Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

And here's the real kicker, I don't think the Boston Globe expects her to win, so now they are going to blame her for a terrible campaign, which it appears it was.

Agreed, to steal a line from the movie "Casino" it appears that Martha could "Fuck up a cup of coffee", she should have hired a "ghost candidate" to stand in for her since I haven't seen a campaign run this poorly since Michael Dukakis ran for President. :D
she should have hired a "ghost candidate" to stand in for her

pretty sure she's channeling Teddy right now

Teddy who? Teddy the Bear? because it's damn sure not Teddy Kennedy since as much as I disagreed with Ted Kennedy he was a talented politician and would never have run such an inept campaign, I'm quite sure Ted Kennedy is rolling over in his grave about now (which personally I find pleasing :D ).
she should have hired a "ghost candidate" to stand in for her

pretty sure she's channeling Teddy right now

Teddy who? Teddy the Bear? because it's damn sure not Teddy Kennedy since as much as I disagreed with Ted Kennedy he was a talented politician and would never have run such an inept campaign, I'm quite sure Ted Kennedy is rolling over in his grave about now (which personally I find pleasing :D ).

I truly hope that Scott Brown wins--BUT--I also know there are many in MASS that have played--pin the tail on the donkey for decades.

So you dems. in MASS--wake up would ya? If you plan on voting for Coakely--you probably should look at how irresponsible she was as a District attorney--regarding child preditors. Do you really want to promote her to senator of your state?

If you really don't want to vote for Scott Brown--stay home & don't vote.
And here's the real kicker, I don't think the Boston Globe expects her to win, so now they are going to blame her for a terrible campaign, which it appears it was.

Agreed, to steal a line from the movie "Casino" it appears that Martha could "Fuck up a cup of coffee", she should have hired a "ghost candidate" to stand in for her since I haven't seen a campaign run this poorly since Michael Dukakis ran for President. :D

It's obvious that through their arrogance they didn't expect any challenge for the seat and have been caught totally unprepared, with a weak candidate.
Looks good on them and I hope Brown can pull it off. Even if he doesn't, it should send a message loud and clear, that the people don't like what the current administration is doing.
This is a good article and from the very liberal newspaper- The Boston Globe.

Race is in a spinout - The Boston Globe

Martha Coakley made a jaw-dropping declaration earlier this week at the only live televised debate in Boston that she has deigned to do. She said, and I quote, “I’ve traveled the state and met tremendous people.’’

If she did, it was under the cover of darkness, with an assumed name.

And folks claim Sarah Palin is stupid.

This woman is clueless. She's a ticket puncher nothing more. I don't think she is capable of having any core-principles or beliefs. She's just there to vote for whatever the rest of them vote for. She mindlessly follows the leadership and she's completely out of touch with the voters.......a perfect Democrat candidate.
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Gawd Sinatra you had better hope nobody sees this thread because nobody who does will EVER be able to take you seriously ever again. ROTFLMFAO! IDIOTS!

Well Cold fusion 38, I finally overcame my embarassment and crawled out from under my desk.:lol::lol::lol::lol: I see Sinatra did too. Our sock puppets have been talking to each other and it seems that the desperation is coming from YOU. :lol::lol: Calling us those mean names, etc. Shame on you. :lol::lol: Using foul language, etc. Shame on You.:lol::lol: Come Tuesday night or Wednesday morning I am going to be looking for your posts.:lol::lol: Have you ever tried eating crow??:lol:You might just have to swallow one feathers and all.:lol:

You're the crow eating pro so if anybody has to eat crow you would be a great recipe resource.
Now while the gap between Brown and Coakley appears too good to be true, it clearly supports yet again the strong trending toward Scott Brown...

January 14th, 2010 11:30 pm

Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

A new poll taken Thursday evening for Pajamas Media by CrossTarget – an Alexandria VA survey research firm – shows Scott Brown, a Republican, leading Martha Coakley, a Democrat, by 15.4% in Tuesday’s special election for the open Massachusetts US Senate seat. The poll of 946 likely voters was conducted by telephone using interactive voice technology (IVR) and has a margin of error of +/- 3.19%.

Roger L. Simon » Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

Is Joe the Plumber still working for Pajamas Media?
He supports the right to deny rape victims medication on religious grounds. We don't need anymore Religious Right advocates in the beltway.

Scott Brown daughters answer Martha Coakley’s abortion criticism -

That stems from the when brown, in 2005, proposed a legislative amendment that would have allowed workers at religious hospitals to avoid giving emergency contraception to rape victims. Brown later voted for the final bill, which did not include the amendment.

As you can see, in desperation, many are trying to distort what the man is like. It ok it only makes coakley look even worse than she already does.

If you want to meet Scott Brown face to face he will be in plymouth today, 11 am, 74 long pond can meet me there too ;)
WTG Mr. Brown! Expect the Democrat personal smear campaign to get pretty heavy against Brown in the coming days though. The cretins and many other Liberal hate groups are getting set to unleash their vicious personal smear campaigns against him. Personal smears are all the Democrats have left at this point and they know it. Their candidate cannot possibly win on issues and beliefs. Coakley was an awful Democratic candidate. Her campaign couldn't even spell Massachusetts correctly in one of her ads. Brown really is the logical choice up there. He just needs to weather the personal smear storm coming his way in the next few days and victory will be his. Go get em Mr. Brown! :)
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He supports the right to deny rape victims medication on religious grounds. We don't need anymore Religious Right advocates in the beltway.


there is no link because that statement is a flat out lie.

Brown is opposed to forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. He is not opposed to offering medical aid to rape victims.

No it is not a lie. In 2005 he proposed an Amendment to a Bill that would allow healthcare workers the right to deny emergency contraceptive to rape victims. That is advocating denying medication to rape victims on the grounds of religion. Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims. You can read the text of his amendment here:

Bay State Battle |
He supports the right to deny rape victims medication on religious grounds. We don't need anymore Religious Right advocates in the beltway.

Scott Brown daughters answer Martha Coakley’s abortion criticism -

That stems from the when brown, in 2005, proposed a legislative amendment that would have allowed workers at religious hospitals to avoid giving emergency contraception to rape victims. Brown later voted for the final bill, which did not include the amendment.

As you can see, in desperation, many are trying to distort what the man is like. It ok it only makes coakley look even worse than she already does.

If you want to meet Scott Brown face to face he will be in plymouth today, 11 am, 74 long pond can meet me there too ;) I was submitting my last post I was wondering how long before someone tried to cite his daughters being exploited to mask his proposed amendment. Why don't you say the Bush Admin wasn't against gay marriage because Cheney's daughter is gay?

Then you point to irrelevant items. It doesn't matter he voted for the Bill without the amendment. The fact remains he sponsored an Amendment that would have given doctors the right to impose their religion on fucking rape victims:

"Guess what lady? Not only did someone just force their dick inside you, now we are going force our religion on you! Go find another place to get your emergency contraceptive. Damn. Today isn't your lucky day, is it?"

there is no link because that statement is a flat out lie.

Brown is opposed to forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. He is not opposed to offering medical aid to rape victims.

No it is not a lie. In 2005 he proposed an Amendment to a Bill that would allow healthcare workers the right to deny emergency contraceptive to rape victims. That is advocating denying medication to rape victims on the grounds of religion. Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims. You can read the text of his amendment here:

Bay State Battle |
From your link:

Still, the ad is basically on track, factually, until we come to a claim that "Brown even favors letting hospitals deny emergency contraception to rape victims." It’s true that in 2005, when the Massachusetts state Legislature was considering a bill to require hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims, Brown introduced an amendment that would have let doctors and nurses opt out based on "a sincerely held religious belief" and refer patients elsewhere. It was similar to "conscience" provisions in state and federal legislation that would avoid forcing Catholic hospitals to provide abortion or contraception against the teachings of the church. Here’s the language:
Brown amendment, April 2005: Nothing in this section shall impose any requirements upon any employee, physician or nurse of any facility to the extent that administering the contraception conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief. In determining whether an employee, physician or nurse of any facility has a sincerely held religious belief administering the contraception, the conflict shall be known and disclosed to said facility and on record at said facility.
If it is deemed that said employee, physician or nurse of any facility has a sincerely held religious conflict administering the contraception, then said treating facility shall have in place a validated referral procedure policy for referring patients for administration of the emergency contraception that will administer the emergency contraception, which may include a contract with another facility. The referrals shall be made at no additional cost to the patient.​
The amendment failed. But what the ad doesn’t mention is that Brown voted for the underlying bill anyway, even after the Republican governor vetoed it.
The most misleading part of the ad, though, is not what the narrator says, but what appears on screen. As the contraception amendment is mentioned, viewers see the words, "Deny rape victims care." Emergency contraception is certainly a type of care. But the language on screen implies that Brown would support denial of even, say, treatment of injuries sustained in a rape.
That’s far from the truth. The bill, which became part of the Massachusetts state code’s section on public health, required that rape victims be provided with accurate information about emergency contraception and that they be offered it. Brown voted for the bill after unsuccessfully trying to carve out a religion exception. And there is nothing in the record that we are aware of to suggest that Brown ever supported denying any other type of care to victims of sexual assault.

Voters go to the polls on Tuesday.
– by Viveca Novak
If Brown can stay strong and focused he should win. The Democrat personal smear campaigns are now heating up and i expect them to hit a fever-pitch by Tuesday. The Liberal hate groups like are spending $Millions trying to smear Brown. He wins pretty easily on issues and beliefs and the Liberal wing nuts know this. They'll have to try and 'Palin' him now. Look for their smears to get pretty ugly. He just needs to weather the storm because he does have a real chance of winning. I guess we'll see.
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there is no link because that statement is a flat out lie.

Brown is opposed to forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. He is not opposed to offering medical aid to rape victims.

No it is not a lie. In 2005 he proposed an Amendment to a Bill that would allow healthcare workers the right to deny emergency contraceptive to rape victims. That is advocating denying medication to rape victims on the grounds of religion. Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims. You can read the text of his amendment here:

Bay State Battle |
From your link:

Still, the ad is basically on track, factually, until we come to a claim that "Brown even favors letting hospitals deny emergency contraception to rape victims." It’s true that in 2005, when the Massachusetts state Legislature was considering a bill to require hospitals to provide emergency contraception to rape victims, Brown introduced an amendment that would have let doctors and nurses opt out based on "a sincerely held religious belief" and refer patients elsewhere. It was similar to "conscience" provisions in state and federal legislation that would avoid forcing Catholic hospitals to provide abortion or contraception against the teachings of the church. Here’s the language:
Brown amendment, April 2005: Nothing in this section shall impose any requirements upon any employee, physician or nurse of any facility to the extent that administering the contraception conflicts with a sincerely held religious belief. In determining whether an employee, physician or nurse of any facility has a sincerely held religious belief administering the contraception, the conflict shall be known and disclosed to said facility and on record at said facility.
If it is deemed that said employee, physician or nurse of any facility has a sincerely held religious conflict administering the contraception, then said treating facility shall have in place a validated referral procedure policy for referring patients for administration of the emergency contraception that will administer the emergency contraception, which may include a contract with another facility. The referrals shall be made at no additional cost to the patient.​
The amendment failed. But what the ad doesn’t mention is that Brown voted for the underlying bill anyway, even after the Republican governor vetoed it.
The most misleading part of the ad, though, is not what the narrator says, but what appears on screen. As the contraception amendment is mentioned, viewers see the words, "Deny rape victims care." Emergency contraception is certainly a type of care. But the language on screen implies that Brown would support denial of even, say, treatment of injuries sustained in a rape.
That’s far from the truth. The bill, which became part of the Massachusetts state code’s section on public health, required that rape victims be provided with accurate information about emergency contraception and that they be offered it. Brown voted for the bill after unsuccessfully trying to carve out a religion exception. And there is nothing in the record that we are aware of to suggest that Brown ever supported denying any other type of care to victims of sexual assault.

Voters go to the polls on Tuesday.
– by Viveca Novak

I already addressed the misleading ad and you quoted my post that pointed out:

"Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims."

Then you act as if I didn't already state the ad was misleading? Why?

Also, I just posted, it doesn't matter the Amendment failed. It doesn't matter he voted for the Bill. What matters is he supports placing religion over rape victims.

there is no link because that statement is a flat out lie.

Brown is opposed to forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions. He is not opposed to offering medical aid to rape victims.

No it is not a lie. In 2005 he proposed an Amendment to a Bill that would allow healthcare workers the right to deny emergency contraceptive to rape victims. That is advocating denying medication to rape victims on the grounds of religion. Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims. You can read the text of his amendment here:

Bay State Battle |

I'm with Curve on this one as I KNOW the law that he tried to get passed as it was tried here in Idaho. Why only Catholics? Isn't that putting ONE religion ahead of another? And it is NOT repeat NOT about not forcing doctors to perform ABORTIONS it is about allowing CATHOLICS to not prescribe MEDICATION and although I don't like slippery slope arguments I think this bill would lead to ALL SORTS OF GROUPS not wanting to prescribe ALL SORTS of MEDICATIONS.

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