Border Patrol Union President blasted Trump for stopping President Biden and Kamala Harris’ plan to help Border Patrol agents close our border!

I'm not like you. I can tell when absolutely nothing was done.
Can you? Joey bribem unwound Trump's orders that closed the border.

Why didn't the traitor simply wind them up again?

Oh, right. No money to be had ripping off the American taxpayer.

You truly are a fucking retard.
That’s not the BP union guy you retarded fucking Indian. All Bidumb had to do to keep this from being an issue today is not use executive orders fucking up what Trump had in place four years ago.

That’s how you know this isn’t a mistake, it’s exactly what the democrats wanted, uncontrolled illegal immigration.

Brandon Judd is the union president

Yep, we all know it was Trump that killed the border deal with just a phone call to Speaker Johnson.

Biden and Harris are the ones who opened our border in the first place, you fucking moron.

What a bunch of retarded leftard bullshit.

Go away
The Union President does not represent the opinion of the border patrol and ICE agents who ALL support Trump.
Yep, I communicate with my BP friends all the time.....Solid Trump supporters.

Don't think that they are the forgive and forget types either.....They are still pissed about the whole "whipping" thing that FJB/FKH have never apologized for when it was found out that it was bogus.
They could have hired another 3500 agents, but your dear leader fucked up that one. Shame shame shame.
They could have hired 5000 more border agents without the bill, and it would have been much cheaper. They could have sent the military there as well at little extra cost. Soldiers know how to string razor wire and walk perimeter duty. ;)
They could have hired 5000 more border agents without the bill, and it would have been much cheaper. They could have sent the military there as well at little extra cost. Soldiers know how to string razor wire and walk perimeter duty. ;)
They got nothing which means exactly that.

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