Breaking Bad: The Final 8

Jesse Pinkman has become like a rabid dog.

He needs to be put down.

Jesse is the only character in the entire show who has expressed guilt for his actions. And now, rather than take the exit and save himself, he is on a righteous crusade to avenge the poisoned child.

That's far from rabid.
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so the wife and I watched it last night, we could not make the Sunday showing;)

so, yes the writers are just to effing good, walts confession checkmates Hank, fucking classic....:lol: never saw that coming not like that....

some things to think about;

-walt didn't use ricin to poison brock, he used a derivative from Lily of the Valley....... that plant he threw away last year when he cleaned up the house...the ricin is still there behind the outlet...;)

- theres no fire damage in the flash forward form the first episode yet....

- Todd and his aryan DB's have moved the meth operation to...New Mexico from AZ.......;)
Jesse Pinkman has become like a rabid dog.

He needs to be put down.

Jesse is the only character in the entire show who has expressed guilt for his actions. And now, rather than take the exit and save himself, he is on a righteous crusade to avenge the poisoned child.

That's far from rabid.
This issue depends on whose perspective it's viewed from. I so despise Hank and all he stands for I can't help being on the side of Walt and Skyler. So your earlier observation about being rooted in bias is correct in my case. I do identify with Walt for a variety of reasons.

Where Jesse is concerned, he's not a child. And because he's unhappy with the way his life has turned out he's chosen to behave like a spoiled little brat, destroying his toys, shitting his pants, and setting the house on fire. He could have dealt with his guilt by using the money he tossed away to do good things for countless deserving people, but he chose to act out and jeopardize everyone, blaming everyone but himself for things he's done.

I'm sure Walt will somehow pay for his sins, because that seems to be the rule in popular American literature and theater. He can't be allowed to get away with poisoning Brock. I expect some classic retribution, and knowing it will happen is why I'm able to ignore his negative aspect. My focus is on Hank, because there is nothing good about him. I want to see that egomaniacal bastard suffer -- along with his malicious, moralistic, kleptomaniac wife.

I just hope Skyler is able to get away clean and enjoy all that money in ways she is inclined to, which is helping a lot of deserving others. But I wonder who she will get to help her dig it up.
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I just hope Skyler is able to get away clean and enjoy all that money in ways she is inclined to, which is helping a lot of deserving others. But I wonder who she will get to help her dig it up.

She was not with Walt when he buried it. She probably doesn't know where it is.

Perhaps she and the lawyer will elope. :lol:
I just hope Skyler is able to get away clean and enjoy all that money in ways she is inclined to, which is helping a lot of deserving others. But I wonder who she will get to help her dig it up.

She was not with Walt when he buried it. She probably doesn't know where it is.

Perhaps she and the lawyer will elope. :lol:
If you recall the end of the scene in which Walt finished burying the drums and took a numerical reading from an electronic device, that was a navigational GPS and the digits he committed to memory were the grid coordinates of that exact spot. Those numbers will allow anyone with a similar device to precisely pinpoint that location. I predict Walt will somehow provide Skyler with that information in some simple encrypted form.

But re: Skyler and Saul the lawyer, I don't think he's Skyler's type. He's too shifty and she would be looking for someone who wouldn't dream of breaking a traffic law. She's had more than enough trauma with Walt.
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Jesse Pinkman has become like a rabid dog.

He needs to be put down.

Jesse is the only character in the entire show who has expressed guilt for his actions. And now, rather than take the exit and save himself, he is on a righteous crusade to avenge the poisoned child.

That's far from rabid.
This issue depends on whose perspective it's viewed from. I so despise Hank and all he stands for I can't help being on the side of Walt and Skyler. So your earlier observation about being rooted in bias is correct in my case. I do identify with Walt for a variety of reasons.

Where Jesse is concerned, he's not a child. And because he's unhappy with the way his life has turned out he's chosen to behave like a spoiled little brat, destroying his toys, shitting his pants, and setting the house on fire. He could have dealt with his guilt by using the money he tossed away to do good things for countless deserving people, but he chose to act out and jeopardize everyone, blaming everyone but himself for things he's done.

I'm sure Walt will somehow pay for his sins, because that seems to be the rule in popular American literature and theater. He can't be allowed to get away with poisoning Brock. I expect some classic retribution, and knowing it will happen is why I'm able to ignore his negative aspect. My focus is on Hank, because there is nothing good about him. I want to see that egomaniacal bastard suffer -- along with his malicious, moralistic, kleptomaniac wife.

I just hope Skyler is able to get away clean and enjoy all that money in ways she is inclined to, which is helping a lot of deserving others. But I wonder who she will get to help her dig it up.

Skyler is just as bad as the monster that is her husband. She was way cool with Walt making the so called confession. I now officially despise her
Jesse Pinkman has become like a rabid dog.

He needs to be put down.

Jesse is the only character in the entire show who has expressed guilt for his actions. And now, rather than take the exit and save himself, he is on a righteous crusade to avenge the poisoned child.

That's far from rabid.

Jesse and Walter Jr, are the only 2, that I now root for. I hope those 2 make it
Jesse is the only character in the entire show who has expressed guilt for his actions.
There are rational and productive ways of dealing with guilt, the most positive being benevolent acts of self-sacrifice such as typified by many examples in Christian history and its basic theology. An excellent, animated example of sacrificial absolution would be the Robert DiNiro movie, The Mission.

And now, rather than take the exit and save himself, he is on a righteous crusade to avenge the poisoned child.

That's far from rabid.
Not really. Pinkman's "righteous crusade" is best described as a violent tantrum in which he truly is behaving like a rabid dog.

As previously mentioned, Pinkman could gradually and constructively absolve his guilt by finding deserving people who are suffering from the torments of poverty and give them relief. Instead he dealt with it by tossing money out his car window in a selfishly infantile gesture of temperamental self-flagellation.

This is why I believe the most objectively constructive way to deal with him is put him out of his misery.
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Skyler is just as bad as the monster that is her husband. She was way cool with Walt making the so called confession. I now officially despise her
I think she's the perfect woman; smart, beautiful, amazingly resourceful, basically decent, and emotionallty stronger than most men. As a wife, she is a treasure.
Skyler is just as bad as the monster that is her husband. She was way cool with Walt making the so called confession. I now officially despise her
I think she's the perfect woman; smart, beautiful, amazingly resourceful, basically decent, and emotionallty stronger than most men. As a wife, she is a treasure.

In other words, Mike would fuck her.

Of course, he'd fuck the crack of dawn or the hole in a donut, too. So, his adoration proves nothing.
I know better than to casually anticipate the outcome of any element in the Breaking Bad script because the writers are indeed a clever and capable lot -- as evidenced most recently by the absolutely brilliant way Walt checkmated Hank Schraeder. But I know I'm not the only one who can't help speculating on what the next moves will be and how the series will end. So I'd like to know what ideas others are having in the way of plot predictions.

I've been contemplating some past events for their potential value in solidifying a case against Schraeder if Walt's confession disc should fall into the DEA's hands. Even if that doesn't happen, I'm wondering how Hank and Marie (a known petty thief) will account for the $177,000 worth of therapy, paid for with cash, if DEA Internal Affairs should conduct an Integrity Audit, which they do if an agent appears to be spending more than he earns. That would make for an interesting episode.

I'm also wondering if these world class writers will adhere to the tradition of all bad guys being punished in the end, or if they will break from that mundanely moral unwritten rule and show Walt, Skyler, and the kids living comfortably and peacefully in a nice little beach villa somewhere in Mexico -- kind of like the rare and gratifying ending of the superb Quentin Tarantino masterpiece, True Romance.

What are your thoughts?
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I know better than to try anticipating the outcome of any element in the Breaking Bad script because the writers are indeed a clever and capable bunch -- as evidenced most recently by the absolutely brilliant way Walt checkmated Hank Schraeder. But I know I'm not the only one who can't help speculating on what the next moves will be and how the series will end. So I'd like to know what ideas others are having in the way of plot predictions.

I've been contemplating some past events for their potential value in solidifying a case against Schraeder if Walt's confession disc should fall into the DEA's hands. Even if that doesn't happen, I'm wondering how Hank and Marie (a known petty thief) will account for the $177,000 worth of therapy, paid for with cash, if DEA Internal Affairs should conduct an Integrity Audit, which they do if an agent appears to be spending more than he earns. That would make for an interesting episode.

I'm also wondering if these world class writers will adhere to the tradition of all bad guys being punished in the final episode, or if they will break from that mundanely moral unwritten rule and show Hank, Skyler, and the kids living comfortably and peacefully in a nice little beach villa somewhere in Mexico -- kind of like the rare and pleasing ending in that superb Quentin Tarantino movie, True Romance.

What are your thoughts?

Walt is going to die. The gun he takes out of the trunk will turn out to be a suicide weapon.

Schulyer may survive. But she will go to prison for a stint.

Walter Junior will raise his kid sister while mom's away.

Hank will get crushed, albeit unfairly.

Marie will escape almost unscathed except for the impact of what happens to her husband. Then she will be Michael J. Fox's wife.

Jesse will die. Maybe in the next episode. It will be due to accidental ricin poisoning.

And Congress will pass some legislation which the President will sign legalizing blue meth.
One event that could put a nail in Hank's coffin is his brutal beating of Jesse Pinkman and Pinkman's surprisingly mysterious dropping of the charges. That situation could easily be woven into spurious charges of some interaction between an uncooperative drug dealer and a corrupt DEA Agent.

One thing working against Hank is his habit and history of autonomous activity, i.e., not keeping his superiors apprised of his movements and methods. He's also given his former partner and friend cause to suspect his actions and behavior.

And there is the matter of those two high-level assassins the cartel sent to kill Hank. Why?

And there is the police detective who visited Hank with leads on Heisenburg, who Hank did his best to convince that he wasn't interested and politely refused to assist.

I'm trying to assign some significance to Hank's peculiar interest in geology and his ordering all those rocks but I can't.
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I know better than to try anticipating the outcome of any element in the Breaking Bad script because the writers are indeed a clever and capable bunch -- as evidenced most recently by the absolutely brilliant way Walt checkmated Hank Schraeder. But I know I'm not the only one who can't help speculating on what the next moves will be and how the series will end. So I'd like to know what ideas others are having in the way of plot predictions.

I've been contemplating some past events for their potential value in solidifying a case against Schraeder if Walt's confession disc should fall into the DEA's hands. Even if that doesn't happen, I'm wondering how Hank and Marie (a known petty thief) will account for the $177,000 worth of therapy, paid for with cash, if DEA Internal Affairs should conduct an Integrity Audit, which they do if an agent appears to be spending more than he earns. That would make for an interesting episode.

I'm also wondering if these world class writers will adhere to the tradition of all bad guys being punished in the final episode, or if they will break from that mundanely moral unwritten rule and show Hank, Skyler, and the kids living comfortably and peacefully in a nice little beach villa somewhere in Mexico -- kind of like the rare and pleasing ending in that superb Quentin Tarantino movie, True Romance.

What are your thoughts?

Walt is going to die. The gun he takes out of the trunk will turn out to be a suicide weapon.

Schulyer may survive. But she will go to prison for a stint.

Walter Junior will raise his kid sister while mom's away.

Hank will get crushed, albeit unfairly.

Marie will escape almost unscathed except for the impact of what happens to her husband. Then she will be Michael J. Fox's wife.

Jesse will die. Maybe in the next episode. It will be due to accidental ricin poisoning.

And Congress will pass some legislation which the President will sign legalizing blue meth.

And President Obama will go to war with Mexico :lol:
Sunday, 9/1:

Anyone care to speculate on the outcome of this amazing plot twist?

Things aren't looking very good for Walt but one thing is certain; if Walt learns Jesse is living with Hank and plotting against him Walt's horns will pop out and his most diabolical aspect will surface. And one way for him to find out is if Junior stops by to visit Uncle Hank and Aunt Marie, notices something peculiar and mentions it to Walt and Skyler.

Another thought I have is Jesse overhears Hank badmouthing him to Gomez, causing him to re-evaluate his situation and recall how many times Walt has saved his bacon, which brings about a change of heart. But should that happen I'm not so sure Walt would abandon his realization that Jesse is an unpredictable loose cannon who must be eliminated.

Also, I'm not forgetting the vial of Ricin Walt removed from behind a switch-plate hiding place about six episodes back. That element is still in play and maybe this is its time and place.

Anyway, there are five episodes to go and Walt has always managed to amaze us. So I can't wait to see how he deals with this menacing situation.

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