the local news here, and they said that the Coakley campaign is having to bus out of state Union members into Mass. because they are having trouble finding them in state ? Is this true or just hype surrounding the campaign?

I'm a local yokel and I haven't heard about that yet.

I guess SEIU is in boston partaking in efforts to help her though, according to Michael Graham who hates coakley.

Thought it was funny that one of the police Unions up there who is a SEIU affiliate actually endorsed Brown. All I can say is that Coakley to be in this kind of trouble in Mass. , she must be a very poor candidate or univerwsally disliked there.

Coakley screwed over the state police several years ago, they are still holding a grudge ;).

I hold a grudge against her too for being leniant on pedophiles and for being against Jessica's Law.
The Democrat spin is already starting up to pronounce a Coakley loss as just being a very badly run campaign and nothing to do with voters upset over the Obama agenda.

Yeah, right...

You know they are going to do that. They can't seem to admit that it's their agenda that is driving the polls in a tanking direction.
I'm a local yokel and I haven't heard about that yet.

I guess SEIU is in boston partaking in efforts to help her though, according to Michael Graham who hates coakley.

Thought it was funny that one of the police Unions up there who is a SEIU affiliate actually endorsed Brown. All I can say is that Coakley to be in this kind of trouble in Mass. , she must be a very poor candidate or univerwsally disliked there.

Coakley screwed over the state police several years ago, they are still holding a grudge ;).

I hold a grudge against her too for being leniant on pedophiles and for being against Jessica's Law.

How in the world, she did not prosectute the police officer accused of raping his 23 MONTH old neice with a hot curling is beyond me. The mother had to bring charges. It is stated that she did not want to do it, because the chief of police was up for re-election. ABSOLUTE INSANITY.
Expect a lot of those "Voter Irregularities" up there. The Democrats will do anything to keep that seat...and i do mean anything. Brown just needs to tough it out and weather the coming personal smear campaign that and other Liberal hate groups have planned for him in the coming days. You know like the "Scott Brown hates Puppies!" stuff. That's all the Democrats have left at this point. It is very clear they can longer win on issues and beliefs. Brown is the common sense choice in that election and i think most in Massachusetts understand this. Go get em Mr. Brown!
Thought it was funny that one of the police Unions up there who is a SEIU affiliate actually endorsed Brown. All I can say is that Coakley to be in this kind of trouble in Mass. , she must be a very poor candidate or univerwsally disliked there.

Coakley screwed over the state police several years ago, they are still holding a grudge ;).

I hold a grudge against her too for being leniant on pedophiles and for being against Jessica's Law.

How in the world, she did not prosectute the police officer accused of raping his 23 MONTH old neice with a hot curling is beyond me. The mother had to bring charges. It is stated that she did not want to do it, because the chief of police was up for re-election. ABSOLUTE INSANITY.

You have to give the Brown Campaign credit for not bashing her over the head with this stuff like I am :D
I'm a local yokel and I haven't heard about that yet.

I guess SEIU is in boston partaking in efforts to help her though, according to Michael Graham who hates coakley.

Thought it was funny that one of the police Unions up there who is a SEIU affiliate actually endorsed Brown. All I can say is that Coakley to be in this kind of trouble in Mass. , she must be a very poor candidate or univerwsally disliked there.

Coakley screwed over the state police several years ago, they are still holding a grudge ;).

I hold a grudge against her too for being leniant on pedophiles and for being against Jessica's Law.
how the hell did she get the dem nomination in the first place with that going against her?
were they so stupid as to think that wouldn't matter to the average voter in Mass?
Thats when you let one of the OTHER doctors in the hospital write the perscription ;). If EVERY single doctor is a devout catholic/christian then she can just CALL a planned parenthood clinic and they will call in the perscription for her.....well they can in our state here anyway.

So you are saying a pharmacist should be FORCED to fill a precription he has a "moral" objection to filling?

So let's get to the REAL underlying issue here........How many of you think abortion should be illegal to women who are the victim of RAPE?

Oh and Pilg MY understanding of this is it's about prescribing the morning after pill.

I think rape is one of the few rare instances where abortion should not only remain legal but is morally acceptable.

Perscribing the morning after pill....well the law scott brown voted for didn't say that pharmacists have a right to deny ANY type of perscriptoins. SO if they did deny it they could be legally sued.


Why is it "MORAL" to muder a little baby because its the product of rape? And you are OK with DOCTORS being able to refuse for "MORAL" objections but NOT pharmacists? Why is that?
I am still tickeld about the whole hopey changey thing on the right with Brown.

You will be dissapointed.

that was your battle cry. what happened to it ???? oh yeah its faded into the background

Yes I did say the same thing to the right in 2000 about Bush.

I never pulled for Obama. I reluctantly voted for him against Palin.
There are posters on here who can verify that. they have known me for many years on a series of boards.
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Coakley screwed over the state police several years ago, they are still holding a grudge ;).

I hold a grudge against her too for being leniant on pedophiles and for being against Jessica's Law.

How in the world, she did not prosectute the police officer accused of raping his 23 MONTH old neice with a hot curling is beyond me. The mother had to bring charges. It is stated that she did not want to do it, because the chief of police was up for re-election. ABSOLUTE INSANITY.

You have to give the Brown Campaign credit for not bashing her over the head with this stuff like I am :D

Yes you can. There is also another instance about a sex predator molesting a 10 year old boy and she failed to prosecute. I would not vote for that no matter what party they came from. If you can't protect the kids as Attorney general in your state, why would you vote this person to a higher office.
While this is very good news i still feel that the Democrats will find a way to rig that thing up there. Look for an awful lot of those "Voter Irregularities" in that election. Hey i'm a bit jaded when it comes to politics i guess. Brown is also gonna to have to be pretty strong to handle the coming Democratic personal smear campaign. and other Liberal hate groups are set to unleash their personal attacks on him in the coming days leading up to the election. The Democrats can longer win on issues & beliefs so they will have to resort to personal smears like they did to Palin and her children. This will be their tactic for all coming elections in 2010 and beyond. It's all the have left at this point. So Brown just needs to tough it out and weather the personal smear storm that will be coming his way. If he does this,he really does have a shot. I guess we'll see though. Go get em Mr. Brown!

Are you insane? Bush smeared the HELL out of McCAIN a fellow REPUBLICAN and VIET NAM vet (unlike Bush). They RUTHLESSLY attacked him in the 2000 primaries. Pot calling the kettle black eh?
Politico reports that President Obama will be campaigning for Coakley on Sunday up here in MA. Will his presence be able to pull Coakley's poll numbers back up? Only time will tell.
Obviously Scott Brown is the common sense choice up there. Who would actually rush out there to vote for Coakley? She is an awful Democratic candidate. Brown just needs to weather the personal smear storm that and the other Liberal hate groups have planned for him in the coming days. He just needs to tough it out and he should be the winner. Look for the Dems to pull out those "Scott Brown strangles Puppies in his spare time" ads any day now. Weather the smear storm Mr. Brown and victory will be yours. Good luck dude!
Just heard that Obama is on his way to campaign for Coakley up there. What that tells me is that she must be in real trouble if they need him up there in this race.
The Democrat spin is already starting up to pronounce a Coakley loss as just being a very badly run campaign and nothing to do with voters upset over the Obama agenda.

Yeah, right...

LOL!!! (shaking head LAUGHING) Uh haven't you been pointing out during the 13 pages of this thread where she has screwed up?

This is what really bothers me about her.

FREEDOM EDEN: Martha Coakley and Keith Winfield - Child Rapist

It's an understatement to call Coakley's lack of judgment "appalling." Her lack of judgment is jaw-dropping disgusting.

1. October 2005: The curling-iron toddler rape case. Coakley brings no charges, then lets the rapist out on no bail.

“I’ve been a cop for over 26 years and this is one of the most — if not the most — horrific cases I’ve ever seen.” Police Detective Sgt. Barry Campbell

Even in a place like Boston, which has seen its share of horrific sex crimes in recent years, such as the Jeffrey Curley rape and murder in 1997, this was particularly unsettling. Meet Keith Winfield, child rapist:
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