Breaking Bad: The Final 8

How would you have ended it ?
Start with Walt's confession disc causing Hank to be convicted of criminal conspiracy and imprisoned along with Marie as an accessory. That would have been poetic justice and an extremely satisfying closing scene.

I was also glad Jessie got away :cool:
I always found Jessie to be rather annoying. His essential nature was manifest in the way he chose to deal with his guilt feelings -- by tossing money out the window of his car. If he were other than a whining, self-pitying little weasel he could have atoned for his sins by using that money to relieve a lot of deserving people of their crushing financial problems.

So I never had any sympathy for Jessie. Instead I felt the demon side of Walt should have put Jessie to sleep when it became clear he was a loose cannon. That would have been doing the constantly suffering Jessie a favor.
folks who wanna tiresomely quibble 'bout this 'n that in the final episode can stick it where the sun don't shine...

everything worked out nearly perfectly...

and, as I said previously, the only quibble I have is the absolute improbability of the DEA's most-wanted guy quietly making a cross-country trip in a stolen Volvo with New Hampshire plates...

'course, Walt getting stopped before his final destination wouldn't have allowed for the grand finale'...

anyhow... meantime, I wanna hear this tune again...

Baby Blue - Badfinger - YouTube
Somebody pulled a mean trick on me when that song first came out.

They called me up and said, "Hey, did you hear the new Beatle song?"

That's a pretty mean trick to play on a 14 year old.
Well, here's another one. It isn't that I didn't like it - I was mildly disappointed by it. I expected more. I sat there, waiting for something to REALLY happen, and it never did. I found the automatic rifle in the trunk of the car not believeable. I just don't think it would have (or could have) happened that way.

I found Walt's last contact with Skyler unfulfilling at best. The forcing the money on the couple to give to Walt's son and the laser sighting-in on their chests to make the point that they should follow through was clever, but, once again, not very believeable.

I don't know - I really liked this show. I have seen every episode and will probably go through it all again on Netflix. But, somehow, I felt vaguely let down by the final episode. What the hell, I felt the same way about the final edpisode of The Sopranos as well.

It looks like you and I are the oddballs, the literary malcontents. So it seems the creators of Breaking Bad knew exactly what they were doing.

No hope for us, George.
btw, the idea of the anti-hero on a quest getting stopped short of his final destination reminded me of this flick from more'n 40 years ago...

Vanishing Point - Traffic (Dear Mr. Fantasy) - YouTube
My favorite part in that movie was when he put the mini-bike (with the flashing brake light) on top of his car and ran the road block.

The naked chick on the Honda was pretty cool too.

yep... those scenes were pretty cool...

the flick was, of course, a money-hungry-producer-driven rip-off of Easy Rider...

there were a lot of those back in the early 70's...

most of 'em sucked...

this one wasn't half bad...
folks who wanna tiresomely quibble 'bout this 'n that in the final episode can stick it where the sun don't shine...

everything worked out nearly perfectly...

and, as I said previously, the only quibble I have is the absolute improbability of the DEA's most-wanted guy quietly making a cross-country trip in a stolen Volvo with New Hampshire plates...

'course, Walt getting stopped before his final destination wouldn't have allowed for the grand finale'...

anyhow... meantime, I wanna hear this tune again...

Baby Blue - Badfinger - YouTube
Somebody pulled a mean trick on me when that song first came out.

They called me up and said, "Hey, did you hear the new Beatle song?"

That's a pretty mean trick to play on a 14 year old.

awww... poor li'l feller... :)

but hey... at that time, Badfinger was puttin' out great stuff (and on the Apple label, no less)... and better'n the lame stuff the various ex-Beatles were doing...
Well, here's another one. It isn't that I didn't like it - I was mildly disappointed by it. I expected more. I sat there, waiting for something to REALLY happen, and it never did. I found the automatic rifle in the trunk of the car not believeable. I just don't think it would have (or could have) happened that way.

I found Walt's last contact with Skyler unfulfilling at best. The forcing the money on the couple to give to Walt's son and the laser sighting-in on their chests to make the point that they should follow through was clever, but, once again, not very believeable.

I don't know - I really liked this show. I have seen every episode and will probably go through it all again on Netflix. But, somehow, I felt vaguely let down by the final episode. What the hell, I felt the same way about the final edpisode of The Sopranos as well.

It looks like you and I are the oddballs, the literary malcontents. So it seems the creators of Breaking Bad knew exactly what they were doing.

No hope for us, George.

you 'n George sound like y'all 'r insufferable assholes when it comes to certain things...

I 'spect you both are young enough to be my children...

'n, btw, I used to be just like you... :)
Well, here's another one. It isn't that I didn't like it - I was mildly disappointed by it. I expected more. I sat there, waiting for something to REALLY happen, and it never did. I found the automatic rifle in the trunk of the car not believeable. I just don't think it would have (or could have) happened that way.

I found Walt's last contact with Skyler unfulfilling at best. The forcing the money on the couple to give to Walt's son and the laser sighting-in on their chests to make the point that they should follow through was clever, but, once again, not very believeable.

I don't know - I really liked this show. I have seen every episode and will probably go through it all again on Netflix. But, somehow, I felt vaguely let down by the final episode. What the hell, I felt the same way about the final edpisode of The Sopranos as well.

It looks like you and I are the oddballs, the literary malcontents. So it seems the creators of Breaking Bad knew exactly what they were doing.

No hope for us, George.

you 'n George sound like y'all 'r insufferable assholes when it comes to certain things...

I 'spect you both are young enough to be my children...

'n, btw, I used to be just like you... :)
Congratulations. You just qualified for my Ignore list.


It looks like you and I are the oddballs, the literary malcontents. So it seems the creators of Breaking Bad knew exactly what they were doing.

No hope for us, George.

you 'n George sound like y'all 'r insufferable assholes when it comes to certain things...

I 'spect you both are young enough to be my children...

'n, btw, I used to be just like you... :)

Congratulations. You just qualified for my Ignore list.


geez... you're one prickly thin-skinned motherfucker, Mike...

I pity your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/fuckbuddy... that is, if you happen to have one... which I sorta doubt...

It looks like you and I are the oddballs, the literary malcontents. So it seems the creators of Breaking Bad knew exactly what they were doing.

No hope for us, George.

you 'n George sound like y'all 'r insufferable assholes when it comes to certain things...

I 'spect you both are young enough to be my children...

'n, btw, I used to be just like you... :)

Congratulations. You just qualified for my Ignore list.


btw... if you're such a jerk that you'd put me on your ignore list for such a trivial reason, I consider it the highest of honors to be placed on your ignore list... :)
All the right people died (except one innocent, which added a bit of reality to a show about drug dealers), and all the right people lived. And those that died did so in fitting ways. Excellent outcome.

The only negative was the scene where the Aryan uncle is about to put a bullet in Walt's head but then stops to have Jesse summoned to prove he wasn't a liar. That scene was weak. Very, very weak. It almost destroyed the whole finale.

Jesse Pinkman is going straight and will be a great dad to his dead girlfriend's kid. :)
All the right people died (except one innocent, which added a bit of reality to a show about drug dealers), and all the right people lived. And those that died did so in fitting ways. Excellent outcome.

The only negative was the scene where the Aryan uncle is about to put a bullet in Walt's head but then stops to have Jesse summoned to prove he wasn't a liar. That scene was weak. Very, very weak. It almost destroyed the whole finale.

Jesse Pinkman is going straight and will be a great dad to his dead girlfriend's kid. :)

I will be looking forward to Jesse's next party.
All the right people died (except one innocent, which added a bit of reality to a show about drug dealers), and all the right people lived. And those that died did so in fitting ways. Excellent outcome.

The only negative was the scene where the Aryan uncle is about to put a bullet in Walt's head but then stops to have Jesse summoned to prove he wasn't a liar. That scene was weak. Very, very weak. It almost destroyed the whole finale.

Jesse Pinkman is going straight and will be a great dad to his dead girlfriend's kid. :)

so... which of those who died do you consider innocent...?



the fat fuck on the recliner...?

the Cadillac...?
All the right people died (except one innocent, which added a bit of reality to a show about drug dealers), and all the right people lived. And those that died did so in fitting ways. Excellent outcome.

The only negative was the scene where the Aryan uncle is about to put a bullet in Walt's head but then stops to have Jesse summoned to prove he wasn't a liar. That scene was weak. Very, very weak. It almost destroyed the whole finale.

Jesse Pinkman is going straight and will be a great dad to his dead girlfriend's kid. :)

so... which of those who died do you consider innocent...?



the fat fuck on the recliner...?

the Cadillac...?

I assume he was referring to Andrea. Or a bit further back the little kid that witnessed the train job.
All the right people died (except one innocent, which added a bit of reality to a show about drug dealers), and all the right people lived. And those that died did so in fitting ways. Excellent outcome.

The only negative was the scene where the Aryan uncle is about to put a bullet in Walt's head but then stops to have Jesse summoned to prove he wasn't a liar. That scene was weak. Very, very weak. It almost destroyed the whole finale.

Jesse Pinkman is going straight and will be a great dad to his dead girlfriend's kid. :)

so... which of those who died do you consider innocent...?



the fat fuck on the recliner...?

the Cadillac...?

I assume he was referring to Andrea. Or a bit further back the little kid that witnessed the train job.

those, among several others, would definitely qualify as innocent victims...

but I thought he was referring specifically to the action in the final episode...
Just had to have a talk with a friend warning her off of watching any more Breaking Bad for awhile. She did a season and a half over the weekend and I think it really kind of shook her up.

There should be a warning label on the show or something. Breaking Bad is like a fine whiskey. As good as it is, if you chug a whole bottle in one night, you're going to end up on the floor.

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