Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

What was the whole story of the Fenway thing? I sort of heard that in passing and an article I posted about a comment she made. I think the whole country would have placed that bet with you. I know if someone came in here to Arizona and just automatically assumed the seat was theirs because McCain had it without doing the legwork, they would be soundly voted down. I'm one of those wait and see types on this deal, it's nice to think that Brown can pull out a win here, but he has a big Mtn. to climb there.

From what I heard she said something along the lines of, "what am I supposed to do? stand outside Fenway and shake hands?" ... and that that was exactly what Brown was doing; standing outside Fenway shaking hands. lol.

He does have a big mountain to climb but maybe not as big as you may think. We tend to elect Republican governors here but admittedly our Senate seats kind of are treated like thrones. If this were anything but an open election and Brown were running against Kennedy or Kerry he'd be toast.

Right now it really feels like he will win. Perhaps it is just that ... a feeling because he has the most vocal and energized supporters.

But I wouldn't bet on it ;)

Don't worry , I'm not going to bet on it, I did have a thought though , but can only base this on how people in Arizona would feel about it. Had we an election something like this, the reaction here would be against the candidate who was precieved as bringing in outside people to change the election and especially if they do so in a negative way.

This race has gone national. I haven't looked up who is giving money to both candidates but I think it is fair to say that at this point both candidates are bringing in outside help and accepting all sorts of money from people out of state for the final push. Your own Senator, Mr. McCain, has a radio ad endorsing Scott Brown that has been running non stop here for the past 3 or 4 days now.
No I am not. But thank you again for demonstrating your complete inability to read before responding. Maple introduced WW1 by saying Americans were not drafted based on their religion. She made that ignorant claim to defend Brown's position of denying rape victims medication based on religion. Therefore I posted evidence showing we actually tortured and killed Americans who refused the Draft. Is there anything else you would like to embarrass yourself about today?

you do realize that not compelling a doctor to perform a procedure against his conscience isn't the same as *denying rape victims medication*, right?

oh, wait. you don't.

Wait. You shouldn't be posting. You violated your word and did not respect my Religion. (obviously that was sarcasm but I hope the point was clear.)

If a rape victim is denied medication based on the administrator's religion how is the rape victim NOT DENIED the medication?
and the point you are NOT making is that YOUR religious freedoms can't be impossed on OTHERS
you dipshit
If it were as you say, then why all the effort being made on behalf of Coakley, when it's well known that even recently the DNC , nor any groups, like moveon, SEIU, or a whole host of others had any plans of investing in the race. Even traditional liberal publications, Daily Kos, and media outlets, MSNBC as well as the Boston Globe are calling this one too close to call. As you say you live in the Boston area, and I have many friends there and your actually one of the few people I have heard of from that area that would actually deem the race in such a way. In fact my former XO lives near Boston as well and speaking with him and a few others, I am under the impression that most there have pretty much made up their minds on this race. Further, from what I gather Coakley has not done a lot to actually help herself win over people there as well.

Many outsiders (even some residents) have fantastical illusions about MA. We have horrible problems with racism, bigotry in other forms, and are not the place often pontificated about on airwaves or rags regardless of political bearing. We had a decent long run of Republican governors but many think this is strictly a one party commonwealth.

Coakley has been campaigning a lot and in my job I travel to or through about ten towns every week. It's not the same visibility as if it were a normal election but it's there. Many camps were on the Kennedy death watch and the smartest move they made was staying out of the limelight. All I'm saying is things are not as clear as some are claiming they are which reminds me of how skeptical we all ought to be about media/political reports in any area we are not living. It's amazing how much we can fool ourselves into being so well informed when really we're forming opinions based off the filtered opinions of other's filtered opinions.

Well then look at it from a pure numbers point of view then according the MA. Democratic party Coakley has set up 2 statewide election offices vs. 5 for Brown and yet has out raised him in donations almost 2 to 1. Further, in events as of last week. Brown had 59 and Coakley had 19 one of which was in Wahsington D.C. Now granted those on the outside looking in don't know the ins and outs but can assume a a few things based on past history of your state. One is that unless the Democrat in the race is just a complete inept campaigner or candidate is on the wrong side of them, then the Democrat should most likely win. Look at the Kennedys for example, how long has that seat been in the hands of the Democrats now? since what the 50's I would imagine and in that time the only race that was ever close was 1994 and Ted Kennedy won that by 17 pts. and was predicted to win it by that much. So what does that say? it tells most people that Coakley has not done her homework in a state that should have been fairly easy to win. From all the polls I have seen in your state on the matter of healthcare as well, over 50% of the people there do not support the current healthcare bill, and it only has a according to the highest one there 38% in favor of it. and yet the Democrat in the race has ignored that fact and pressed on. While it makes sense to honor Ted Kennedy for his service which she should have done, she should have not just asumed that her election was meant as a legacy one in which she was there to keep the seat warm and carry on policy. I would like to think that the people of MA are a little more astute than that to send someone to DC that will not represent them , but is instead there to represent the interests of a national party which may not be in sync with the people of MA.

That's why I said even some residents make false assumptions. The DNC dumbasses believed the Kennedy fantasy was still going strong and now they are realizing they made some poor assumptions.
From what I heard she said something along the lines of, "what am I supposed to do? stand outside Fenway and shake hands?" ... and that that was exactly what Brown was doing; standing outside Fenway shaking hands. lol.

He does have a big mountain to climb but maybe not as big as you may think. We tend to elect Republican governors here but admittedly our Senate seats kind of are treated like thrones. If this were anything but an open election and Brown were running against Kennedy or Kerry he'd be toast.

Right now it really feels like he will win. Perhaps it is just that ... a feeling because he has the most vocal and energized supporters.

But I wouldn't bet on it ;)

Don't worry , I'm not going to bet on it, I did have a thought though , but can only base this on how people in Arizona would feel about it. Had we an election something like this, the reaction here would be against the candidate who was precieved as bringing in outside people to change the election and especially if they do so in a negative way.

This race has gone national. I haven't looked up who is giving money to both candidates but I think it is fair to say that at this point both candidates are bringing in outside help and accepting all sorts of money from people out of state for the final push. Your own Senator, Mr. McCain, has a radio ad endorsing Scott Brown that has been running non stop here for the past 3 or 4 days now.

Our Senator better start thinking about his race here pretty soon, because his race is not a sure thing as well.
you do realize that not compelling a doctor to perform a procedure against his conscience isn't the same as *denying rape victims medication*, right?

oh, wait. you don't.

Wait. You shouldn't be posting. You violated your word and did not respect my Religion. (obviously that was sarcasm but I hope the point was clear.)

If a rape victim is denied medication based on the administrator's religion how is the rape victim NOT DENIED the medication?
and the point you are NOT making is that YOUR religious freedoms can't be impossed on OTHERS
you dipshit

If a doctor refuses medication based on religion that doctor is guilty of imposing his religion on the patient.
Don't worry , I'm not going to bet on it, I did have a thought though , but can only base this on how people in Arizona would feel about it. Had we an election something like this, the reaction here would be against the candidate who was precieved as bringing in outside people to change the election and especially if they do so in a negative way.

This race has gone national. I haven't looked up who is giving money to both candidates but I think it is fair to say that at this point both candidates are bringing in outside help and accepting all sorts of money from people out of state for the final push. Your own Senator, Mr. McCain, has a radio ad endorsing Scott Brown that has been running non stop here for the past 3 or 4 days now.

Our Senator better start thinking about his race here pretty soon, because his race is not a sure thing as well.

Are you talking about McCain?
From what I heard she said something along the lines of, "what am I supposed to do? stand outside Fenway and shake hands?" ... and that that was exactly what Brown was doing; standing outside Fenway shaking hands. lol.

He does have a big mountain to climb but maybe not as big as you may think. We tend to elect Republican governors here but admittedly our Senate seats kind of are treated like thrones. If this were anything but an open election and Brown were running against Kennedy or Kerry he'd be toast.

Right now it really feels like he will win. Perhaps it is just that ... a feeling because he has the most vocal and energized supporters.

But I wouldn't bet on it ;)

Don't worry , I'm not going to bet on it, I did have a thought though , but can only base this on how people in Arizona would feel about it. Had we an election something like this, the reaction here would be against the candidate who was precieved as bringing in outside people to change the election and especially if they do so in a negative way.

This race has gone national. I haven't looked up who is giving money to both candidates but I think it is fair to say that at this point both candidates are bringing in outside help and accepting all sorts of money from people out of state for the final push. Your own Senator, Mr. McCain, has a radio ad endorsing Scott Brown that has been running non stop here for the past 3 or 4 days now.

I can tell you this, that Scott Brown raised what they call a money bomb from individuals all over this country to the tune of 1.3 million dollars. I know 3 people from Colorado that donated 50 dollars each.

On the other hand Coakley was at a fund raiser in Washington D.C meeting with a bunch of special interest groups, including Big Pharm accepting money from them.
William Weld only lost by 8 points to Kerry in 1996.

During 96? that was close then.

Especially with Clinton on the ballot.

Just a little info in the McCain thing..

After a year-end Rasmussen Reports survey showed McCain in a virtual dead heat with the undeclared J.D. Hayworth, McOperatives did the expected, launching into counterattack mode by running a disreputable push poll to inflate their numbers.

J.D. Hayworth v. John McCain: Here are the facts « Seeing Red AZ

I tend to think that the unhappiness is with GOVT. and sitting back and thinking someone is annointed is not going to be good enough this time around. Take a look at Reids situation in NV. he is losing in all polls to the 3rd Republican on the ballot and even Boxer in Calfornia is going to face a challenge if thats possible. So it should prove an interesting year for both sides.
I'll tell ya' Navy it feels like a Brown win in the air here.

I don't have much unique to add but I wouldn't say that the healthcare issue has much to do with it. Brown is simply running an excellent, positive campaign against a completely lackluster candidate who thought she was going to be anointed Senator and didn't have to work for it. While she was sitting on her butt Brown was out there in the trenches gaining support. If Coakely hadn't assumed from the beginning that the seat was hers and did the campaign legwork she wouldn't be in this situation. She allowed Brown to build up a tidal wave of support and it looks like it is going to come down on her Tuesday.

It's funny ... 6 weeks ago I was telling my buddy that Brown didn't have a chance in hell of winning ... I even said I would put a grand on him losing ... boy am I glad I didn't make that bet.

What was the whole story of the Fenway thing? I sort of heard that in passing and an article I posted about a comment she made. I think the whole country would have placed that bet with you. I know if someone came in here to Arizona and just automatically assumed the seat was theirs because McCain had it without doing the legwork, they would be soundly voted down. I'm one of those wait and see types on this deal, it's nice to think that Brown can pull out a win here, but he has a big Mtn. to climb there.

From what I heard she said something along the lines of, "what am I supposed to do? stand outside Fenway and shake hands?" ... and that that was exactly what Brown was doing; standing outside Fenway shaking hands. lol.

He does have a big mountain to climb but maybe not as big as you may think. We tend to elect Republican governors here but admittedly our Senate seats kind of are treated like thrones. If this were anything but an open election and Brown were running against Kennedy or Kerry he'd be toast.

Right now it really feels like he will win. Perhaps it is just that ... a feeling because he has the most vocal and energized supporters.

But I wouldn't bet on it ;)

Noooooooooooo she is opposed to standing outside Fenway Park and shaking hands??? That's a fairly arrogant statement, after all, those would be her constituents should she win.
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This race has gone national. I haven't looked up who is giving money to both candidates but I think it is fair to say that at this point both candidates are bringing in outside help and accepting all sorts of money from people out of state for the final push. Your own Senator, Mr. McCain, has a radio ad endorsing Scott Brown that has been running non stop here for the past 3 or 4 days now.

Our Senator better start thinking about his race here pretty soon, because his race is not a sure thing as well.

Are you talking about McCain?

Yes, McCain is running again this year.
Wait. You shouldn't be posting. You violated your word and did not respect my Religion. (obviously that was sarcasm but I hope the point was clear.)

If a rape victim is denied medication based on the administrator's religion how is the rape victim NOT DENIED the medication?
and the point you are NOT making is that YOUR religious freedoms can't be impossed on OTHERS
you dipshit

If a doctor refuses medication based on religion that doctor is guilty of imposing his religion on the patient.
but you are too fucking stupid to understand

a patient has the option to seek alternate healthcare

ok, this might be an example you could comprehend

i'm a mechanic that only works on Chevy's, you bring your ford to my shop, i tell you i dont work on Fords and you need to find a shop that does
that is not me forcing anything on you
i'm exercizing MY rights to not work on Fords
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I HATE Reid. That little PRICK took MILLIONS in Fed $s to build the nuke waste dump and THEN turned against it. I HATE Pelosi because she is an EXTREMIST. So there you have it all you RIGHT WINGERS I am NOT a partisan hack but I DO believe that the Dems overall represent MY interests better than the Republicans........Oh one other thing I would have voted for McCain in 2000 when he STILL knew what "Straigh Talk" meant. Before Bush and ROVE aka TURD BLOSSOM went negative against a VIET NAM VET!!!
And check out this poll indicating an overwhelming majority want Brown sworn in no later than January 20th if he wins. 83% say no partisan delays.

If Scott Brown wins and there is any hint of delay, the Democrats can kiss it all goodbye in Massachusetts.

Herald Pulse
If Scott Brown pulls an upset in the U.S. Senate race, how should his swearing-in proceed?

14% - Wait 10 days for the votes to be certified

37% - Bypass it all and swear him in right away

3% - Wait for certification until Feb. 20, to be safe

46% - Get it done by the Jan. 20 U.S. Senate session

Total Votes: 33,544

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

That's Wonderful. I'm HAPPY for him. IF he wins? The Deomcrats in the leadership will do everything in their power to DELAY the certification until HEALTHCARE gets passed.

It's Just whom these people ARE.

I agree they will, if they can. If Brown should win by more than 5%, I don't see this. Seems the Democrats will actually need to recognize that ignoring the will of the people is not a winning proposition for them. We'll see in a few days.
You may want to consider that a special election almost ALWAYS favors the person with greater name recognition.

Right now, I think that's Scott Brown. :lol:

Not likely. As AG your name is in the news pretty often and you have the ability to put your name out there in the context that you want. More often than not that is.
I HATE Reid. That little PRICK took MILLIONS in Fed $s to build the nuke waste dump and THEN turned against it. I HATE Pelosi because she is an EXTREMIST. So there you have it all you RIGHT WINGERS I am NOT a partisan hack but I DO believe that the Dems overall represent MY interests better than the Republicans........Oh one other thing I would have voted for McCain in 2000 when he STILL knew what "Straigh Talk" meant. Before Bush and ROVE aka TURD BLOSSOM went negative against a VIET NAM VET!!!

It looks like Reid is done for but Queen Nance will stay.

I liked the 2000 version of McCain and voted for him in the primaries that year.
And check out this poll indicating an overwhelming majority want Brown sworn in no later than January 20th if he wins. 83% say no partisan delays.

If Scott Brown wins and there is any hint of delay, the Democrats can kiss it all goodbye in Massachusetts.

Herald Pulse
If Scott Brown pulls an upset in the U.S. Senate race, how should his swearing-in proceed?

14% - Wait 10 days for the votes to be certified

37% - Bypass it all and swear him in right away

3% - Wait for certification until Feb. 20, to be safe

46% - Get it done by the Jan. 20 U.S. Senate session

Total Votes: 33,544

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

That's Wonderful. I'm HAPPY for him. IF he wins? The Deomcrats in the leadership will do everything in their power to DELAY the certification until HEALTHCARE gets passed.

It's Just whom these people ARE.

I agree they will, if they can. If Brown should win by more than 5%, I don't see this. Seems the Democrats will actually need to recognize that ignoring the will of the people is not a winning proposition for them. We'll see in a few days.

If he wins and they attempt to do this, it's going to get very ugly, the moderate and conservative democrats will raise up. Joe Liebermann I don't beleive would stand for that.

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