Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

Hey Navy what do you think about McCain and the last election? Do you think it IMPROVED his chances or LESSENED his chances of winning another term? Do you think Palin is bringing more MODERATES to the McCain camp or driving them away?

First of all let me say this, I did not vote for John McCain in the last election or Barack Obama , McCain because of his long term stance on BRAC and the debacle with the Air Force Tanker program. One thing of note on the McCain campaign, and this goes for those that managed it as well, it was perhaps one of the worst run campaigns in recent memory and whoever advised him to go back to DC and suspend his campaign should have been fired. As for Palin, from a pure get out the vote and energize the base point of view, her choice was perhaps about the only smart thing his campaign actually did. I submit that the McCain campaign did not select Palin on her ability to bring in Moderates because they felt that McCain himself was enough for that ,but brought her in to shore up the more conservative wing of the party that had a problem with McCain. As for improving his chances here in Arizona, consider that JD Hayworth is much more conservative candidate here than MCCain is and for the most part and the selection of Palin helped McCain here a lot more than it hurt him. I think there is a lot of talk about Palin that is unjustified and some she has brought upon herself. She in my opinion has very little experience on a national stage both in terms, of media exposure and interacting with national and international political figures and it showed. I do feel though , that given a little more seasoning on a national stage, she has an ability to bring out large portions of a an otherwise unmotivated base. If you marry those two aiblities together experience and that ability then she would make a decent candidate for office. Her selcetion in 08 while prehaps premature, was about the only thing from a pure campaign standpoint the McCain campaign did correct. If you think that losing by 10 million votes was bad, think of it in terms of a very unmotivated base not comming out at all had McCain, selected someone that could not motivate that base?

Are you kidding? The base would have come out to oppose Obama they needed no OTHER reason. I submit that Palin LOST more votes than she gained. Who were the base conservatives going to vote for if not McCain?
Obama plans to fly into Massachusetts to try and save the Coakley campaign.

He is rolling the political dice again.

Story includes a crying Bawney Fwank shouting the health care bill is dead if Brown wins!! :)


BOSTON (AP) - His health care bill at stake, President Barack Obama plans a trip to Massachusetts to campaign for endangered Senate Democratic candidate Martha Coakley amid release of a poll showing an edge for the Republican Party in the race to fill a Senate seat Democrats have held for over a half-century.
Democratic officials disclosed the president's plans Friday on condition of anonimity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a White House announcement.

"If Scott Brown wins, it'll kill the health bill," Democrat Barney Frank, D-Mass., said, underscoring the stakes of

APNewsBreak: AP sources: Obama to Massachusetts
From your link:
Although the results show a race within the statistical margin of error, Scott Brown has surged dramatically," David Paleologos, director of Suffolk's Political Research Center, said in a statement. "He is attracting independent support by a wide margin and even winning some Democrats who won't vote the party line this time."

17% of Democrats according to another poll are switching to vote for Brown. That's incredible. If I were Obama, I would keep out of that state, another loss here coupled with the losses in New Jersey and Virginia would have all his democratic sheep in congress and the senate heading for the back door on his takeover plans of 6% of our economy with his healthcare plan. I would avoid Massachusetts like a plaque. 99% have already made up their minds who they are going to vote for, he does not need another humiliating loss..:cuckoo:

WOW agreeing with yourself through your sock puppet? Pretty PATHETIC.
Are you kidding? The base would have come out to oppose Obama they needed no OTHER reason. I submit that Palin LOST more votes than she gained. Who were the base conservatives going to vote for if not McCain?

Speaking as a "base" Republican, McCain was a big turnoff. I didn't want to bother voting last time between tweedledumb and tweedledumber.

Sarah Palin was the one big reason I bothered to vote for the guy.

She is enthusiasm.
Obama plans to fly into Massachusetts to try and save the Coakley campaign.

He is rolling the political dice again.

Story includes a crying Bawney Fwank shouting the health care bill is dead if Brown wins!! :)


BOSTON (AP) - His health care bill at stake, President Barack Obama plans a trip to Massachusetts to campaign for endangered Senate Democratic candidate Martha Coakley amid release of a poll showing an edge for the Republican Party in the race to fill a Senate seat Democrats have held for over a half-century.
Democratic officials disclosed the president's plans Friday on condition of anonimity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a White House announcement.

"If Scott Brown wins, it'll kill the health bill," Democrat Barney Frank, D-Mass., said, underscoring the stakes of

APNewsBreak: AP sources: Obama to Massachusetts
From your link:
Although the results show a race within the statistical margin of error, Scott Brown has surged dramatically," David Paleologos, director of Suffolk's Political Research Center, said in a statement. "He is attracting independent support by a wide margin and even winning some Democrats who won't vote the party line this time."

17% of Democrats according to another poll are switching to vote for Brown. That's incredible.
If I were Obama, I would keep out of that state, another loss here coupled with the losses in New Jersey and Virginia would have all his democratic sheep in congress and the senate heading for the back door on his takeover plans of 6% of our economy with his healthcare plan. I would avoid Massachusetts like a plaque. 99% have already made up their minds who they are going to vote for, he does not need another humiliating loss..:cuckoo:

Yup - 17% of Dems in a super-Blue state is a remarkable statistic.

For Obama to take such a political risk shows just how delicate the health care passage opportunity has become.

Dems are more openly voicing concern, and Pelosi is having trouble keeping the House Dems in line.

If Coakely loses, its and even greater loss for Obama and the Democrat Party - which by the way, is a victory for America...:)

Gawd you aren't even trying to HIDE the fact that you are a sock puppet. Pathetic.
Hey Navy what do you think about McCain and the last election? Do you think it IMPROVED his chances or LESSENED his chances of winning another term? Do you think Palin is bringing more MODERATES to the McCain camp or driving them away?

First of all let me say this, I did not vote for John McCain in the last election or Barack Obama , McCain because of his long term stance on BRAC and the debacle with the Air Force Tanker program. One thing of note on the McCain campaign, and this goes for those that managed it as well, it was perhaps one of the worst run campaigns in recent memory and whoever advised him to go back to DC and suspend his campaign should have been fired. As for Palin, from a pure get out the vote and energize the base point of view, her choice was perhaps about the only smart thing his campaign actually did. I submit that the McCain campaign did not select Palin on her ability to bring in Moderates because they felt that McCain himself was enough for that ,but brought her in to shore up the more conservative wing of the party that had a problem with McCain. As for improving his chances here in Arizona, consider that JD Hayworth is much more conservative candidate here than MCCain is and for the most part and the selection of Palin helped McCain here a lot more than it hurt him. I think there is a lot of talk about Palin that is unjustified and some she has brought upon herself. She in my opinion has very little experience on a national stage both in terms, of media exposure and interacting with national and international political figures and it showed. I do feel though , that given a little more seasoning on a national stage, she has an ability to bring out large portions of a an otherwise unmotivated base. If you marry those two aiblities together experience and that ability then she would make a decent candidate for office. Her selcetion in 08 while prehaps premature, was about the only thing from a pure campaign standpoint the McCain campaign did correct. If you think that losing by 10 million votes was bad, think of it in terms of a very unmotivated base not comming out at all had McCain, selected someone that could not motivate that base?

Are you kidding? The base would have come out to oppose Obama they needed no OTHER reason. I submit that Palin LOST more votes than she gained. Who were the base conservatives going to vote for if not McCain?

It was pretty well documented in 08 that many on the right of the party did not care for McCain, and had no intentions of voting for him. It had more to do with conservatives within the party being less than motivated by the selection of McCain, and a general lack of motivation to come out for 08. While I would not support Palin on a national ticket for office at least not yet, I can tell you with confidence that her appearence on the ticket was the only reason that McCain came as close as he did. Just look at the crowds on the campaign trail, she was consistantly outdrawing McCain on the trail by large large numbers.
From your link:
Although the results show a race within the statistical margin of error, Scott Brown has surged dramatically," David Paleologos, director of Suffolk's Political Research Center, said in a statement. "He is attracting independent support by a wide margin and even winning some Democrats who won't vote the party line this time."

17% of Democrats according to another poll are switching to vote for Brown. That's incredible. If I were Obama, I would keep out of that state, another loss here coupled with the losses in New Jersey and Virginia would have all his democratic sheep in congress and the senate heading for the back door on his takeover plans of 6% of our economy with his healthcare plan. I would avoid Massachusetts like a plaque. 99% have already made up their minds who they are going to vote for, he does not need another humiliating loss..:cuckoo:

I would LOVE to see these "polls" you are citing.

They are contained within this thread.

Please try and keep up and follow along.

Carry on...

Uh yeahhhh NO THEY AREN'T. Typically when someone cites a "poll" they LINK that "poll" so people can check the legitimacy of the "poll" for themselves. Such as what METHOD they use, HOW the questions are worded, margin of ERROR so on and so forth. I suspect the reason they are NOT linked is because they are HIGHLY SUSPECT(even more so than any other poll).
First of all let me say this, I did not vote for John McCain in the last election or Barack Obama , McCain because of his long term stance on BRAC and the debacle with the Air Force Tanker program. One thing of note on the McCain campaign, and this goes for those that managed it as well, it was perhaps one of the worst run campaigns in recent memory and whoever advised him to go back to DC and suspend his campaign should have been fired. As for Palin, from a pure get out the vote and energize the base point of view, her choice was perhaps about the only smart thing his campaign actually did. I submit that the McCain campaign did not select Palin on her ability to bring in Moderates because they felt that McCain himself was enough for that ,but brought her in to shore up the more conservative wing of the party that had a problem with McCain. As for improving his chances here in Arizona, consider that JD Hayworth is much more conservative candidate here than MCCain is and for the most part and the selection of Palin helped McCain here a lot more than it hurt him. I think there is a lot of talk about Palin that is unjustified and some she has brought upon herself. She in my opinion has very little experience on a national stage both in terms, of media exposure and interacting with national and international political figures and it showed. I do feel though , that given a little more seasoning on a national stage, she has an ability to bring out large portions of a an otherwise unmotivated base. If you marry those two aiblities together experience and that ability then she would make a decent candidate for office. Her selcetion in 08 while prehaps premature, was about the only thing from a pure campaign standpoint the McCain campaign did correct. If you think that losing by 10 million votes was bad, think of it in terms of a very unmotivated base not comming out at all had McCain, selected someone that could not motivate that base?

Are you kidding? The base would have come out to oppose Obama they needed no OTHER reason. I submit that Palin LOST more votes than she gained. Who were the base conservatives going to vote for if not McCain?

It was pretty well documented in 08 that many on the right of the party did not care for McCain, and had no intentions of voting for him. It had more to do with conservatives within the party being less than motivated by the selection of McCain, and a general lack of motivation to come out for 08. While I would not support Palin on a national ticket for office at least not yet, I can tell you with confidence that her appearence on the ticket was the only reason that McCain came as close as he did. Just look at the crowds on the campaign trail, she was consistantly outdrawing McCain on the trail by large large numbers.

As much as I would LOVE to take "pretty well documented" as PROOF of your claim I am afraid I can't. I think it is "pretty well documented" that the only reason she brought such crowds was because of the REDNECKS who were facinated by a trailer trash big boobed bimbo that they could relate to.
Last edited:
Are you kidding? The base would have come out to oppose Obama they needed no OTHER reason. I submit that Palin LOST more votes than she gained. Who were the base conservatives going to vote for if not McCain?

It was pretty well documented in 08 that many on the right of the party did not care for McCain, and had no intentions of voting for him. It had more to do with conservatives within the party being less than motivated by the selection of McCain, and a general lack of motivation to come out for 08. While I would not support Palin on a national ticket for office at least not yet, I can tell you with confidence that her appearence on the ticket was the only reason that McCain came as close as he did. Just look at the crowds on the campaign trail, she was consistantly outdrawing McCain on the trail by large large numbers.

As much as I would LOVE to take "pretty well documented" as PROOF of your claim I am afraid I can't. I think it is "pretty well documented" that the only reason she brought such crowds was because of the REDNECKS who were facinated by a trailer trash big boobed bimbo that they could relate to.

McCain faces doubts among Republican conservatives
(AFP) – May 11, 2008

WASHINGTON (AFP) — While John McCain is practically assured the Republican presidential nomination, many party members are having a hard time accepting him -- and showing it with symbolic votes against him in primary contests.

The Republican nomination battle has been all but decided for over two months. Still, some Republicans used the April 22 Pennsylvania primary and last week's votes in Indiana and North Carolina to register their unhappiness with the de facto victor
AFP: McCain faces doubts among Republican conservatives

John Hawkins, of Right Wing News, writes that McCain is "a Rockefeller Republican, a Country Club Republican, a RINO, or just a toweringly arrogant, out of touch D.C. insider who seems to assume that any position he takes is right solely because he happens to hold it. However, what John McCain cannot fairly be called is a conservative."
NPR: Conservatives Not Happy with McCain's Run

Here in Florida, Hillary and McCain carried the day. Giuliani apparently is planning to drop out of the race and give the nod to McCain. And some conservatives ain’t happy, to put it mildly.

At The Corner, Michael Graham says, "Assuming there is no shocking revelation or health issue, the GOP nomination is over. Conservatives need to start practicing the phrase
"Nominee presumptive John McCa….." Sorry, I can’t say it. Not yet….. So it is over. Finished. In November, we’ll be sending out our most liberal, least trustworthy candidate vs. to take on Hillary Clinton—perhaps not more liberal than Barack Obama, but certainly far less trustworthy." Hey, cheer up, Michael Graham: Obama might still get the nomination
Republican Hardliners Not Happy About McCain’s Florida Win | The Moderate Voice

I can keep going if you like, but it's pretty clear that McCains selection did not create a lot of support among the conservative base in 08.

With the choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, U.S. Sen. John McCain has demonstrated that his political strategists see the need to shore up support for the Republican Party within the Christian Right voter base.
Chip Berlet: McCain VP Pick Shores Up Christian Right Base
Q5. Is your opinion of Barack Obama generally favorable or generally
N= 500 100%
Never heard .................................... 1 ( 1/109) 0 0%
Favorable ...................................... 2 277 55%
Unfavorable .................................... 3 177 35%
Heard of/Undecided ............................. 4 46 9%
Q6. Is your opinion of Scott Brown generally favorable or generally
N= 500 100%
Never heard .................................... 1 ( 1/110) 23 5%
Favorable ...................................... 2 284 57%
Unfavorable .................................... 3 97 19%
Heard of/Undecided ............................. 4 96 19%

This poll is LAUGHABLE!!! Immediatley PRIOR to asking about Brown they ask about Obama......WHY?
I LOVE this one though................

Q8. Is your opinion of Sarah Palin (PAY-Lin) generally favorable or generally
N= 500 100%
Never heard .................................... 1 ( 1/112) 2 0%
Favorable ...................................... 2 124 25%
Unfavorable .................................... 3 299 60%
Heard of/Undecided ............................. 4 75 15%
BULLSHIT her book was LITERALLY GIVEN AWAY! When you make a BULLSHIT claim like that it just goes to prove what a FAUX NEWS loving fool you really are. That and a HYPER-PARTISAN HACK! And if you REALLY believe moderates and indipendents bought her book you are just LOOSING it. LOL!!!


Going Rogue was number one in sales again last week at Nielson Ratings

Top 10 Book Sales - Adult Non Fiction
November 30, 2009 - December 6, 2009

#1 Going Rogue: An American Life by Sarah Palin

Nielsen | Books



Bestsellers in Books

[ame=""]Any Category[/ame] > Books (Updated hourly)

78 days in the top 100 [ame=""]
[/ame] [ame=""]Going Rogue: An American Life[/ame] by [ame=""]Sarah Palin[/ame]

[ame=] Bestsellers: The most popular items in Books. Updated hourly.[/ame]

And Barnes & Noble:

Bestselling Hardcover Nonfiction at Barnes & Noble stores as of December 15:
Going Rogue by Sarah Palin

Books, Bestsellers, Nonfiction, Hardcover - Barnes*&*Noble

Now run back to HuffPo to get your new talking points to explain that.

DESPITE your claim that 90% KNOW who they will vote for......Mind you this is from the poll that YOU CITE!!!

Q14. If you were standing in the voting booth right now would you vote for
Brown, Coakley, or Kennedy?
N= 17 100%
Scott Brown .................................... 1 ( 1/119) 2 12%
Martha Coakley ................................. 2 3 18%
Joseph L. Kennedy............................... 3 4 24%
Undecided (DO NOT READ) ........................ 4 7 41%
Refused (DO NOT READ) .......................... 5 1 6%

You REALLY shouldn't try to use "POLL" #s when a Poli-Sci major is in the house. You see I KNOW how polls are MINIPULATED, MISUNDERSTOOD, and MISUSED!
I LOVE this one though................

Q8. Is your opinion of Sarah Palin (PAY-Lin) generally favorable or generally
N= 500 100%
Never heard .................................... 1 ( 1/112) 2 0%
Favorable ...................................... 2 124 25%
Unfavorable .................................... 3 299 60%
Heard of/Undecided ............................. 4 75 15%


Looks like OVERWHELMING support for Universal Healthcare..................

Q23. Do you support the Massachusetts near universal healthcare law?
N= 500 100%
Yes ............................................ 1 ( 1/131) 270 54%
No ............................................. 2 179 36%
Undecided (DO NOT READ) ........................ 3 51 10%
Refused (DO NOT READ) .......................... 4 0 0%
I LOVE this one though................

Q8. Is your opinion of Sarah Palin (PAY-Lin) generally favorable or generally
N= 500 100%
Never heard .................................... 1 ( 1/112) 2 0%
Favorable ...................................... 2 124 25%
Unfavorable .................................... 3 299 60%
Heard of/Undecided ............................. 4 75 15%



Hey man I'm just citing the POLL #s!!!
OHHHH this one is FUN!!!!

Q28. Regardless of who you personally support for U.S. Senate, who do you
think will be our next U.S. Senator?
N= 500 100%
Scott Brown .................................... 1 ( 1/137) 129 26%
Martha Coakley ................................. 2 318 64%
Joseph L. Kennedy .............................. 3 10 2%
Undecided ...................................... 4 43 9%
Refused ........................................ 5 0 0%

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