BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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I"m surprised you can tell the Difference...Keep to the Topic and Not the Abuse,not that it really bothers me..personally but I would hate you to be Banned,keep it together brother>>>>ST

Oh, so "I'm" abusing you? LOL Gee, did I call you a "moron"? Nope. Did I call you a liar? Nope. I said you seem to think you're "special" and get to decide who should or should not post here. Just for your information? I've never been banned from this board. Know why? I actually post things that make sense (whether you agree with my view point or not...) and don't spam gibberish. You on the other hand abuse people and then turn around and whine about abuse.
not at all,I just strip the conversation bare,I am past being politically your case I was making you aware that you can be banned for abuse...I decide nothing here,we have moderators(Good women and men) as I well know(I have been called out scores of times,60 actually,mostly fair calls as my passion takes hold of my brain occasionally,so I had to modify my Bar Talk into something more acceptable for the American market and USMB,which is fair enough,when in Rome as it were.

I am a Great friend as many know on here but a formidable opponent,I generally fight to the Death,as it were, mentally that is but I like to imagine myself covered in opponents Blood with my foot on their neck in VALIDICTION (play loudly) ...well at least I'm honest in that

steve...strangely the vision of the nebular looks horribly like Trump over baringly repressing an African American

Have you ever noticed that the people who feel the need to brag about how "formidable" they are intellectually...are always the ones that aren't formidable at all? You keep right on imagining yourself with your foot on people's necks, Liq and we'll keep right on laughing at you!
My comment makes exceptional and clear copy but your prose is just an opinion,
That's your tassid opinion OS but not others,I never promote myself...I don't need to, but I do note you feel you need re-assurance all the time... fair enough,I think we should pass on more of your snide,it has become boring st

ps we Australians can laugh at ourselves easily that's one reason we are different to you(of the thin sensitive skin) that is why worldwide folk love us...Laughing is GOOD,Acute Sensitivity is BAD

I've got a bunch of Australian friends, Liq. None of them are as full of themselves as you are.

What pray tell does "tassid" mean? Were you going for tacit? Not for nothing...but you want to wage a war of words but your vocabulary is stunted and your "prose" is lacking! When you post the gibberish you elicit more chuckles than anything else. But feel free to carry on...I could use the laughs!


play loudly "O"....Play Skillfully
** ps we Australians can laugh at ourselves easily......**

Which you got from us, convict spawn. :321:
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Convict spawn,is such an ignorant term,as the Original Penal Colony for the English was America,and they were later sent to Australia when access to America was blocked(Boston Tea Party etc.,)O how today the posts from folks is so mundane,no wonder folk think I am The Magnificent

Where's your sense of humour? :aargh:
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.


One of my favorite quotes, from the fictional British Member of Parliament, Alan B'Stard.

"England was a great country when women were sent down mines, children were sent up chimneys, and labour organizers were sent to Australia."
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.


One of my favorite quotes, from the fictional British Member of Parliament, Alan B'Stard.

"England was a great country when women were sent down mines, children were sent up chimneys, and labour organizers were sent to Australia."
I thought that Australians would have learned to spell at least. :113:
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.


One of my favorite quotes, from the fictional British Member of Parliament, Alan B'Stard.

"England was a great country when women were sent down mines, children were sent up chimneys, and labour organizers were sent to Australia."
I thought that Australians would have learned to spell at least. :113:

That's enough of that, for a start.

Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.


One of my favorite quotes, from the fictional British Member of Parliament, Alan B'Stard.

"England was a great country when women were sent down mines, children were sent up chimneys, and labour organizers were sent to Australia."


What makes you think it's still not great?

Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.
Thanks for the lecture fnc,I was actually referring to the unfortunate woman in England caught stealing the loaf of bread,then convicted and transported to Australia,sorry I didn't elucidate properly.
As you say today you are right to a degree,but normally petty theft never gets to court,as we have an interim system where the thief is spoken to by an ex magistrate and given a warning,sometimes a few and left at that with no criminal record(sometimes compensation has to be paid)...but if the person is a residivist sic the they would go to court,Imagine the Chaos if every petty thief was bought to court ? the court system would be blocked for years and the cost of using the court would be astranomical sic....steve ps no one goes to prison over a pack of chewing gum
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Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve
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** ps we Australians can laugh at ourselves easily......**

Which you got from us, convict spawn. :321:
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Convict spawn,is such an ignorant term,as the Original Penal Colony for the English was America,and they were later sent to Australia when access to America was blocked(Boston Tea Party etc.,)O how today the posts from folks is so mundane,no wonder folk think I am The Magnificent

Where's your sense of humour? :aargh:
Thanks for the correct spelling of humoUr Mindy...I've always said you are a Goodsort(which is a great compliment here in Aus)
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Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.


One of my favorite quotes, from the fictional British Member of Parliament, Alan B'Stard.

"England was a great country when women were sent down mines, children were sent up chimneys, and labour organizers were sent to Australia."
I know you don't believe that fnc,you are too decent a man...steve
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
With much respect to you Mindie the American Colony and subjects (English,French,Europeans and of those born in America etc,.) were forming a rebellion against the English Crown and Repressive English Soldiers stationed in America...It started with the overbearing Taxes on Tea etc,. (Boston Tea Party Rebellion),at this time America was the Penal Colony for the English,after the Rebellion was WON, the English sent their Convicts then to Van Demiens Land (Tasmania) and then later other parts of do you know I am right?steve
Not really,although it matters not,some mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her children,is not a criminal act in our eyes

Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
With much respect to you Mindie the American Colony and subjects (English,French,Europeans and of those born in America etc,.) were forming a rebellion against the English Crown and Repressive English Soldiers stationed in America...It started with the overbearing Taxes on Tea etc,. (Boston Tea Party Rebellion),at this time America was the Penal Colony for the English,after the Rebellion was WON, the English sent their Convicts then to Van Demiens Land (Tasmania) and then later other parts of do you know I am right?steve

Under all that verbiage: my point ------->

They were NOT Americans at that stage. It was a British colony.
Your law says different. In America, a theft of an item with a value under $500 is a misdemeanor, or what Australians call, a summary crime. Punishable by fines and, in extreme cases, not more than 1 year in a County prison.

In Australia, every theft, even a stick of chewing gum, is a felony, what Australians call indictable crime, punishable for up to 5 years in prison.

There is no law in Australia that provides feeding the children as a reasonable defense for an indictable crime.

He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
With much respect to you Mindie the American Colony and subjects (English,French,Europeans and of those born in America etc,.) were forming a rebellion against the English Crown and Repressive English Soldiers stationed in America...It started with the overbearing Taxes on Tea etc,. (Boston Tea Party Rebellion),at this time America was the Penal Colony for the English,after the Rebellion was WON, the English sent their Convicts then to Van Demiens Land (Tasmania) and then later other parts of do you know I am right?steve

Under all that verbiage: my point ------->

They were NOT Americans at that stage. It was a British colony.
Verbiage???!!!,Yes Mindie they were but....Still the Dumping Ground,then with the British demise,another British Colony "Australia"became the Dumping Ground,this is the point I was making,prior to "Exporting" their problem to America,then Australia the POME(Prisoners Of Mother England) were kept in Ship Hulks on the Thames.
As a lasting tribute of sorts,all British migrants are known and have been referred to ever since, as "POM'S"....steve...Mindie,on here we/I are often spoken of as Convicts by Americans,because of this(which is NO problem to us) BUT the Irony is that in their minds Australia is somehow built on Criminals!!! BUT It is actually the Americans that the POMS were originally sent to...So what does that make Americans then?...I have such fun on here...Mindie,I like you much and enjoy the mirth more that the I&P madness...wishing you seasons Greetings...steve...I think I am becoming a Verbiagist LOL since coming on USMB and a noticeable increase since the election of one Donald Trump
He put an emotional spin on the mother feeding her children. (sob)

But it's true, the English tried to get rid of their underclass by dumping them in Oz.

And as you can see, they mainly succeeded.

NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
With much respect to you Mindie the American Colony and subjects (English,French,Europeans and of those born in America etc,.) were forming a rebellion against the English Crown and Repressive English Soldiers stationed in America...It started with the overbearing Taxes on Tea etc,. (Boston Tea Party Rebellion),at this time America was the Penal Colony for the English,after the Rebellion was WON, the English sent their Convicts then to Van Demiens Land (Tasmania) and then later other parts of do you know I am right?steve

Under all that verbiage: my point ------->

They were NOT Americans at that stage. It was a British colony.
Verbiage???!!!,Yes Mindie they were but....Still the Dumping Ground,then with the British demise,another British Colony "Australia"became the Dumping Ground,this is the point I was making,prior to "Exporting" their problem to America,then Australia the POME(Prisoners Of Mother England) were kept in Ship Hulks on the Thames.
As a lasting tribute of sorts,all British migrants are known and have been referred to ever since, as "POM'S"....steve...Mindie,on here we/I are often spoken of as Convicts by Americans,because of this(which is NO problem to us) BUT the Irony is that in their minds Australia is somehow built on Criminals!!! BUT It is actually the Americans that the POMS were originally sent to...So what does that make Americans then?...I have such fun on here...Mindie,I like you much and enjoy the mirth more that the I&P madness...wishing you seasons Greetings...steve...I think I am becoming a Verbiagist LOL since coming on USMB and a noticeable increase since the election of one Donald Trump

What demise?

Rule Britannia!


The Brit chick, with the three pronged stick.
NO ONE IS AN UNDERCLASS Mindy...that is just the wealthy(often LEGITIMISED CRIMINALS!!!!!),that is just the haves repressing the have nots

as you full well know,that is the reason for most Revalutions sic throughout history

Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English

I really wasn't giving emotional spin BUT ACTUAL no weeping, Lady Mindy

As a % very few convicts(matter of opinion) came to Paradise and not to every part of this Land...but whatever...I will say What a wonderful and Brilliant Job we have done...Unlike Americans "We are the Real Land of the Free" We punch well above our weight as THE WORLD KNOWS but are humble with it...Unlike a couple of countries I could mention,who Promote themselves but compared to us are just an Under Class and have No Class LOL

Guys have a great us...Australia Great one day,Brilliant the next...steve

**Dumped in OZ only when the previous DUMPING GROUND was closed as America/ns rebelled against the English**

How can that be? They were English rebelling against the English.

American identity came much later. I have a book about it.
With much respect to you Mindie the American Colony and subjects (English,French,Europeans and of those born in America etc,.) were forming a rebellion against the English Crown and Repressive English Soldiers stationed in America...It started with the overbearing Taxes on Tea etc,. (Boston Tea Party Rebellion),at this time America was the Penal Colony for the English,after the Rebellion was WON, the English sent their Convicts then to Van Demiens Land (Tasmania) and then later other parts of do you know I am right?steve

Under all that verbiage: my point ------->

They were NOT Americans at that stage. It was a British colony.
Verbiage???!!!,Yes Mindie they were but....Still the Dumping Ground,then with the British demise,another British Colony "Australia"became the Dumping Ground,this is the point I was making,prior to "Exporting" their problem to America,then Australia the POME(Prisoners Of Mother England) were kept in Ship Hulks on the Thames.
As a lasting tribute of sorts,all British migrants are known and have been referred to ever since, as "POM'S"....steve...Mindie,on here we/I are often spoken of as Convicts by Americans,because of this(which is NO problem to us) BUT the Irony is that in their minds Australia is somehow built on Criminals!!! BUT It is actually the Americans that the POMS were originally sent to...So what does that make Americans then?...I have such fun on here...Mindie,I like you much and enjoy the mirth more that the I&P madness...wishing you seasons Greetings...steve...I think I am becoming a Verbiagist LOL since coming on USMB and a noticeable increase since the election of one Donald Trump

What demise?

Rule Britannia!


The Brit chick, with the three pronged stick.
I never knew you were a poet!!!!!!!!!Called a Trident,Great pic M...steve and Total Demise of Britain in the American Colonies(they became The Brits with a Three pronged Dick

Shooting BLANKS in all direction but never hitting the target
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