Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

What a comedy of errors is the Coakley campaign.

They utilize yet another anti-Brown attack ad, this time with the World Trade Center in the background.

Good lord...


Democrats Forced to Yank Ad Over 9/11 Image
With the Massachusetts Senate race now in anybody’s guess territory, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has gone up with another advertisement – but not without a little difficulty.

An original version of the ad, which blasts Republican candidate Scott Brown for opposing President Obama’s efforts to rein in Wall Street, had to be yanked after people complained that it contained an image of the World Trade Center. A revised version has been posted online and has also been sent to television stations in Massachusetts, a spokesman for the D.S.C.C. said.

Democrats Forced to Yank Ad Over 9/11 Image - The Caucus Blog -
Now while the gap between Brown and Coakley appears too good to be true, it clearly supports yet again the strong trending toward Scott Brown...

January 14th, 2010 11:30 pm

Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

A new poll taken Thursday evening for Pajamas Media by CrossTarget – an Alexandria VA survey research firm – shows Scott Brown, a Republican, leading Martha Coakley, a Democrat, by 15.4% in Tuesday’s special election for the open Massachusetts US Senate seat. The poll of 946 likely voters was conducted by telephone using interactive voice technology (IVR) and has a margin of error of +/- 3.19%.

Roger L. Simon » Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll
So if we take the most recent polling data from three different surveys, one by a Republican based group, one by a Democrat based group, and one independent, it again confirms the Brown Miracle in Mass. is the real deal...

Poll Date Sample Brown (R) Coakley (D) Spread
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/14 - 1/14 946 LV 54 39 Brown +15
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D) 1/12 - 1/13 500 LV 41 49 Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News 1/11 - 1/13 500 LV 50 46 Brown +4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Massachusetts Senate - Special Election

That being said - to all our Massachusetts friends - GET OUT AND VOTE FOR SCOTT BROWN!!!!!

Don't take anything for granted - send a message to DC that America is crying out for a return to common sense.
So if we take the most recent polling data from three different surveys, one by a Republican based group, one by a Democrat based group, and one independent, it again confirms the Brown Miracle in Mass. is the real deal...

Poll Date Sample Brown (R) Coakley (D) Spread
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/14 - 1/14 946 LV 54 39 Brown +15
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D) 1/12 - 1/13 500 LV 41 49 Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News 1/11 - 1/13 500 LV 50 46 Brown +4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Massachusetts Senate - Special Election

That being said - to all our Massachusetts friends - GET OUT AND VOTE FOR SCOTT BROWN!!!!!

Don't take anything for granted - send a message to DC that America is crying out for a return to common sense.
Don't be so sure, those polls leave out a lot of voters.

Brown can't sway these voters, they are firmly Democrat:

To be sure.

There is rapid distrust growing by the Massachusetts voters that the unions are working overtime to secure "votes" as we speak.

Let's hope they keep their resolve, go to the ballot, and then tear out the proverbial throats of those who would do harm to the legitimate democrat process...:cool:

So if we take the most recent polling data from three different surveys, one by a Republican based group, one by a Democrat based group, and one independent, it again confirms the Brown Miracle in Mass. is the real deal...

Poll Date Sample Brown (R) Coakley (D) Spread
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/14 - 1/14 946 LV 54 39 Brown +15
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D) 1/12 - 1/13 500 LV 41 49 Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News 1/11 - 1/13 500 LV 50 46 Brown +4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Massachusetts Senate - Special Election

That being said - to all our Massachusetts friends - GET OUT AND VOTE FOR SCOTT BROWN!!!!!

Don't take anything for granted - send a message to DC that America is crying out for a return to common sense.
Don't be so sure, those polls leave out a lot of voters.

Brown can't sway these voters, they are firmly Democrat:

No way does Brown have a 15 pt advantage in MA. From what I saw of the Poll, that is just respondents, rather than likely voters.

I would not mind a 15 pt blowout, but I will only believe it when I see it.
No way does Brown have a 15 pt advantage in MA. From what I saw of the Poll, that is just respondents, rather than likely voters.

I would not mind a 15 pt blowout, but I will only believe it when I see it.

Anyone who tells you that Brown suddenly gained 40 points in two weeks is smoking some strong stuff.
Agreed - that seems way too much - but as stated, it is another indicator of the trend, which is moving very strongly in Scott Brown's favor.

No way does Brown have a 15 pt advantage in MA. From what I saw of the Poll, that is just respondents, rather than likely voters.

I would not mind a 15 pt blowout, but I will only believe it when I see it.
Another great Scott Brown campaign ad.

He cited his two favorite politicians as JFK and Ronald Reagan.

Heck yeah - and he has a good deal of similarities with both of those luminary American figures.

Vote on Tuesday Massachusetts - Bring the message home!!!!

And better than almost any other political figure, Scott Brown breaks down the commons sense counter point to Obama's desired banking tax proposal - clearly showing how it will in fact be a tax on ALL Americans...



unions are for lazy losers, SEIU should move to East Germany 1983 where they belong, yet they're now writing this health care bill for Barry O

Scott is our only hope
So if we take the most recent polling data from three different surveys, one by a Republican based group, one by a Democrat based group, and one independent, it again confirms the Brown Miracle in Mass. is the real deal...

Poll Date Sample Brown (R) Coakley (D) Spread
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/14 - 1/14 946 LV 54 39 Brown +15
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D) 1/12 - 1/13 500 LV 41 49 Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News 1/11 - 1/13 500 LV 50 46 Brown +4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2010 - Massachusetts Senate - Special Election

That being said - to all our Massachusetts friends - GET OUT AND VOTE FOR SCOTT BROWN!!!!!

Don't take anything for granted - send a message to DC that America is crying out for a return to common sense.
Don't be so sure, those polls leave out a lot of voters.

Brown can't sway these voters, they are firmly Democrat:


:clap2::clap2::clap2::lol::lol: Not unless you have Mayor Dailey of Chicago running the show.:lol::lol: That's a good one, I needed a good laugh. Thanks!!!!
Gawd Sinatra you had better hope nobody sees this thread because nobody who does will EVER be able to take you seriously ever again. ROTFLMFAO! IDIOTS!

Well Cold fusion 38, I finally overcame my embarassment and crawled out from under my desk.:lol::lol::lol::lol: I see Sinatra did too. Our sock puppets have been talking to each other and it seems that the desperation is coming from YOU. :lol::lol: Calling us those mean names, etc. Shame on you. :lol::lol: Using foul language, etc. Shame on You.:lol::lol: Come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning I am going to be looking for your posts.:lol::lol: Have you ever tried eating crow??:lol:You might just have to swallow one feathers and all.:lol:
This is a good article and from the very liberal newspaper- The Boston Globe.

Race is in a spinout - The Boston Globe

Martha Coakley made a jaw-dropping declaration earlier this week at the only live televised debate in Boston that she has deigned to do. She said, and I quote, “I’ve traveled the state and met tremendous people.’’

If she did, it was under the cover of darkness, with an assumed name.
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More from the above link:

Voters are smart. They want their next senator to take on all comers, to be aggressive and passionate in pursuit of such a critical office at a singular time. In Coakley, they see someone who hasn’t earned their support. Worse, they see someone who assumed she’d get it.

Scott Brown may not share the political values of most of the state and may lack the experience for the US Senate. And, let’s be honest, his nights probably aren’t tied up with Mensa meetings. But he’s out there hustling, meeting, asking, and convincing. People respect that, a lot.
And here's the real kicker, I don't think the Boston Globe expects her to win, so now they are going to blame her for a terrible campaign, which it appears it was.

From the above link:

We’re at an amazing point right now in which nobody knows what will happen Tuesday. And it’s not because of anything Coakley did, but because of everything she didn’t

To the Brown voters, please vote, you have the opportunity to change the direction of this country in a very positive way. Do not be complacent.

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