Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

If Coakley fails, it will be because Coakley ran a horrible campaign. If you truly think this is about Obama, then you have no idea about the race going on up there.
yeah, its not smart for Obama to come in and even try to save this one
it could make it worse

I have been reading some of the blogs from the Boston Globe a very liberal newspaper, they endorsed Coakley. It's pretty clear to me that app 9 out of 10 posts support Brown. I am going to assume that this is a very tight and close race and it's possible that Coakley could pull off a win. I am praying that those Brown voters show up in droves.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Details of President Obama's visit to Boston - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe

Scroll down and you will see the blogs.
yeah, its not smart for Obama to come in and even try to save this one
it could make it worse

It's not smart at this point though yeah. I can understand his reasoning but it's really not worth it for him. The Democrats in Congress need to grow spines, and if they did then the whole "magical 60 vote" bullshit wouldn't matter.
like the GOP in the Senate didnt have a spine for 6 years when they had a slim majority
the dems dont when they have a super majority
like the GOP in the Senate didnt have a spine for 6 years when they had a slim majority
the dems dont when they have a super majority

The GOP sure did have a spine for six years when they had a slim majority. They didn't care how unpopular something was, they wanted it through they were going to get it through.

And the Dems only have a super majority on paper when you include the "Blue Dogs" who are essentially Conservative Democrats.
The President tried to help Gov. Corzine in NJ. Not only did it not sufficiently help Corzine (a real yutz), but it arguably hurt Corzine. Excellent.

The President is busy shooting himself (politically that is) in the foot.

Now, it looks like he has real tiny coat-tail power.

And when his "help" in Massachusetts fails to help the poorly run campaign of the Dem candidate, once again the President will be re-asserting his own political juice.

When President Obama spoke out against the inept NY governor David Patterson, in fact, despite how inept Gov. Patterson is, and despite the fact that the Governor is legally blind, even he saw that the President's political power was lame. Patterson might not win despite the efforts ot President Obama to undermine him, but Patterson seems to think that when President Obama doesn't like you, you have to get a bump up in the polls. And so far, it's true. Patterson is still a significant underdog (even as an incumbent) against Cuomo, but he HAS gained some ground in the polls.

Conclusion? President Obama has taken his own ministry of propaganda (i.e., the reporting about him by the liberal MSM) far flattery too seriously. In reality, he's akin to the naked emperor. Once people admit reality to themselves, the guy has no cover.

Who knows if Brown can actually pull this one off? IT's still great to see the liberal Democratics sweat it out in Massachusetts of all places. Glad tidings and good omens, either way.
If Coakley fails, it will be because Coakley ran a horrible campaign. If you truly think this is about Obama, then you have no idea about the race going on up there.
yeah, its not smart for Obama to come in and even try to save this one
it could make it worse

If I were him after reading those blogs I would avoid that state like a plaque. Many are angry that he is coming out there. He should just stay focused on the relief efforts in Haiti and stay off the campaign trail. It doesn't look good for a sitting President who has as much as he does on his plate to go on the campaign trail. This could very well backfire on him and he could suffer another very humiliating defeat.

His presence did not help the New Jersey and Virginia elections, why would he think that he could help here.
like the GOP in the Senate didnt have a spine for 6 years when they had a slim majority
the dems dont when they have a super majority

The GOP sure did have a spine for six years when they had a slim majority. They didn't care how unpopular something was, they wanted it through they were going to get it through.

And the Dems only have a super majority on paper when you include the "Blue Dogs" who are essentially Conservative Democrats.
a "conservative democrat" is really a moderate
and the GOP didnt push ANYTHING through
so i dont know what the fuck you are thinking of
everything had to be bipartisan or they didnt try
they even had to compromise to get judges done when it only required an up/down vote
so dont give me that bullshit
a "conservative democrat" is really a moderate
and the GOP didnt push ANYTHING through
so i dont know what the fuck you are thinking of
everything had to be bipartisan or they didnt try
they even had to compromise to get judges done when it only required an up/down vote
so dont give me that bullshit

Making last second deals behind close doors? Procedures to delay vote?

"I remember one incident very clearly -- I think it was 2001," says Winslow Wheeler, who served for twenty-two years as a Republican staffer in the Senate. "I was working for [New Mexico Republican] Pete Domenici at the time. We were in a Budget Committee hearing and the Democrats were debating what the final result would be. And my boss gets up and he says, 'Why are you saying this? You're not even going to be in the room when the decisions are made.' Just said it right out in the open."

Sensenbrenner kept trying to gavel the hearing to a close, but Democrats again pointed to the rules, which said they had a certain amount of time to examine their witnesses. When they refused to stop the proceedings, the chairman did something unprecedented: He simply picked up his gavel and walked out.

"He was like a kid at the playground," the staffer says. And just in case anyone missed the point, Sensenbrenner shut off the lights and cut the microphones on his way out of the room.

Bipartisan my ass. And that's only two examples out of that whole article. Want some more?
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like the GOP in the Senate didnt have a spine for 6 years when they had a slim majority
the dems dont when they have a super majority

The GOP sure did have a spine for six years when they had a slim majority. They didn't care how unpopular something was, they wanted it through they were going to get it through.

And the Dems only have a super majority on paper when you include the "Blue Dogs" who are essentially Conservative Democrats.

There are NO conservative blue dog democrats in the congress or the senate, they all voted for this health care train wreck. Ben Nelson, Evan Bye all profess to be conservative but if they were they would not have voted for this train wreck. BTW- Evan Bye and Ben Nelson are in huge trouble over this with their constituents.

Nelson, "The corn husker kickback," and his wife were booed out of an Italian restuarant in Omaha the other night, with the people shouting, " Get out of here."
Yet another poll indicating Scott Brown can win this thing...


New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts

Tea Parties vs. the SEIU, Freedom vs. Socialism

Another new poll is out showing Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Scott Brown, ahead in the Special Election race for Senator of Massachusetts.

The highly respected American Research Group poll shows Brown ahead by 3% over his Democrat rival, the far-Left Martha Coakley (48%-45%).

The Special Election is now just 3 days away. Democrats and liberal special interest groups have dumped over $1 million into the race this week alone. Bill Clinton just campaigned for Democrat Martha Coakley, and Barack Obama is set to do the same on Sunday.

New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts | Politics & Economics
a "conservative democrat" is really a moderate
and the GOP didnt push ANYTHING through
so i dont know what the fuck you are thinking of
everything had to be bipartisan or they didnt try
they even had to compromise to get judges done when it only required an up/down vote
so dont give me that bullshit

Making last second deals behind close doors? Procedures to delay vote?


"I remember one incident very clearly -- I think it was 2001," says Winslow Wheeler, who served for twenty-two years as a Republican staffer in the Senate. "I was working for [New Mexico Republican] Pete Domenici at the time. We were in a Budget Committee hearing and the Democrats were debating what the final result would be. And my boss gets up and he says, 'Why are you saying this? You're not even going to be in the room when the decisions are made.' Just said it right out in the open."

Sensenbrenner kept trying to gavel the hearing to a close, but Democrats again pointed to the rules, which said they had a certain amount of time to examine their witnesses. When they refused to stop the proceedings, the chairman did something unprecedented: He simply picked up his gavel and walked out.

"He was like a kid at the playground," the staffer says. And just in case anyone missed the point, Sensenbrenner shut off the lights and cut the microphones on his way out of the room.

Bipartisan my ass. And that's only two examples out of that whole article. Want some more?
cherry picking again i see

ya know what, just never mind
'you are just that fucking stupid
Yet another poll indicating Scott Brown can win this thing...


New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts

Tea Parties vs. the SEIU, Freedom vs. Socialism

Another new poll is out showing Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Scott Brown, ahead in the Special Election race for Senator of Massachusetts.

The highly respected American Research Group poll shows Brown ahead by 3% over his Democrat rival, the far-Left Martha Coakley (48%-45%).

The Special Election is now just 3 days away. Democrats and liberal special interest groups have dumped over $1 million into the race this week alone. Bill Clinton just campaigned for Democrat Martha Coakley, and Barack Obama is set to do the same on Sunday.

New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts | Politics & Economics
its still within the margin of error
but, its better than being behind by the margin of error ;)
There are NO conservative blue dog democrats in the congress or the senate, they all voted for this health care train wreck. Ben Nelson, Evan Bye all profess to be conservative but if they were they would not have voted for this train wreck. BTW- Evan Bye and Ben Nelson are in huge trouble over this with their constituents.

Nelson, "The corn husker kickback," and his wife were booed out of an Italian restuarant in Omaha the other night, with the people shouting, " Get out of here."

If you think one issue where lots of deals and bargaining was made is the definitive way to define a senator, be my guest. However, many Democrats who are for example against Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc aren't Liberals to say the least.

As for Nelson, I'm sure you were trying to not scream like a happy little girl at the fact some people booed him at a pizza parlor.
Yet another poll indicating Scott Brown can win this thing...


New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts

Tea Parties vs. the SEIU, Freedom vs. Socialism

Another new poll is out showing Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Scott Brown, ahead in the Special Election race for Senator of Massachusetts.

The highly respected American Research Group poll shows Brown ahead by 3% over his Democrat rival, the far-Left Martha Coakley (48%-45%).

The Special Election is now just 3 days away. Democrats and liberal special interest groups have dumped over $1 million into the race this week alone. Bill Clinton just campaigned for Democrat Martha Coakley, and Barack Obama is set to do the same on Sunday.

New Poll, Scott Brown Pulls Ahead in Massachusetts | Politics & Economics
its still within the margin of error
but, its better than being behind by the margin of error ;)


Yes - I'll take it!

Brown is also winning out big time with younger voters as well - it is the old school Teddy Kennedy-era Dems who are managing to keep this thing from a total blow out.
cherry picking again i see

ya know what, just never mind
'you are just that fucking stupid

YOU'RE the one who said EVERYTHING had to be bipartisan. Those are just two examples. Want some more? I guess you do.

The lowlight of his reign took place just before midnight on July 17th, 2003, when Thomas dumped a "substitute" pension bill on Democrats -- one that they had never read -- and informed them they would be voting on it the next morning. Infuriated, Democrats stalled by demanding that the bill be read out line by line while they recessed to a side room to confer. But Thomas wanted to move forward -- so he called the Capitol police to evict the Democrats.

Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sort of like the Health Care Bill you complain about. Where is your screams of injustice here? Silent I see. Least the Democrats never called the cops on anyone.

In one legendary incident, Rep. Charles Rangel went searching for a secret conference being held by Thomas. When he found the room where Republicans closeted themselves, he knocked and knocked on the door, but no one answered. A House aide compares the scene to the famous "Land Shark" skit from Saturday Night Live, with everyone hiding behind the door afraid to make a sound. "Rangel was the land shark, I guess," the aide jokes. But the real punch line came when Thomas finally opened the door. "This meeting," he informed Rangel, "is only open to the coalition of the willing."

One of the most depressing examples of one-party rule is the Patriot Act. The measure was originally crafted in classic bipartisan fashion in the Judiciary Committee, where it passed by a vote of thirty-six to zero, with famed liberals like Barney Frank and Jerrold Nadler saying aye. But when the bill was sent to the Rules Committee, the Republicans simply chucked the approved bill and replaced it with a new, far more repressive version, apparently written at the direction of then-Attorney General John Ashcroft.

How has Solomon fared? Of the 111 rules introduced in the first session of this Congress, only twelve were open. Of those, eleven were appropriations bills, which are traditionally open. That left just one open vote -- H. Res. 255, the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005.

In the second session of this Congress? Not a single open rule, outside of appropriation votes
. Under the Republicans, amendable bills have been a genuine Washington rarity, the upside-down eight-leafed clover of legislative politics.

Republican leaders in the Bush era have mastered a new congressional innovation: the one-vote victory. Rather than seeking broad consensus, the leadership cooks up some hideously expensive, favor-laden boondoggle and then scales it back bit by bit. Once they're in striking range, they send the fucker to the floor and beat in the brains of the fence-sitters with threats and favors until enough members cave in and pass the damn thing. It is, in essence, a legislative microcosm of the electoral strategy that Karl Rove has employed to such devastating effect.

A classic example was the vote for the Central American Free Trade Agreement, the union-smashing, free-trade monstrosity passed in 2005. As has often been the case in the past six years, the vote was held late at night, away from the prying eyes of the public, who might be horrified by what they see. Thanks to such tactics, the 109th is known as the "Dracula" Congress: Twenty bills have been brought to a vote between midnight and 7 a.m.

Republicans then held the vote open for another forty-seven minutes while GOP leaders cruised the aisles like the family elders from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, frantically chopping at the legs and arms of Republicans who opposed the measure. They even roused the president out of bed to help kick ass for the vote, passing a cell phone with Bush on the line around the House cloakroom like a bong. Rep. Robin Hayes of North Carolina was approached by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who told him, "Negotiations are open. Put on the table the things that your district and people need and we'll get them." After receiving assurances that the administration would help textile manufacturers in his home state by restricting the flow of cheap Chinese imports, Hayes switched his vote to yea. CAFTA ultimately passed by two votes at 12:03 a.m.

Gee, that sounds exactly like what you guys were hounding Ben Nelson for. Where's your screams of injustice then Dive? Oh right, you're being a fucking hypocrite. You can delude yourself all you want, but the evidence is there.

Sen. Pat Leahy of Vermont comments on this rush to torture during the final, frenzied debate. "Over 200 years of jurisprudence in this country," Leahy pleads, "and following an hour of debate, we get rid of it?"

Yawns, chatter, a few sets of rolling eyes -- yeah, whatever, Pat. An hour later, the torture bill is law. Two hours after that, the diminutive chair of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, Sen. Ted Stevens, reads off the summary of the military-spending bill to a mostly empty hall; since the members all need their sleep and most have left early, the "debate" on the biggest spending bill of the year is conducted before a largely phantom audience.

Watching Ted Stevens spend half a trillion dollars is like watching a junkie pull a belt around his biceps with his teeth. You get the sense he could do it just as fast in the dark. When he finishes his summary -- $436 billion in defense spending, including $70 billion for the Iraq "emergency" -- he fucks off and leaves the hall. A few minutes later, Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma -- one of the so-called honest Republicans who has clashed with his own party's leadership on spending issues -- appears in the hall and whines to the empty room about all the lavish pork projects and sheer unadulterated waste jammed into the bill. But aside from a bored-looking John Cornyn of Texas, who is acting as president pro tempore, and a couple of giggling, suit-clad pages, there is no one in the hall to listen to him.

I can keep going, we're only halfway through the article. Or do you care to admit you were wrong? Your choice.
cherry picking again i see

ya know what, just never mind
'you are just that fucking stupid

YOU'RE the one who said EVERYTHING had to be bipartisan. Those are just two examples. Want some more? I guess you do.

The lowlight of his reign took place just before midnight on July 17th, 2003, when Thomas dumped a "substitute" pension bill on Democrats -- one that they had never read -- and informed them they would be voting on it the next morning. Infuriated, Democrats stalled by demanding that the bill be read out line by line while they recessed to a side room to confer. But Thomas wanted to move forward -- so he called the Capitol police to evict the Democrats.
Sounds familiar doesn't it? Sort of like the Health Care Bill you complain about. Where is your screams of injustice here? Silent I see. Least the Democrats never called the cops on anyone.

Gee, that sounds exactly like what you guys were hounding Ben Nelson for. Where's your screams of injustice then Dive? Oh right, you're being a fucking hypocrite. You can delude yourself all you want, but the evidence is there.

Sen. Pat Leahy of Vermont comments on this rush to torture during the final, frenzied debate. "Over 200 years of jurisprudence in this country," Leahy pleads, "and following an hour of debate, we get rid of it?"

Yawns, chatter, a few sets of rolling eyes -- yeah, whatever, Pat. An hour later, the torture bill is law. Two hours after that, the diminutive chair of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, Sen. Ted Stevens, reads off the summary of the military-spending bill to a mostly empty hall; since the members all need their sleep and most have left early, the "debate" on the biggest spending bill of the year is conducted before a largely phantom audience.
Watching Ted Stevens spend half a trillion dollars is like watching a junkie pull a belt around his biceps with his teeth. You get the sense he could do it just as fast in the dark. When he finishes his summary -- $436 billion in defense spending, including $70 billion for the Iraq "emergency" -- he fucks off and leaves the hall. A few minutes later, Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma -- one of the so-called honest Republicans who has clashed with his own party's leadership on spending issues -- appears in the hall and whines to the empty room about all the lavish pork projects and sheer unadulterated waste jammed into the bill. But aside from a bored-looking John Cornyn of Texas, who is acting as president pro tempore, and a couple of giggling, suit-clad pages, there is no one in the hall to listen to him.
I can keep going, we're only halfway through the article. Or do you care to admit you were wrong? Your choice.

the GOP TRIED this stuff and ended up caving in
thats what you dont fucking get punk

and what was your source for all this BULLSHIT huh???

fucking dailyKOS or was it the PUFFINGTON post?

punk, i have been politically aware about 2 decades before you were born, so giuve up trying to act like you are more aware than i am
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the GOP TRIED this stuff and ended up caving in
thats what you dont fucking get punk

and what was your source for all this BULLSHIT huh???

fucking dailyKOS or was it the PUFFINGTON post?

punk, i have been politically aware about 2 decades before you were born, so giuve up trying to act like you are more aware than i am

What exactly did the GOP cave on? I'd like to know specifically and a link.

I don't care if you were politically aware ten decades before I was born, you're obviously ignoring the reality of the situation that the Republicans are acting in the same manner that some of the Dems are now if not worse. Except you only condemn one party.

And you seriously think the GOP are a bunch of angels instead of politicians, you taking advantage of that new law about marijuana in your state? :eusa_eh:

As for the sources, if you bothered to read the article you'd see it was staffers both Democrat and Republican alike as I previously pointed out. And other people on capitol hill. Far as I know, the Kos and the Huff have nothing to do with this.

But how could I forget, the GOP never acted like politicians according you. They did everything clean and by the book. :rolleyes:

That's a bigger joke that the Democratic Leadership in Congress. And considering they have both Pelosi and Reid still, that's saying alot.
the GOP TRIED this stuff and ended up caving in
thats what you dont fucking get punk

and what was your source for all this BULLSHIT huh???

fucking dailyKOS or was it the PUFFINGTON post?

punk, i have been politically aware about 2 decades before you were born, so giuve up trying to act like you are more aware than i am

What exactly did the GOP cave on? I'd like to know specifically and a link.

I don't care if you were politically aware ten decades before I was born, you're obviously ignoring the reality of the situation that the Republicans are acting in the same manner that some of the Dems are now if not worse. Except you only condemn one party.

And you seriously think the GOP are a bunch of angels instead of politicians, you taking advantage of that new law about marijuana in your state? :eusa_eh:

As for the sources, if you bothered to read the article you'd see it was staffers both Democrat and Republican alike as I previously pointed out. And other people on capitol hill. Far as I know, the Kos and the Huff have nothing to do with this.

But how could I forget, the GOP never acted like politicians according you. They did everything clean and by the book. :rolleyes:

That's a bigger joke that the Democratic Leadership in Congress. And considering they have both Pelosi and Reid still, that's saying alot.
WRONG on all counts
but that typical for you
like the GOP in the Senate didnt have a spine for 6 years when they had a slim majority
the dems dont when they have a super majority

The GOP sure did have a spine for six years when they had a slim majority. They didn't care how unpopular something was, they wanted it through they were going to get it through.

And the Dems only have a super majority on paper when you include the "Blue Dogs" who are essentially Conservative Democrats.

There are NO conservative blue dog democrats in the congress or the senate, they all voted for this health care train wreck. Ben Nelson, Evan Bye all profess to be conservative but if they were they would not have voted for this train wreck. BTW- Evan Bye and Ben Nelson are in huge trouble over this with their constituents.

Nelson, "The corn husker kickback," and his wife were booed out of an Italian restuarant in Omaha the other night, with the people shouting, " Get out of here."

The bluedogs in the Senate voted for the bill after they'd used their 40 vote Republican leverage to remove most of the good stuff.
The late Ted Kennedy's own hometown newspaper has endorsed Scott Brown for Senate.



Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper

Hyannis Port, MA - Scott Browns candidacy for Senate has picked up another surprising endorsement. The Cap Cod Times has endorsed Scott Brown.

The Cape Cod Times has backed Scott Brown for Senate over his rival Democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The Cape Cod Times is the newspaper of record on the Cape. Intrade futures, financial instruments to mimic polls, show Scott Brown leading in the polls 54-46.

Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper | Before It's News
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.

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