Diamond Member

World's largest SNAKE found by TV crew - 26ft beast as thick as a car tyre
THE world’s largest snake has been spotted lurking in the depths of the Amazon Rainforest. The beast is a whopping 440lbs, three times the weight of the average human, 26ft long, and with a h…

This Northern Green Anaconda was found by TV wildlife presenter Professor Freek Vonk in remote Brazil.

The colossal snake is far bigger than the previous biggest known species - the reticulated python, which averages 20ft 5ins long.
Before now, only one species of Green Anaconda – also called the Giant Anaconda – has been recognised in the Amazon.
The Northern Green Anaconda was published in a study in the scientific journal Diversity on 16 February.
That's the snake from Conan!
I'm usually skeptical about huge snake claims, but damn, when he's swimming beside it that thing is frigging huge.
I don't think it could eat an average USMBer, but it could probably eat an ordinary person from Brazil.
Gonna need a bigger boat....With J-Lo on it.