Breaking! Bill Taylor Has Ties To Burisma--Worked With McCain Aid Who Distributed Steele Dossier


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
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It never ends with these corrupt bastards. It's going to take Barr years to unravel all of this corruption. From Brennan and Clapper to over 25 corrupt FBI agents.

This stupid bastard had not conveyed a Quid Pro Quo to Ukraine and then claims Trump did.

Even when there's a tweet telling him Trump said there's no Quid Pro Quo.

Barr is going to need an army of prosecutors.
Sept 29

Dmitry Simes:
It’s a part of Trump’s presidential duty to look how prudently US money is spent in Ukraine and make sure that this money does not help to cultivate corruption in Ukraine. He has to look at whether Ukraine used its financial sources in order to influence or rather meddle in US election. Ukrainian oligarchs are known to spend a forture in Washington, they pay high ranking lobbyists and they also pay to various Think Tanks which claim to be independent and objective and at the same time take millions of dollars from Ukrainian oligarchs. And this is something that these Think Tanks publicly acknowledge. Trump wanted to look into all that and to decide what kind of a role Biden and his son played in this all Ukrainian case. As for the Dems not only they decided to change the subject but they tried to force the Trump administration and the attorney generals to drop this completely. If Mueller had to probe into this case he would say that these actions constitute obstruction of justice and attempt to block American justice, a crime which demands a severe punishment. However Dems deny that this logic applies to them: they acknowledge their own right to take whatever actions they want but denying Trump in his acting the same way.

Dimitri Simes
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest

Details in the video of Russian political talk show “The Great Game” (already interpreted into English)
The Great Game. 29.09.2019
It never ends with these corrupt bastards. It's going to take Barr years to unravel all of this corruption. From Brennan and Clapper to over 25 corrupt FBI agents.

This stupid bastard had not conveyed a Quid Pro Quo to Ukraine and then claims Trump did.

Even when there's a tweet telling him Trump said there's no Quid Pro Quo.

Barr is going to need an army of prosecutors.

you people are such rubes
It never ends with these corrupt bastards. It's going to take Barr years to unravel all of this corruption. From Brennan and Clapper to over 25 corrupt FBI agents.

This stupid bastard had not conveyed a Quid Pro Quo to Ukraine and then claims Trump did.

Even when there's a tweet telling him Trump said there's no Quid Pro Quo.

Barr is going to need an army of prosecutors.

you people are such rubes

That's funny coming from a moron who's exalted leader is Nancy butt face Pelosi.

You clowns screwed up big time opening up the Ukraine Pandora's box.

As we just found out Burisma was buying influence from Taylor.

Biden Quid Pro Qou'd Ukraine on firing the investigator.

Hunter was getting Millions from Burisma.

Barr and Durham closing in on Ukraine corruption.

IG report coming out soon on FBI corruption.

Then Durham's report on how the Democrat commies insurance policy was set up.

Your idiotic clowns in the House played their cards way too soon. We have at least another year to drag these corrupt bastards out of their holes.
We have always had quid pro quos.
Every President has asked other nations for favors in exchange for aid.
But if Trump would have done it, which he didn't, he has to be impeached?

You can't have quid pro quo if the other side didn't know it was withheld for a month.
That's funny coming from a moron who's exalted leader is Nancy butt face Pelosi.

She is not my leader dumbfuck, I am no more a Dem than you are.

You clowns screwed up big time opening up the Ukraine Pandora's box.

As we just found out Burisma was buying influence from Taylor.

You did not find out shit, you have a bunch of innuendo and loose connections that some rightwing rag said was a something...but it is not.
Biden Quid Pro Qou'd Ukraine on firing the investigator.

Hunter was getting Millions from Burisma.

Yes he was, aint this a great country!

Barr and Durham closing in on Ukraine corruption.

IG report coming out soon on FBI corruption.

Then Durham's report on how the Democrat commies insurance policy was set up.

Any day now, any day now.

Your idiotic clowns in the House played their cards way too soon. We have at least another year to drag these corrupt bastards out of their holes.

Yes, the idiotic clowns in the House played their cards way too soon, I do agree.
It never ends with these corrupt bastards. It's going to take Barr years to unravel all of this corruption. From Brennan and Clapper to over 25 corrupt FBI agents.

This stupid bastard had not conveyed a Quid Pro Quo to Ukraine and then claims Trump did.

Even when there's a tweet telling him Trump said there's no Quid Pro Quo.

Barr is going to need an army of prosecutors.

you people are such rubes
No, we're first class Citizen American Patriots.
If this story is true then the testimony is tainted and it dont matter if it's true or not.

Perception is a powerful, POWERFUL thing. American voters thought Romney didn't pay taxes because Harry Reed said he didn't even though it was a lie. Everyone though Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Tina Faye said that on a freaking SNL skit. People believed Hillary was part of a child sex ring out of a pizza place, lol.

If this story isn't true, then Trump is in trouble.
If this story is true then the testimony is tainted and it dont matter if it's true or not.

Perception is a powerful, POWERFUL thing. American voters thought Romney didn't pay taxes because Harry Reed said he didn't even though it was a lie. Everyone though Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Tina Faye said that on a freaking SNL skit. People believed Hillary was part of a child sex ring out of a pizza place, lol.

If this story isn't true, then Trump is in trouble.
Trump is not in trouble whether the story is true or not. Either way, he's innocent in all this.
Trump is not in trouble whether the story is true or not. Either way, he's innocent in all this.

Wow, way to go tool.


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