Boom!!!! Scott Brown Pulls Ahead

He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.


I already addressed the misleading ad and you quoted my post that pointed out:

"Apparently the Coakley campaign put out an ad about it that was misleading in some ways, but the fact remains he advocated healthcare workers should have the right to deny EC to rape victims."

Then you act as if I didn't already state the ad was misleading? Why?

Also, I just posted, it doesn't matter the Amendment failed. It doesn't matter he voted for the Bill. What matters is he supports placing religion over rape victims.
Maybe the color and underlining and size will help with your comprehension? Nah...

Don't you just love it Annie, when you get the libs taking portions of a link that they think supports their point of view and they hope that you don't read the entire article, in fact, they count on it. What the problem is is that they don't read the entire article.:lol:

Yeah kind of like when an IDIOT Rep cites poll #s that don't support his claim. The ONLY fact here is that the poll Sinatra cites in the OP is FLAWED and ANYONE with the LEAST bit of honesty should admit that fact.

A question for those of you who are STILL crowing about the poll from the OP. WHY did the poll ask about support for Obama RIGHT BEFORE asking about Coakley? I can TELL you why. It's a DISHONEST tactic to get the person to associate the candidate with an unpolular person/position. The entire poll is pretty shameful.
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.

That's funny because the VAST majority polled said they thought COAKLEY would be the next Senator from Mass.
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.



Wow! Those are 4 of my ex girlfriends, must have been at a Ex Meister Reunion. :lol:
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.

That's funny because the VAST majority polled said they thought COAKLEY would be the next Senator from Mass.

What's funny is your limited IQ and warped world view allow you to post something which actually isn't germane at all to what I posted.
A visit to real clear politics yielded some interesting points:

1. Of the four most recent polls, The highest percentage of Democrats was ARG. Results Brown +3.
2. With the same group, highest Republican percentage was ARG and PJM in a tie. Brown +3 or more.
3. Same group, highest percentage Independents was SU. Brown +4.
4. The closest with how people probably vote in Massachusetts was ARG. Brown +3.

Most likely outcome...Brown wins and Coakley contests leaving the temp. in place to vote Democratic. The other option, Coakley wins and Brown contests, same result. I think it will take an overwhelming number to put Brown in place and have it be uncontested.
A visit to real clear politics yielded some interesting points:

1. Of the four most recent polls, The highest percentage of Democrats was ARG. Results Brown +3.
2. With the same group, highest Republican percentage was ARG and PJM in a tie. Brown +3 or more.
3. Same group, highest percentage Independents was SU. Brown +4.
4. The closest with how people probably vote in Massachusetts was ARG. Brown +3.

Most likely outcome...Brown wins and Coakley contests leaving the temp. in place to vote Democratic. The other option, Coakley wins and Brown contests, same result. I think it will take an overwhelming number to put Brown in place and have it be uncontested.

The whole world is watching - and Brown may pull out a comfortable 3-5% slam-dunk election victory.

Let's see what Barry teleprompts to the folks of Massachusetts tomorrow. If he paints this race as something that will destroy all the "hard work" of the Democrats who are the party of "change" - and then Coakley loses, or even barely wins, it's a loss for Obama.

Heck, it already is a loss for Obama - no way the Democrats should have to be pouring in money and manpower for Ted Kennedy's old seat - that is astoundingly bad for the Democrat Party, showing clearly how far from even the views of liberal Massachusetts they have become.
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.

That's funny because the VAST majority polled said they thought COAKLEY would be the next Senator from Mass.

That was about a month ago, have you read the news lately??:lol::lol:
He'll win because his supporters are way more charged than Coakley's supporters.
The spin has already started: she ran a bad campaign, etc etc. Same deal as with Creigh Deeds in VA.
The Dums are deaf and dumb here, whistling past the graveyard. They are in the same position as the GOP in '06. After that disaster I hoped the party would get the message and kick out the a-holes who were bending over to accomodate the Democrats. No such luck. And then they nominated the most RINO out there and got their butts kicked again.
Now the Dums have failed to learn the lesson that we are a conservative country and really don't want gov't taking over private business, imposing high taxes, and making us look like Sweden with uglier women.

That's funny because the VAST majority polled said they thought COAKLEY would be the next Senator from Mass.

That was about a month ago, have you read the news lately??:lol::lol:

WRONG moron it was from the poll the OP cited. Do you want me to post it for you?
A visit to real clear politics yielded some interesting points:

1. Of the four most recent polls, The highest percentage of Democrats was ARG. Results Brown +3.
2. With the same group, highest Republican percentage was ARG and PJM in a tie. Brown +3 or more.
3. Same group, highest percentage Independents was SU. Brown +4.
4. The closest with how people probably vote in Massachusetts was ARG. Brown +3.

Most likely outcome...Brown wins and Coakley contests leaving the temp. in place to vote Democratic. The other option, Coakley wins and Brown contests, same result. I think it will take an overwhelming number to put Brown in place and have it be uncontested.

The whole world is watching - and Brown may pull out a comfortable 3-5% slam-dunk election victory.

Let's see what Barry teleprompts to the folks of Massachusetts tomorrow. If he paints this race as something that will destroy all the "hard work" of the Democrats who are the party of "change" - and then Coakley loses, or even barely wins, it's a loss for Obama.

Heck, it already is a loss for Obama - no way the Democrats should have to be pouring in money and manpower for Ted Kennedy's old seat - that is astoundingly bad for the Democrat Party, showing clearly how far from even the views of liberal Massachusetts they have become.
The late Ted Kennedy's own hometown newspaper has endorsed Scott Brown for Senate.



Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper

Hyannis Port, MA - Scott Browns candidacy for Senate has picked up another surprising endorsement. The Cap Cod Times has endorsed Scott Brown.

The Cape Cod Times has backed Scott Brown for Senate over his rival Democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The Cape Cod Times is the newspaper of record on the Cape. Intrade futures, financial instruments to mimic polls, show Scott Brown leading in the polls 54-46.

Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper | Before It's News

Holy smokes!!!! I think that article says it all. A Note to you Brown voters, please, please vote. I am praying for a Brown win to end the super-majority that the democrats hold in the senate. This could force the dems to work with Republicans and hear other voices on health care reform. That's the only true way we will get real reform of health care which we all agree, we need. The majority of this nation will be grateful to you should you be able to pull off this upset. Until, Tuesday- I continue to pray for a Brown victory.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Don't forget, you have a proud history- you were home to the first tea party which started the revolution, you can be home to the second.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
The late Ted Kennedy's own hometown newspaper has endorsed Scott Brown for Senate.



Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper

Hyannis Port, MA - Scott Browns candidacy for Senate has picked up another surprising endorsement. The Cap Cod Times has endorsed Scott Brown.

The Cape Cod Times has backed Scott Brown for Senate over his rival Democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The Cape Cod Times is the newspaper of record on the Cape. Intrade futures, financial instruments to mimic polls, show Scott Brown leading in the polls 54-46.

Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper | Before It's News

Holy smokes!!!! I think that article says it all. A Note to you Brown voters, please, please vote. I am praying for a Brown win to end the super-majority that the democrats hold in the senate. This could force the dems to work with Republicans and hear other voices on health care reform. That's the only true way we will get real reform of health care which we all agree, we need. The majority of this nation will be grateful to you should you be able to pull off this upset. Until, Tuesday- I continue to pray for a Brown victory.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Don't forget, you have a proud history- you were home to the first tea party which started the revolution, you can be home to the second.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Scott Brown is now navigating the turning of the tide - and his campaign has been a symbol to all Americans that enough is enough.

The once-proud Democrat Party has been ransacked and looted by the far left Labor Union progressives who would tear down a nation so that it might be rebuilt in their own image.

No sir.

No way.

God speed Senator Scott Brown...
The late Ted Kennedy's own hometown newspaper has endorsed Scott Brown for Senate.



Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper

Hyannis Port, MA - Scott Browns candidacy for Senate has picked up another surprising endorsement. The Cap Cod Times has endorsed Scott Brown.

The Cape Cod Times has backed Scott Brown for Senate over his rival Democratic opponent Martha Coakley. The Cape Cod Times is the newspaper of record on the Cape. Intrade futures, financial instruments to mimic polls, show Scott Brown leading in the polls 54-46.

Scott Brown Endorsement for Senate in Massachusetts by Ted Kennedy Hometown Newspaper | Before It's News

Holy smokes!!!! I think that article says it all. A Note to you Brown voters, please, please vote. I am praying for a Brown win to end the super-majority that the democrats hold in the senate. This could force the dems to work with Republicans and hear other voices on health care reform. That's the only true way we will get real reform of health care which we all agree, we need. The majority of this nation will be grateful to you should you be able to pull off this upset. Until, Tuesday- I continue to pray for a Brown victory.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Don't forget, you have a proud history- you were home to the first tea party which started the revolution, you can be home to the second.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Scott Brown is now navigating the turning of the tide - and his campaign has been a symbol to all Americans that enough is enough.

The once-proud Democrat Party has been ransacked and looted by the far left Labor Union progressives who would tear down a nation so that it might be rebuilt in their own image.

No sir.

No way.

God speed Senator Scott Brown...
hold on here
dont count your chickens YET
holy smokes!!!! I think that article says it all. A note to you brown voters, please, please vote. I am praying for a brown win to end the super-majority that the democrats hold in the senate. This could force the dems to work with republicans and hear other voices on health care reform. That's the only true way we will get real reform of health care which we all agree, we need. The majority of this nation will be grateful to you should you be able to pull off this upset. Until, tuesday- i continue to pray for a brown victory.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

Don't forget, you have a proud history- you were home to the first tea party which started the revolution, you can be home to the second.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

scott brown is now navigating the turning of the tide - and his campaign has been a symbol to all americans that enough is enough.

The once-proud democrat party has been ransacked and looted by the far left labor union progressives who would tear down a nation so that it might be rebuilt in their own image.

No sir.

No way.

God speed senator scott brown...
hold on here
dont count your chickens yet

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.
At this point, I would just like to see Martha win and would pay $100 to get the instant reaction of Sinatra. Oh my goodness, that would be truly hilarious. :cool:

scott brown is now navigating the turning of the tide - and his campaign has been a symbol to all americans that enough is enough.

The once-proud democrat party has been ransacked and looted by the far left labor union progressives who would tear down a nation so that it might be rebuilt in their own image.

No sir.

No way.

God speed senator scott brown...
hold on here
dont count your chickens yet

agreed, democrats have way to much history of voter fraud.

Al Franken anyone???
At this point, I would just like to see Martha win and would pay $100 to get the instant reaction of Sinatra. Oh my goodness, that would be truly hilarious. :cool:

Unless she wins by a comfortable margin - the Democrats are the Party of present declines.

No way should the Dems be scrambling this hard for Teddy's old seat.

A remarkable showing of voter agitation against the leftist Big Government policies of Obama Inc. in the bluest of blue states.

That is how over extended Obama-Pelosi-Reid have overplayed their liberal hand...
Al Franken anyone???

I expect it to go tlike wash st governors race Where king county democrats committed fraud during the recount.

they kept finding votes. Odd the number of new votes found was almost identical to the 1000 extra more then voters.
yeah, amazing how that was, eh?

Yes during the court trial the judge stated that voter fraud had been committed.

Unfortunately here in this state The law requires you to question the voter as to which way he voted, THE DEAD FAILED TO RESPOND.

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