Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

I am going to specifically look for your posts after the election. If Brown wins you are going to be wearing a bag over your head and eating crow, feathers and all, for the next year. I will remind you every time I see your posts. Sooooooooo get ready.

I on the other hand realize that Coakley could pull this off and it's going to be a very close race. We will see, and I will continue to pray for a Brown win.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Not at all because the "poll" results will STILL be bullshit. FIVE HUNDRED POLLED! That is not even CLOSE to enough for a scientifically valid poll. But I understand that you are too stupid to understand that. I guess you are after all just s sock but even a sock should know better.

Well then, here is some more polls for you to read.:lol::lol:

Obama Massachusetts Campaign Swing Could Backfire, Help Brown - Peter Roff (

The special election to fill the seat left vacant when Massachusetts Democrat Edward M. Kennedy shuffled off his mortal coil is coming down to the wire. In a state not known for competitive contests, Republican State Sen. Scott Brown is giving Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley more than a run for her money.

• A one-day poll conducted for Pajamas Media of nearly 1,000 likely Massachusetts voters out Friday showed Brown ahead by an amazing 15 points, well outside the slightly better than three percent margin of error.

• Suffolk University has Brown up by four--50 percent to 46 percent--in its Thursday poll of 500 registered voters.

• Monday's poll of 1,000 likely voters by Scott Rasmussen had Coakley up by two but, importantly, under 50. now has the average at 50.3 percent for Brown and Coakley at 46.8 percen, with almost all the late polls show Brown gaining and Coakley fading. Even the Democratic Blue Mass Group/Research 2000 poll of January 13, which shows Coakley leading 49 to 41 among 500 likely voters surveyed over two days, has Brown winning half the independents versus 39 percent for Coakley.

Nonsense polls for a sock with NO SENSE! 1,000 polled in NOWHERE near enough to have a reasonable margin of error. You keep on keepin on though sock puppet.
I am going to specifically look for your posts after the election. If Brown wins you are going to be wearing a bag over your head and eating crow, feathers and all, for the next year. I will remind you every time I see your posts. Sooooooooo get ready.

I on the other hand realize that Coakley could pull this off and it's going to be a very close race. We will see, and I will continue to pray for a Brown win.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Not at all because the "poll" results will STILL be bullshit. FIVE HUNDRED POLLED! That is not even CLOSE to enough for a scientifically valid poll. But I understand that you are too stupid to understand that. I guess you are after all just s sock but even a sock should know better.

I guess we will know who stupid is come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. You better get ready to wear that bag on your head and be real hungry because you might have to eat some crow, feathers and all.:lol:

At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)
Not at all because the "poll" results will STILL be bullshit. FIVE HUNDRED POLLED! That is not even CLOSE to enough for a scientifically valid poll. But I understand that you are too stupid to understand that. I guess you are after all just s sock but even a sock should know better.

I guess we will know who stupid is come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. You better get ready to wear that bag on your head and be real hungry because you might have to eat some crow, feathers and all.:lol:

At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to:

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.
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As predicted, the Dems are circling the wagons around Obama in defense of what could be a Coakley disaster on Tuesday...

Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama

Here in Massachusetts, as well as in Washington, a growing sense of gloom is setting in among Democrats about the fortunes of Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley. "I have heard that in the last two days the bottom has fallen out of her poll numbers," says one well-connected Democratic strategist. In her own polling, Coakley is said to be around five points behind Republican Scott Brown. "If she's not six or eight ahead going into the election, all the intensity is on the other side in terms of turnout," the Democrat says. "So right now, she is destined to lose."

...Given those numbers, some Democrats, eager to distance Obama from any electoral failure, are beginning to compare Coakley to Creigh Deeds, the losing Democratic candidate in the Virginia governor's race last year. Deeds ran such a lackluster campaign, Democrats say, that his defeat could be solely attributed to his own shortcomings, and should not be seen as a referendum on President Obama's policies or those of the national Democratic party.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama | Washington Examiner
I guess we will know who stupid is come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. You better get ready to wear that bag on your head and be real hungry because you might have to eat some crow, feathers and all.:lol:

At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to: Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide | WordStream

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.

My Gawd you really are DESPERATE aren't you? Now Brown is going to win in a LANDSLIDE. Freakin RIDICULOUS! But hey what can I expect from a SOCK (puppet)?
Not at all because the "poll" results will STILL be bullshit. FIVE HUNDRED POLLED! That is not even CLOSE to enough for a scientifically valid poll. But I understand that you are too stupid to understand that. I guess you are after all just s sock but even a sock should know better.

I guess we will know who stupid is come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. You better get ready to wear that bag on your head and be real hungry because you might have to eat some crow, feathers and all.:lol:

At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

Yeah, my sock puppet asked Sinatra's sock puppet if he was embarassed, Sinatra's sock puppet says he was.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to: Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide | WordStream

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.

My Gawd you really are DESPERATE aren't you? Now Brown is going to win in a LANDSLIDE. Freakin RIDICULOUS! But hey what can I expect from a SOCK (puppet)?

Ya never know, but I did just pick up a dead black crow out in my yard, do you want me to save it for you for later? I could ship it over night UPS.:lol:
And another poll and this from the Boston Herald.

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos.

“It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.”

The poll shows Brown, a state senator from Wrentham, besting Coakley, the state’s attorney general, by 50 percent to 46 percent, the first major survey to show Brown in the lead. Unenrolled long-shot Joseph L. Kennedy, an information technology executive with no relation to the famous family, gets 3 percent of the vote. Only 1 percent of voters were undecided.

You Brown voters get out and vote, don't be apathetic.,You can change the direction of this nation. You were home to the first tea party, you can be home to the second.
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Saw the Suffolk Pollster on Kudlow explaining his polling - a very accurate poll indeed.

They even go so far as to ask when the election will be held and if the respondents give the wrong answer they are filtered out, resulting in a far more accurate likely voter scenario. This was followed by a Massachusetts politico admitting that the Suffolk poll was quite likely the most accurate, and that msot internal polling was indicating Brown was in fact ahead by 4 or 5 points at this point in the race - and that he saw a significant jump in numbers following the last debate.

The end result is that Brown is surging in support while Coakely is fading.

Independents are the real deciding factor, with Brown enjoying at least a 2 to 1 margin over Democrat Coakely in that all important voter segment.

The political earth is shifting very quickly under the Democrats' feet, and they simply have no answer for it at the moment...
I guess we will know who stupid is come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. You better get ready to wear that bag on your head and be real hungry because you might have to eat some crow, feathers and all.:lol:

At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to: Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide | WordStream

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.

You are more desperate than I thought.
Saw the Suffolk Pollster on Kudlow explaining his polling - a very accurate poll indeed.

They even go so far as to ask when the election will be held and if the respondents give the wrong answer they are filtered out, resulting in a far more accurate likely voter scenario. This was followed by a Massachusetts politico admitting that the Suffolk poll was quite likely the most accurate, and that msot internal polling was indicating Brown was in fact ahead by 4 or 5 points at this point in the race - and that he saw a significant jump in numbers following the last debate.

The end result is that Brown is surging in support while Coakely is fading.

Independents are the real deciding factor, with Brown enjoying at least a 2 to 1 margin over Democrat Coakely in that all important voter segment.

The political earth is shifting very quickly under the Democrats' feet, and they simply have no answer for it at the moment...
And another poll and this from the Boston Herald.

Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race -

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos.

“It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.”

The poll shows Brown, a state senator from Wrentham, besting Coakley, the state’s attorney general, by 50 percent to 46 percent, the first major survey to show Brown in the lead. Unenrolled long-shot Joseph L. Kennedy, an information technology executive with no relation to the famous family, gets 3 percent of the vote. Only 1 percent of voters were undecided.

You Brown voters get out and vote, don't be apathetic.,You can change the direction of this nation. You were home to the first tea party, you can be home to the second.

That's the SAME POLL you fucking IDIOT!
At this point I really don't care WHO wins as I have COMPLETELY embarresed Sinatra which is PAINFULLY obvious since he sent in his sock puppet. (that's you by the way Maple)

:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to: Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide | WordStream

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.

You are more desperate than I thought.

Actually the desperation is coming from the democrat side, this race wasnt even supposed to be close.
Saw the Suffolk Pollster on Kudlow explaining his polling - a very accurate poll indeed.

They even go so far as to ask when the election will be held and if the respondents give the wrong answer they are filtered out, resulting in a far more accurate likely voter scenario. This was followed by a Massachusetts politico admitting that the Suffolk poll was quite likely the most accurate, and that msot internal polling was indicating Brown was in fact ahead by 4 or 5 points at this point in the race - and that he saw a significant jump in numbers following the last debate.

The end result is that Brown is surging in support while Coakely is fading.

Independents are the real deciding factor, with Brown enjoying at least a 2 to 1 margin over Democrat Coakely in that all important voter segment.

The political earth is shifting very quickly under the Democrats' feet, and they simply have no answer for it at the moment...

If you have to EXPLAIN your polling then it's not worth hearing.
Saw the Suffolk Pollster on Kudlow explaining his polling - a very accurate poll indeed.

They even go so far as to ask when the election will be held and if the respondents give the wrong answer they are filtered out, resulting in a far more accurate likely voter scenario. This was followed by a Massachusetts politico admitting that the Suffolk poll was quite likely the most accurate, and that msot internal polling was indicating Brown was in fact ahead by 4 or 5 points at this point in the race - and that he saw a significant jump in numbers following the last debate.

The end result is that Brown is surging in support while Coakely is fading.

Independents are the real deciding factor, with Brown enjoying at least a 2 to 1 margin over Democrat Coakely in that all importaSB
B. Can you tell me when the Special Election for U.S. Senate will be held?
N= 500 100%
“January 19th” .................................. 1 ( 1/ 96) 346 69%
“Next Tuesday” ................................. 2 132 26%
“Next week” .................................... 3 14 3%
“Mid-end of January” ........................... 4 8 2%
All other responses ............................ 5 0 0%nt voter segment.

The political earth is shifting very quickly under the Democrats' feet, and they simply have no answer for it at the moment...

These answer ALL esentially represent the SAME DATE with varying degress of specificity you FUCKING MORON! You DO know that January 19th and NEXT TUESDAY are the SAME DAY RIGHT!!!??? Further more there is NOTHING that indicates that ANY answer was "filtered out".
:lol::lol::lol::lol: I am soooooooooooooo embarassed, I just can't stand it. I am sure Sinatra is too. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I am hiding under my desk. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Here's another poll and interesting the way this guy did it. It will be interesting to see who was closest on the polling data. Rasmussen is being quite. I think it's going to be a very, very close race and God willing, Brown pulls it off. I am still praying for a Brown win.:eusa_pray:

Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide

Kim's research drew from the three major social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, as well as Alexa Ratings. Kim looked at the sites' user engagement metrics to compare the Internet presence of the two candidates. Compared to Martha Coakley's social presence, Brown's popularity in social media is far more pervasive with:

-- A 10:1 advantage over Coakley in terms of video content viewership on
-- A 4:1 edge in terms of number of fans on Facebook
-- More followers, more list appearances and far more buzz overall on
"The social media activity surrounding Brown clearly demonstrates the majority of social networkers favor Scott Brown over Martha Coakley," Kim explained. "Will this popularity translate into a victory for Brown next Tuesday at the polls? Only time will tell."

To see all the results from the WordStream Massachusetts US Senate Vote Social Media Poll, go to: Poll: Scott Brown to Win Massachusetts US Senate Race by a Landslide | WordStream

Please don't you Brown voters believe this poll and decide it's not worth your effort to go and vote. Don't be complacent, please. They need each and every one of you to show up. If you can pull this off, most of the nation will Thank You.

You are more desperate than I thought.

Actually the desperation is coming from the democrat side, this race wasnt even supposed to be close.

REALLY after seeing what Maple and Sinatra have posted it's pretty clear that they are as DESPERATE as you can get. They have BOTH posted poll results that NEITHER of them understands. Maple is talking about the INTERNET and Sinatra said the guy "EXPLAINED" his poll results........FUCKING PATHETIC!
She has the number ONE book of the year for 2009. I think alot of independents and moderates bought her book.:lol: She is now a Fox news contributor, kicking the crap out of all the liberal news networks.

Who's the fool, the one who deny's the facts and the truth? or the one who knows and accepts the facts and the truth.

" A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put it's pants on." Winston Churchill.

You really are delusional if you think that Sarah Palin appeals to moderates and independents. She appeals to red meat Republicans. There's a reason why she's on Fox.

This is not a Palin thread, if you want to be one of the trolls trolling for any speck of dirt on Palin, then I suggest you start another thread about Palin. This is a Brown/ Coakley thread. Okaykadokay? You can join the other Trolls over there.

i suggest that you lighten the fuck up, francis.

disagreeing with you isn't trolling. especially since you brought palin up first.

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