Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

My Gawd Meister go back to page 21-22 and see just how BIASED a poll can be and how easily the #s can be manipulated to say what you WANT them to say. I absolutely EVICERATED the OP with his OWN poll data.

sure you did.

Look at the posts Del. I took his OWN poll and PROVED it didn't say what he CLAIMED it did. I aslo showed MANY items that DIRECTELY CONTRADICTED his views. It was actually pretty funny if you ask me, but of course you didn't. Look for yourself and tell me HOW EXACTELY I didn't do what I just claimed.

i read it when you posted it; it was bullshit then, it's bullshit now. brown is in a statistical dead heat with coakley- 4 points ahead and the margin of error is 4%. i'm sorry you don't like it, but stomping your feet and shouting "no,no,no" doesn't change the facts.

do you think obama would be coming up here to campaign for her if she wasn't in serious danger of losing?


wanna buy a bridge?
Election 2010: Massachusetts Special Senate Election
Massachusetts Senate Election: Coakley (D) 49%, Brown (R) 47%
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement
The Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election has gotten tighter, but the general dynamics remain the same.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley attracting 49% of the vote while her Republican rival, state Senator Scott Brown, picks up 47%.

Oooooooooooooooooops !!!!!!

How many poll Skook? 1,000? Not a very good poll. Now I could look over that poll and point out ALL the flaws but since I have ALREADY spent a LOT of time doing so with the other poll I am not inclined to do so again. Unless you want me to if so I will point out all the flaws with this particular poll and I could point out many flaws with polling in general.

By the way did you answer my question about your prediction of the 08 elections? You and I BOTH know what you predicted on the MSNBC board so if you want to I can tell everyone here what you predicted but I think it would mean more coming from you.

Guys like skooper don't own up.
sure you did.

Look at the posts Del. I took his OWN poll and PROVED it didn't say what he CLAIMED it did. I aslo showed MANY items that DIRECTELY CONTRADICTED his views. It was actually pretty funny if you ask me, but of course you didn't. Look for yourself and tell me HOW EXACTELY I didn't do what I just claimed.

i read it when you posted it; it was bullshit then, it's bullshit now. brown is in a statistical dead heat with coakley- 4 points ahead and the margin of error is 4%. i'm sorry you don't like it, but stomping your feet and shouting "no,no,no" doesn't change the facts.

do you think obama would be coming up here to campaign for her if she wasn't in serious danger of losing?


wanna buy a bridge?

If you want to buy those BULLSHIT #s that I PROVED were flawed then knock yourself out. You are so fucking dumb that you don't realize that a 4% margine of error is IMPOSIBLE with a FIVE HUNDERED PERSON POLL!
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Look at the posts Del. I took his OWN poll and PROVED it didn't say what he CLAIMED it did. I aslo showed MANY items that DIRECTELY CONTRADICTED his views. It was actually pretty funny if you ask me, but of course you didn't. Look for yourself and tell me HOW EXACTELY I didn't do what I just claimed.

i read it when you posted it; it was bullshit then, it's bullshit now. brown is in a statistical dead heat with coakley- 4 points ahead and the margin of error is 4%. i'm sorry you don't like it, but stomping your feet and shouting "no,no,no" doesn't change the facts.

do you think obama would be coming up here to campaign for her if she wasn't in serious danger of losing?


wanna buy a bridge?

If you want to buy those BULLSHIT #s that I PROVED were flawed then knock yourself out. You are so fucking dumb that you don't realize that a 4% margine of error is IMPOSIBLE with a FIVE HUNDERED PERSON POLL!

damn, you really ARE this stupid.

have a nice day.
This thread has Curve Light and Cold Fusion in it. It is dead. Let us mourn its passing and bury it. It was a good thread, full of interesting discussion, and even was half witty some times. But now it is only food for trolls.

Good night, sweet thread.
Look at the posts Del. I took his OWN poll and PROVED it didn't say what he CLAIMED it did. I aslo showed MANY items that DIRECTELY CONTRADICTED his views. It was actually pretty funny if you ask me, but of course you didn't. Look for yourself and tell me HOW EXACTELY I didn't do what I just claimed.

i read it when you posted it; it was bullshit then, it's bullshit now. brown is in a statistical dead heat with coakley- 4 points ahead and the margin of error is 4%. i'm sorry you don't like it, but stomping your feet and shouting "no,no,no" doesn't change the facts.

do you think obama would be coming up here to campaign for her if she wasn't in serious danger of losing?


wanna buy a bridge?

If you want to buy those BULLSHIT #s that I PROVED were flawed then knock yourself out. You are so fucking dumb that you don't realize that a 4% margine of error is IMPOSIBLE with a FIVE HUNDERED PERSON POLL!

How's that?

Sort of sums up what Scott Brown is up against and just one of the reasons why I'm waiting to see on the outcome.
I live in New York and can't do much to help this campaign except give money which is what I did yesterday. I hope this guy gets it done and wins. I know the DEMS will do anything to certify the election after the Health Care vote but the message will be sent to all DEMS. Could The GOP get it together for a run at the White House? maybe not but the Senate and House will be drastically different after the next election.
Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

A new poll taken Thursday evening for Pajamas Media by CrossTarget – an Alexandria VA survey research firm – shows Scott Brown, a Republican, leading Martha Coakley, a Democrat, by 15.4% in Tuesday’s special election for the open Massachusetts US Senate seat. The poll of 946 likely voters was conducted by telephone using interactive voice technology (IVR) and has a margin of error of +/- 3.19%.

This is the first poll to show Brown surging to such an extent. A poll from the Suffolk University Political Research Center – published Thursday morning by the Boston Herald, but taken earlier – had Brown moving ahead by 4%.

The special election is to fill the seat held by the recently deceased Edward Kennedy. Kennedy, a Democrat, served in the US Senate for 46 years. A Brown victory could stall legislation supported by the Obama administration, including health care.

What follows are the questions asked in the poll with the responses:

1. Thinking about next Tuesday’s special election for US Senate. The candidates are Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley. If the election were today, who would you vote for? If Scott Brown press 1, if Martha Coakley press 2. If you are undecided press 3.
1. Scott Brown 53.9%
2. Martha Coakley 38.5%
3. Undecided 7.6%

2. And do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Scott Brown? If favorable press 1. If unfavorable press 2. If you are undecided press 3.
1. Favorable 60.5%
2. Unfavorable 27.5%
3. Unsure 12.1%

3. And what about Martha Coakley. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Martha Coakley? If favorable press 1. If unfavorable press 2. If your undecided press 3.
1. Favorable 38.5%
2. Unfavorable 50.5%
3. Undecided 11%

4. Thank you. Only a small percentage of all voters will cast a ballot in this Tuesdays special election for US Senate. How likely is it that you will actually vote in this election on January 19th? If you will definitely vote press 1. If you might or might not vote press 2. If you probably wont vote press 3.
1. Definitely will vote 71.9%
2. Might or might not vote 21.4%
3. Probably won’t vote 6.8%

5. Now, let me ask are you a male or female? If you are male press 1, if you are female press 2.
1. Male 43.3%
2. Female 56.7%

6. Thank you. Now for the last question. Do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or something else. If a Republican press 1. If a Democrat press 2. If something else press 3.
1. Republican 20.3%
2. Democrat 36.6%
3. Something else 43.1%

Roger L. Simon » Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

And the Coakley screw up train just keeps on rolling!

She actually claimed Boston great Curt Schilling is a Yankee Fan!!!!! This woman is utterly clueless and an insult to the people of her own state.

The youtube clip is already approaching 20 thousand views since being posted less than 24 hours ago...

Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

A new poll taken Thursday evening for Pajamas Media by CrossTarget – an Alexandria VA survey research firm – shows Scott Brown, a Republican, leading Martha Coakley, a Democrat, by 15.4% in Tuesday’s special election for the open Massachusetts US Senate seat. The poll of 946 likely voters was conducted by telephone using interactive voice technology (IVR) and has a margin of error of +/- 3.19%.

This is the first poll to show Brown surging to such an extent. A poll from the Suffolk University Political Research Center – published Thursday morning by the Boston Herald, but taken earlier – had Brown moving ahead by 4%.

The special election is to fill the seat held by the recently deceased Edward Kennedy. Kennedy, a Democrat, served in the US Senate for 46 years. A Brown victory could stall legislation supported by the Obama administration, including health care.

What follows are the questions asked in the poll with the responses:

1. Thinking about next Tuesday’s special election for US Senate. The candidates are Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley. If the election were today, who would you vote for? If Scott Brown press 1, if Martha Coakley press 2. If you are undecided press 3.
1. Scott Brown 53.9%
2. Martha Coakley 38.5%
3. Undecided 7.6%

2. And do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Scott Brown? If favorable press 1. If unfavorable press 2. If you are undecided press 3.
1. Favorable 60.5%
2. Unfavorable 27.5%
3. Unsure 12.1%

3. And what about Martha Coakley. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Martha Coakley? If favorable press 1. If unfavorable press 2. If your undecided press 3.
1. Favorable 38.5%
2. Unfavorable 50.5%
3. Undecided 11%

4. Thank you. Only a small percentage of all voters will cast a ballot in this Tuesdays special election for US Senate. How likely is it that you will actually vote in this election on January 19th? If you will definitely vote press 1. If you might or might not vote press 2. If you probably wont vote press 3.
1. Definitely will vote 71.9%
2. Might or might not vote 21.4%
3. Probably won’t vote 6.8%

5. Now, let me ask are you a male or female? If you are male press 1, if you are female press 2.
1. Male 43.3%
2. Female 56.7%

6. Thank you. Now for the last question. Do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat or something else. If a Republican press 1. If a Democrat press 2. If something else press 3.
1. Republican 20.3%
2. Democrat 36.6%
3. Something else 43.1%

Roger L. Simon » Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll

15 points sounds high to me, but the other numbers (party breakdown, % likely to vote, etc seems to match other polls i've looked at (suffolk, boston globe, rasmussen)

then again, two months ago, coakley was up by 31 v. brown.

"Democrats sought to project an air of confidence yesterday, even as a 7NEWS/Suffolk University poll released late Thursday put Brown, a Republican state senator, four points ahead of Coakley. A Suffolk poll two months ago showed Coakley, the state’s attorney general, holding a commanding 31-point lead over Brown, taken when each was seeking the nomination in the primary."

Obama steps into suddenly taut Senate race - The Boston Globe
This Coakely screw up train...

1. No terrorists in Afghanistan

2. Can't spell Massachusetts in her Ads

3. Goes to Washington to raise money from fat cat health care lobbyists, aide knocks down reporter

4. Calls Curt Schilling a Yankees fan - the legendary pitcher who broke the Red Sox 80 plus year "curse". Schilling is also very involved in politics and contemplated running for the Senate. She should know him from that alone. Next she will be calling Tom Brady a Steelers fan!

C'mon Massachusetts - just a couple more days before your chance to shake up the world...
This Coakely screw up train...

1. No terrorists in Afghanistan

2. Can't spell Massachusetts in her Ads

3. Goes to Washington to raise money from fat cat health care lobbyists, aide knocks down reporter

4. Calls Curt Schilling a Yankees fan - the legendary pitcher who broke the Red Sox 80 plus year "curse". Schilling is also very involved in politics and contemplated running for the Senate. She should know him from that alone. Next she will be calling Tom Brady a Steelers fan!

C'mon Massachusetts - just a couple more days before your chance to shake up the world...

i just got a robocall from curt schilling. :lol:

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