Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Here is more on the Money Bomb with Scott Brown- these are individuals donating to his campaign.

Massachusetts: The Scott Brown 'moneybomb' keeps exploding | Washington Examiner

While Vicki Kennedy's effort raised a lot of money, it's less than half the $1.3 million raised online by the Scott Brown "moneybomb" on Monday. That total surprised Brown's supporters, who had been hoping for a big haul but had no idea it would get so big. And what hasn't been reported is the Brown moneybomb didn't stop exploding just because Monday turned to Tuesday. Fundraising has remained high, although campaign officials won't say exactly how high.

"We'll be able to pay our bills," said Brown adviser Eric Fehrnstrom after a Brown press conference Thursday afternoon. When asked if Tuesday brought in as much as the $1.3 million raised on Monday, Fehrnstrom answered, "Tuesday was a good day, but I'm not in a position to give out numbers. We're going very well. We're not going to lack for money.
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What was the whole story of the Fenway thing? I sort of heard that in passing and an article I posted about a comment she made. I think the whole country would have placed that bet with you. I know if someone came in here to Arizona and just automatically assumed the seat was theirs because McCain had it without doing the legwork, they would be soundly voted down. I'm one of those wait and see types on this deal, it's nice to think that Brown can pull out a win here, but he has a big Mtn. to climb there.

From what I heard she said something along the lines of, "what am I supposed to do? stand outside Fenway and shake hands?" ... and that that was exactly what Brown was doing; standing outside Fenway shaking hands. lol.

He does have a big mountain to climb but maybe not as big as you may think. We tend to elect Republican governors here but admittedly our Senate seats kind of are treated like thrones. If this were anything but an open election and Brown were running against Kennedy or Kerry he'd be toast.

Right now it really feels like he will win. Perhaps it is just that ... a feeling because he has the most vocal and energized supporters.

But I wouldn't bet on it ;)

Noooooooooooo she is opposed to standing outside Fenway Park and shaking hands??? That's a fairly arrogant statement, after all, those would be her constituents should she win.

Guess that means when it comes to throwing out the first pitch at the Sox game she might has a little problem with the fans then.
Our Senator better start thinking about his race here pretty soon, because his race is not a sure thing as well.

Are you talking about McCain?

Yes, McCain is running again this year.

I think McCain did MAJOR damage to his chances with Palin and how poorly he ran his campaign. Like I said I used to like McCain pretty well before he got on his knees to kiss the ring of the EXTREME religious right.
I HATE Reid. That little PRICK took MILLIONS in Fed $s to build the nuke waste dump and THEN turned against it. I HATE Pelosi because she is an EXTREMIST. So there you have it all you RIGHT WINGERS I am NOT a partisan hack but I DO believe that the Dems overall represent MY interests better than the Republicans........Oh one other thing I would have voted for McCain in 2000 when he STILL knew what "Straigh Talk" meant. Before Bush and ROVE aka TURD BLOSSOM went negative against a VIET NAM VET!!!

It looks like Reid is done for but Queen Nance will stay.

I liked the 2000 version of McCain and voted for him in the primaries that year.

Both Pelosi and Dick Durbin could murder someone on live TV and still be reelected, sort of like Ted Kennedy.
Are you talking about McCain?

Yes, McCain is running again this year.

I think McCain did MAJOR damage to his chances with Palin and how poorly he ran his campaign. Like I said I used to like McCain pretty well before he got on his knees to kiss the ring of the EXTREME religious right.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:lol::lol:major damage with Palin:lol::lol::lol::lol: She attracted 2-3 times the number of people that McCain did to HER rallies. Almost equaling Obama's attendance. :lol::lol: I can tell you have been watching the dumb-down-America program MSNBC with Rachel Maddox leading the charge. :lol:
And check out this poll indicating an overwhelming majority want Brown sworn in no later than January 20th if he wins. 83% say no partisan delays.

If Scott Brown wins and there is any hint of delay, the Democrats can kiss it all goodbye in Massachusetts.

Herald Pulse
If Scott Brown pulls an upset in the U.S. Senate race, how should his swearing-in proceed?

14% - Wait 10 days for the votes to be certified

37% - Bypass it all and swear him in right away

3% - Wait for certification until Feb. 20, to be safe

46% - Get it done by the Jan. 20 U.S. Senate session

Total Votes: 33,544

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

That's Wonderful. I'm HAPPY for him. IF he wins? The Deomcrats in the leadership will do everything in their power to DELAY the certification until HEALTHCARE gets passed.

It's Just whom these people ARE.

I agree they will, if they can. If Brown should win by more than 5%, I don't see this. Seems the Democrats will actually need to recognize that ignoring the will of the people is not a winning proposition for them. We'll see in a few days.

It is EXTREMELY unlikely that Brown will win by more than 5% if you believe he will you are either DELUSIONAL or totally ignorant of politics. As for "it's just whom these people ARE" you sure do ignore the REPUBLICANS when THEY do it don't you?
I HATE Reid. That little PRICK took MILLIONS in Fed $s to build the nuke waste dump and THEN turned against it. I HATE Pelosi because she is an EXTREMIST. So there you have it all you RIGHT WINGERS I am NOT a partisan hack but I DO believe that the Dems overall represent MY interests better than the Republicans........Oh one other thing I would have voted for McCain in 2000 when he STILL knew what "Straigh Talk" meant. Before Bush and ROVE aka TURD BLOSSOM went negative against a VIET NAM VET!!!

It looks like Reid is done for but Queen Nance will stay.

I liked the 2000 version of McCain and voted for him in the primaries that year.

Both Pelosi and Dick Durbin could murder someone on live TV and still be reelected, sort of like Ted Kennedy.

Ted Kennedy, for all his faults, was a hell of a legislator.

Pelosi is just toxic.
Yes, McCain is running again this year.

I think McCain did MAJOR damage to his chances with Palin and how poorly he ran his campaign. Like I said I used to like McCain pretty well before he got on his knees to kiss the ring of the EXTREME religious right.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:lol::lol:major damage with Palin:lol::lol::lol::lol: She attracted 2-3 times the number of people that McCain did to HER rallies. Almost equaling Obama's attendance. :lol::lol: I can tell you have been watching the dumb-down-America program MSNBC with Rachel Maddox leading the charge. :lol:

You are an IDIOT Palin turns off moderates and independents I would think the ELECTION would have made that CLEAR even to a PARTISAN fool such as yourself.
I wonder what the REPUBLICANS will do if Brown LOSSES by a very small margin?

Still be very very happy, because in a state that has 3 Democrats registered to every 1 Republican it's still quite a victory to see how shaken up the libs are over this one. The dems are having to spend big money on a state they should have carried easily. Here's where Coakley's war chest come from. Special interest groups.

Coakley, Brown Square Off On Ads, Special Interests - Politics News Story - WCVB Boston

With less than a week until the election to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the race is heating up and the gloves are coming off.

It's been a while since Martha Coakley has been out shaking hands for votes. Visiting a Dorchester senior center, she refused to get defensive about pharmaceutical lobbyists co-hosting a fundraiser for her in Washington Tuesday night, a fact that gave Scott Brown lots of ammunition.

"She was down in Washington last night while I was out campaigning -- put on 400 miles yesterday -- taking lobbyists' money and hobnobbing with big wigs down there on the health care bill. My question to the people who are listening is: Is she working for the people of Massachusetts or for the special interests in Washington?" Brown asked.
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You know I'm a Rrepublican, big surprise there, and I will tell you that if Brown loses by that small of a margin after getting the Democrats to expend this kind of money, time and effort, and perhaps some Senators and those on congress a moment of pause for their own politcal futures if they choose to ignore the will of those they represent, then he has had a victory beyond measure. No one would have thought for a moment this race would be anywhere on the radar at this point and time, and I am sure somewhere deep in the confines of the DNC as well as the RNC there was already a check mark by the D on that seat before the race was ran.
I wonder what the REPUBLICANS will do if Brown LOSSES by a very small margin?

Still be very very happy, because in a state that has 3 Democrats registered to every 1 Republican it's still quite a victory to see how shaken up the libs are over this one. The dems are having to spend big money on a state they should have carried easily. Here's where Coakley's war chest come from. Special interest groups.

Coakley, Brown Square Off On Ads, Special Interests - Politics News Story - WCVB Boston

With less than a week until the election to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the race is heating up and the gloves are coming off.

It's been a while since Martha Coakley has been out shaking hands for votes. Visiting a Dorchester senior center, she refused to get defensive about pharmaceutical lobbyists co-hosting a fundraiser for her in Washington Tuesday night, a fact that gave Scott Brown lots of ammunition.

"She was down in Washington last night while I was out campaigning -- put on 400 miles yesterday -- taking lobbyists' money and hobnobbing with big wigs down there on the health care bill. My question to the people who are listening is: Is she working for the people of Massachusetts or for the special interests in Washington?" Brown asked.

Oh I don't think the Dems are too worried about money.
I think McCain did MAJOR damage to his chances with Palin and how poorly he ran his campaign. Like I said I used to like McCain pretty well before he got on his knees to kiss the ring of the EXTREME religious right.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:lol::lol:major damage with Palin:lol::lol::lol::lol: She attracted 2-3 times the number of people that McCain did to HER rallies. Almost equaling Obama's attendance. :lol::lol: I can tell you have been watching the dumb-down-America program MSNBC with Rachel Maddox leading the charge. :lol:

You are an IDIOT Palin turns off moderates and independents I would think the ELECTION would have made that CLEAR even to a PARTISAN fool such as yourself.

She has the number ONE book of the year for 2009. I think alot of independents and moderates bought her book.:lol: She is now a Fox news contributor, kicking the crap out of all the liberal news networks.

Who's the fool, the one who deny's the facts and the truth? or the one who knows and accepts the facts and the truth.

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on." Winston Churchill.
I wonder what the REPUBLICANS will do if Brown LOSSES by a very small margin?

IF he loses it will likely be by a small margin. I think the GOP will have to figure out if they win anything by challenging. My guess is not, but speak loudly and often about union involvement, the same unions that now have a sweetheart deal with health care bill and the pharma industry, along with SEIU giving Coakley so much money in the last week.
Obama plans to fly into Massachusetts to try and save the Coakley campaign.

He is rolling the political dice again.

Story includes a crying Bawney Fwank shouting the health care bill is dead if Brown wins!! :)


BOSTON (AP) - His health care bill at stake, President Barack Obama plans a trip to Massachusetts to campaign for endangered Senate Democratic candidate Martha Coakley amid release of a poll showing an edge for the Republican Party in the race to fill a Senate seat Democrats have held for over a half-century.
Democratic officials disclosed the president's plans Friday on condition of anonimity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a White House announcement.

"If Scott Brown wins, it'll kill the health bill," Democrat Barney Frank, D-Mass., said, underscoring the stakes of

APNewsBreak: AP sources: Obama to Massachusetts
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Yeah sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:lol::lol:major damage with Palin:lol::lol::lol::lol: She attracted 2-3 times the number of people that McCain did to HER rallies. Almost equaling Obama's attendance. :lol::lol: I can tell you have been watching the dumb-down-America program MSNBC with Rachel Maddox leading the charge. :lol:

You are an IDIOT Palin turns off moderates and independents I would think the ELECTION would have made that CLEAR even to a PARTISAN fool such as yourself.

She has the number ONE book of the year for 2009. I think alot of independents and moderates bought her book.:lol: She is now a Fox news contributor, kicking the crap out of all the liberal news networks.

Who's the fool, the one who deny's the facts and the truth? or the one who knows and accepts the facts and the truth.

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on." Winston Churchill.

You really are delusional if you think that Sarah Palin appeals to moderates and independents. She appeals to red meat Republicans. There's a reason why she's on Fox.
You know I'm a Rrepublican, big surprise there, and I will tell you that if Brown loses by that small of a margin after getting the Democrats to expend this kind of money, time and effort, and perhaps some Senators and those on congress a moment of pause for their own politcal futures if they choose to ignore the will of those they represent, then he has had a victory beyond measure. No one would have thought for a moment this race would be anywhere on the radar at this point and time, and I am sure somewhere deep in the confines of the DNC as well as the RNC there was already a check mark by the D on that seat before the race was ran.

Exactly my point, it's a victory already. But I am still praying for him to get the nod from the voters of Massachusetts and get rid of the super majority the extreme left has in the senate. :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

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