Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

The Democrat spin is already starting up to pronounce a Coakley loss as just being a very badly run campaign and nothing to do with voters upset over the Obama agenda.

Yeah, right...

LOL!!! (shaking head LAUGHING) Uh haven't you been pointing out during the 13 pages of this thread where she has screwed up?

This is what really bothers me about her.

FREEDOM EDEN: Martha Coakley and Keith Winfield - Child Rapist

It's an understatement to call Coakley's lack of judgment "appalling." Her lack of judgment is jaw-dropping disgusting.

1. October 2005: The curling-iron toddler rape case. Coakley brings no charges, then lets the rapist out on no bail.

“I’ve been a cop for over 26 years and this is one of the most — if not the most — horrific cases I’ve ever seen.” Police Detective Sgt. Barry Campbell

Even in a place like Boston, which has seen its share of horrific sex crimes in recent years, such as the Jeffrey Curley rape and murder in 1997, this was particularly unsettling. Meet Keith Winfield, child rapist:

And another- she has been lax on child sex predators.

American Thinker: Something about Martha

So what is it about Martha's career as a prosecutor that makes some people nervous? Two particularly high-profile cases involving children were her route to fame: the 1997 murder trial of au pair Louise Woodward -- or the death of the child left in her care -- and the 2002 prosecution against serial child molester Father John Geoghan. But Coakley has also left considerable controversy in her wake in her zeal to prosecute high-profile sex offenders, including a reliance on junk science.

Four cases in particular have raised questions about Coakley's judgment and zeal. First, seven years before Coakley convicted Geoghan, she cut a plea bargain with him.
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Maine is more rural than Mass, and here it would be only in the most remote areas someone would be more than an hour away from a hospital

The geographical argument is a distraction from the problem. There is a reason for separation of State and Religion. Would you support anyone's position to do or not do an action based on their religious claims?

yes, i would, but then, i'm an american.

Let's see if you honor your word. My religion says I have the Right to say who can post on this board so I will now enact my Right, that you have already agreed to, and I now say you are no longer allowed to post on this board. If you continue to post you will be violating my Religion and you will be betraying your own word.
I hope Mass. Voters are smarter than to elect another "Republican for Rape"!!..

Young Lefty, obviously you are not reading the news again. Brown introduced an ammendment that should you have RELIGIOUS convictions against abortion, and you are a health care worker, that you would not be required to give someone a pill to abort after a rape. He never, not once, never stated that he was against giving someone an abortion or a morning after pill for abortion in the case of rape or incest. This applied to HEALTH CARE WORKERS that have RELIGIOUS convictions AGAINST ABORTION. That means that you go and find another health care worker who would dispense the pill that had NO RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS AGAINST IT. THAT'S IT!!!!

Start reading the entire article, that's the way you will learn something.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No one should be forced to go against their RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS, that's also why the AMISH and other RELIGOUS GROUPS were not drafted during World War 11, and World War 1, The Viet Nam war and the Korean War, they have RELIGOUS CONVICTIONS that apply directly to them and they are not forced by our Government to turn away from their beliefs.

You just revealed your hypocrisy and ignorance in one clean swipe. We tortured some who refused to be drafted and some even died from that torture:

"One famous case of such brutal torture involved Jacob Wipf and three Hofer brothers, Joseph, Michael and David. They spent four months at a prison in Alcatraz where they were severely mistreated. Later they were transferred to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas where they were continually mistreated. Eventually both Joseph and Michael Hofer died in the hospital at Fort Leavenworth."
World War 1

Before you try preaching about getting educated why don't you do it yourself first?

In case Maple missed this...
Just heard that Obama is on his way to campaign for Coakley up there. What that tells me is that she must be in real trouble if they need him up there in this race.

I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.
Brown really is a very skilled politician. He proved this to me in the debate. He really did whip the chit out of Gergen in the debate. Gergen shouldn't have been allowed to moderate that debate in the first place. He is a well known and long-time Kennedy butt-sniffer. He had his nose firmly planted in Kennedy's butt for several years. He was hardly an unbiased and neutral moderator. His loaded "Teddy Kennedy Seat" question really did backfire on Gergen and the Democrats. Only a skilled politician can pull that off. So kudos to Scott Brown. This race shouldn't even be close. Brown is by far the superior candidate. I guess we'll see though. This IS Massachusetts.
Geeze.. Curvebrain is juxtaposing WW I mistreatment with the MA election? What a fucktard!

Curvelight- is the President of " The Nit Wit Liberal Loon Nut Club" he or she still has not submitted a recent photo of herself or himself so we can all see " What really STUPID looks like.":lol:

Just hit the ignore button and add this person to your list, they can talk to themselves all day long. LOLOL
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Brown really is a very skilled politician. He proved this to me in the debate. He really did whip the chit out of Gergen in the debate. Gergen shouldn't have been allowed to moderate that debate in the first place. He is a well known and long-time Kennedy butt-sniffer. He had his nose firmly planted in Kennedy's butt for several years. He was hardly an unbiased and neutral moderator. His loaded "Teddy Kennedy Seat" question really did backfire on Gergen and the Democrats. Only a skilled politician can pull that off. So kudos to Scott Brown. This race shouldn't even be close. Brown is by far the superior candidate. I guess we'll see though. This IS Massachusetts.

Brown is the superior candidate, he shows alot of class. He is not using negative adds and beleive me he could, especially with the rape with a hot curling iron of a 23 month old by a police officer, she did not prosecute until the mother brought charges. He could destroy her with that alone and yet he did not do it.
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Geeze.. Curvebrain is juxtaposing WW I mistreatment with the MA election? What a fucktard!

No I am not. But thank you again for demonstrating your complete inability to read before responding. Maple introduced WW1 by saying Americans were not drafted based on their religion. She made that ignorant claim to defend Brown's position of denying rape victims medication based on religion. Therefore I posted evidence showing we actually tortured and killed Americans who refused the Draft. Is there anything else you would like to embarrass yourself about today?
The geographical argument is a distraction from the problem. There is a reason for separation of State and Religion. Would you support anyone's position to do or not do an action based on their religious claims?

yes, i would, but then, i'm an american.

Let's see if you honor your word. My religion says I have the Right to say who can post on this board so I will now enact my Right, that you have already agreed to, and I now say you are no longer allowed to post on this board. If you continue to post you will be violating my Religion and you will be betraying your own word.
since this is neither your board nor a government board, STFU
Just heard that Obama is on his way to campaign for Coakley up there. What that tells me is that she must be in real trouble if they need him up there in this race.

I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.

Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.
Geeze.. Curvebrain is juxtaposing WW I mistreatment with the MA election? What a fucktard!

Curvelight- is the President of " The Nit Wit Liberal Loon Nut Club" he or she still has not submitted a recent photo of herself or himself so we can all see " What really STUPID looks like.":lol:

Just hit the ignore button and add this person to your list, they can talk to themselves all day long. LOLOL

I'm not a Liberal and it's funny as hell you would call anyone stupid. I already proved your ignorant claims flat out wrong. But hey, take the usual route and ignore information so you can try to hide your mistakes behind childish insults.
yes, i would, but then, i'm an american.

Let's see if you honor your word. My religion says I have the Right to say who can post on this board so I will now enact my Right, that you have already agreed to, and I now say you are no longer allowed to post on this board. If you continue to post you will be violating my Religion and you will be betraying your own word.
since this is neither your board nor a government board, STFU

Apparently you completely missed the point. It doesn't have to be my board nor the government's. Try to pay attention.
Just heard that Obama is on his way to campaign for Coakley up there. What that tells me is that she must be in real trouble if they need him up there in this race.

I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.

Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.

What do you know about MA politics?
The geographical argument is a distraction from the problem. There is a reason for separation of State and Religion. Would you support anyone's position to do or not do an action based on their religious claims?

yes, i would, but then, i'm an american.

Let's see if you honor your word. My religion says I have the Right to say who can post on this board so I will now enact my Right, that you have already agreed to, and I now say you are no longer allowed to post on this board. If you continue to post you will be violating my Religion and you will be betraying your own word.

Not quite the same thing.

If your religion preached that the moon is made of blue cheese, and that it was immoral to eat celestial objects, forcing you to eat blue cheese would be wrong.

In this instance, there are medical and moral reasons not to prescribe certain medications. Obliging people to do wrong things against their will is totalitarian. And immoral.

Lets ease back a bit, and assume our pharmacist got a penicillin prescription from a doc, and knew that the patient was allergic. (Assuming the penicillin was for an STD contracted during rape, to make it more like your really off the wall worst case) The pharmacist would be obligated to deny the prescription for reasons of medicine, morality, common sense, and probably even legal obligations. If you think something is wrong, then you should not be obliged to do it.
Just heard that Obama is on his way to campaign for Coakley up there. What that tells me is that she must be in real trouble if they need him up there in this race.

I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.

Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.

I know and here is just another poll showing Brown up by 15 points over Coakley, boy oh boy. And you are right it's about health care.

Obama's is firing up Air Force one trying to run to the rescue, I think he would be better off and viewed more favorably if he turns the plane around and goes to Haiti. - Independents Could Embarrass Dems in Massachusetts

Many assume that the birthplace of "Camelot," the Kennedys and ultra leftist institutions like Harvard translates to a commonwealth dominated by liberals. Not so. Independents make up roughly 42 percent of the vote, which is the reason Republicans, in recent years, have won statewide elections (governors Romney, Paul Celucci and Bill Weld).

Polling shows that rabid, uncontrollable spending and one-party control are key issues to independents. They don't like the idea that we're charging our future to the U.S. credit card and that Democrats hold the keys to the castles.

As a voting block, independents are pragmatic and solutions-oriented. They're turned off by overly politicized messages and they gather information differently, generally listening to the loudest voice in the cafeteria (Exhibit A: Tea Party protest footage).
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I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.

Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.

What do you know about MA politics?

You don't need to know a lot about MA politics to know the things that were said in the previous post. In fact, some of the things I pointed too are not things I am the only person saying,

As the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza observes today, the race has become a good preview of the campaign themes the two parties may trot out in other races this fall, with Democrats trying to use the specter of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin to tar their GOP opponents and Republicans harping on change. Cillizza writes:

If Brown manages to win, expect Democrats to quickly dismiss the loss as an outlier due to Coakley's substandard campaign. But, privately, something close to panic may well set in if the alleged ace in the hole--linking Republicans to the Bush administration and/or Palin--doesn't come through in a state as strongly favorable to their party as Massachusetts and in a political environment that is tilting away from them on the issues of the day.
Scott Brown in Virtual Tie in Massachusetts Race as Dems Deploy - Robert Schlesinger (

The US NEWS and the Washington Post are hardly bastions of Republican thought. I will be happy to put on the demo's from the various polls here too if you like? One does not need to be a resident of Mass. to understand and know the things I posted. Let me ask you , are you a resident of IL.? if not, then how are you qualified to make any conclusions on the Presidents political movements ( if your logic were to apply here)
I heard that his polls are lower than hers in Massachusetts. He is taking a HUGE RISK with this, if Brown pulls off a victory in Massachusetts he is going to look extremely weak and that will cause more democrats in the congress and senate to bail on his health care plan. He won't have the votes. If he didn't go, he could always say it was because he did not go that she lost the race, he won't have that excuse should he go and she still lose.

He campaigned all over New Jersey and Virginia and it did not do a bit of good for the democrats, with Haiti in the mess it's in and him out on the campaign trail, the black vote may turn out against him, not for him.

Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.

I know and here is just another poll showing Brown up by 15 points over Coakley, boy oh boy. And you are right it's about health care.

Obama's is firing up Air Force one trying to run to the rescue, I think he would be better off and viewed more favorably if he turns the plane around and goes to Haiti. - Independents Could Embarrass Dems in Massachusetts

Many assume that the birthplace of "Camelot," the Kennedys and ultra leftist institutions like Harvard translates to a commonwealth dominated by liberals. Not so. Independents make up roughly 42 percent of the vote, which is the reason Republicans, in recent years, have won statewide elections (governors Romney, Paul Celucci and Bill Weld).

Polling shows that rabid, uncontrollable spending and one-party control are key issues to independents. They don't like the idea that we're charging our future to the U.S. credit card and that Democrats hold the keys to the castles.

As a voting block, independents are pragmatic and solutions-oriented. They're turned off by overly politicized messages and they gather information differently, generally listening to the loudest voice in the cafeteria (Exhibit A: Tea Party protest footage).

None of you Brown voters should take this as a message that you don't need to show up and vote- please don't do that. Democrats still out number republicans 3-1, please don't be complacent. Show up and vote so we can as a nation get back on track with employment, real health care reform, fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defense.

BTW- in another poll 17% of moderate and conservative democrats have switched and are voting for Brown. Not looking too good for you far lefties. Of course, you did hi-jack the democratic party years ago. The only thing JFK and Ted Kennedy had in common was their parents. That's it.
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Well Maple, I said yesterday that regardless of the outcome a race that was supposed to have NO investment from the DNC or any party machine and be a walk in the park has sent a message all the way to the White House that maybe they are not so secure with this healthcare bill and the jobs situation, Even if Brown does not prevail, the very fact that Obama was brought into this race especially, unlike VA. and N.J. which people knew were close for the most part has be a small victory of sorts. I commend the Brown campaign for taking it this far. This late appearence though for President Obama has really no down side, if you think about it, because if the loses, then the Democrat will as they should point to a VERY INEPT candidate and campaign as the main cause for her loss. This late in the game an appearence by the President in a race where most have already made up their mind may not help all that much. If you look at the polling demo's on this one the Democrats are losing a LARGE majority of Indys and Mods to Brown and there seems to be in Mass. a very deep dislike for the healthcare bill itself, that an Obama presence this late won't change all that much. If I were in the Brown campaign, I would play up the fact they got a victory in getting the President here to shore up a failing candidate and a failing campaign.

What do you know about MA politics?

You don't need to know a lot about MA politics to know the things that were said in the previous post. In fact, some of the things I pointed too are not things I am the only person saying,

As the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza observes today, the race has become a good preview of the campaign themes the two parties may trot out in other races this fall, with Democrats trying to use the specter of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin to tar their GOP opponents and Republicans harping on change. Cillizza writes:

If Brown manages to win, expect Democrats to quickly dismiss the loss as an outlier due to Coakley's substandard campaign. But, privately, something close to panic may well set in if the alleged ace in the hole--linking Republicans to the Bush administration and/or Palin--doesn't come through in a state as strongly favorable to their party as Massachusetts and in a political environment that is tilting away from them on the issues of the day.
Scott Brown in Virtual Tie in Massachusetts Race as Dems Deploy - Robert Schlesinger (

The US NEWS and the Washington Post are hardly bastions of Republican thought. I will be happy to put on the demo's from the various polls here too if you like? One does not need to be a resident of Mass. to understand and know the things I posted. Let me ask you , are you a resident of IL.? if not, then how are you qualified to make any conclusions on the Presidents political movements ( if your logic were to apply here)

I live in the Boston area so it's interesting to see reactions from people in other parts of the country. Nobody I know is surprised by the numbers yet so many from the outside looking in are trying to create this landscape that is really just a tempest in a teacup.

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