BREAKING: The UN concludes that Israel has established an APARTHEID REGIME...

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RE: breaking-the-un-concludes-that-israel-has-established-an-apartheid-regime
⁜→ et al,

I think they have shots for that now; or was it acupuncture. OH, I know: 200 mg of Thorazine. If we put him on a regiment thoazine, after a day or two, he'll believe the conflict is over and Captain Kangaroo is the President of the Palestinian Authority and Clarabell is the Chief Political Officer for HAMAS.


Israel Palestine International Law Symposium: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Give it a rest.


He can’t. He’s angry that Israel even exists. I find it entertaining. Just repeats the same thing over and over. :cuckoo:

The employment rate of the Arab women in Israel surged almost 20 percent by the end of September, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Sunday.

Compared with 128,000 in the second quarter of 2017, about 154,000 Arab women in Israel, or 40 percent of all Arab-Israeli women aged 25-64, were employed in the second and third quarter of 2018, just a step away from the 41-percent employment target set for 2020.

I can personally attest that when I go to a pharmacy in my hometown, the pharmacist is more often than not an Israeli Arab woman. And one of them even proudly wears a hijab.

But please lecture to me about apartheid in Israel.

“Apartheid” Fail: Israeli Arab Female Employment Surges
So now she can buy a piece of land and build a house, no?

Why not? Many do.

I've seen it for myself.

Sorry. I can't link images enbedded in my brain.

Why don't you just say you don't believe me, and be honest about it?

I won't hold it against you.

What!!! Buying back their own Stolen Land....That is NOT COOL Mindie
RE: breaking-the-un-concludes-that-israel-has-established-an-apartheid-regime
⁜→ et al,

I think they have shots for that now; or was it acupuncture. OH, I know: 200 mg of Thorazine. If we put him on a regiment thoazine, after a day or two, he'll believe the conflict is over and Captain Kangaroo is the President of the Palestinian Authority and Clarabell is the Chief Political Officer for HAMAS.


Israel Palestine International Law Symposium: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Give it a rest.


He can’t. He’s angry that Israel even exists. I find it entertaining. Just repeats the same thing over and over. :cuckoo:

Methinks you distort Tinnies speak...with respect...Captain Kangaroo(Apparently!!!!!!!)

The employment rate of the Arab women in Israel surged almost 20 percent by the end of September, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Sunday.

Compared with 128,000 in the second quarter of 2017, about 154,000 Arab women in Israel, or 40 percent of all Arab-Israeli women aged 25-64, were employed in the second and third quarter of 2018, just a step away from the 41-percent employment target set for 2020.

I can personally attest that when I go to a pharmacy in my hometown, the pharmacist is more often than not an Israeli Arab woman. And one of them even proudly wears a hijab.

But please lecture to me about apartheid in Israel.

“Apartheid” Fail: Israeli Arab Female Employment Surges
So now she can buy a piece of land and build a house, no?

Why not? Many do.

I've seen it for myself.

Sorry. I can't link images enbedded in my brain.

Why don't you just say you don't believe me, and be honest about it?

I won't hold it against you.

The problem is Mindie,unlike me Tinnie is a Gentleman

Me,I tell it like it is,the major problem is that Cult Zionism has a tendency to Lie,and therein lies(excuse the pun) your problem,your indoctorination by Cult Zionism,by design is to overide your true peronality,and implant their Corrupt Mantra,it is seen throught these threads by a lot of Zionists,I can't blame you or most others because you all are victims...saying that the Israeli based Zionists on here are a different kettle of FISH

Zionism equates to
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Are you insane? That was THEN before all the Muslim countries were members of the UN. And this is NOW!

There were 10 Muslim or Arab (Lebanon is not strictly Muslim) members of the UN in 1947 out of 58 total members back then. About the same proportion of today.

Eh Monte. Try 34. Atta boy!

You never cease amaze. And today there are 193 members. So let's go back to school 193 members is to 34 Muslim members is how similar to a ratio of 58 members to 10 Muslim members? Did you ever learn ratios dummy? Do you understand the word proportion? You really enjoy making a fool of yourself. Think before you post.
Not so fast, Sherlock.

The Muslim 57 member OIC is the largest voting bloc in the UN. They control over 61% of the vote.

Global Political Islam : Global Governance Watch
UN 101 - The foxes are guarding the chicken coop
The majority of UN member states are not full-fledged democracies.

Number of UN member states that are full-fledged democracies or "fully free" according to Freedom House: 85

Number of UN member states: 193

G77 & China 132 (69% of UN members)
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) 119 (61% of UN members)
Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) 56 (largest bloc in NAM & G-77)

NOTE THIS - OIC is the largest bloc in NAM & G-77 which comprises of 69% of UN Members.

League of Arab States 21 (largest bloc in OIC)
African Union 54
European Union (EU) 28
JUSCANZ (sub-set of the WEOG) 14/15 (United States is here)

I guess Zionists don't do math. LOL

YOU NAILED IT.:abgg2q.jpg::2up:
The "nation-state law" codifies Israeli apartheid for all to see.

Last July the Knesset, amid widespread protest in Israel and in the US, adopted a basic law defining Israel as “the nation-state of the Jewish people,” with more rights for Jews than other groups, codifying Israel as an apartheid state. The law made Arabic no longer an official language, “Jewish settlement” a national value, and the right of “national self-determination” “unique” to Jews.
This is one fucked up country!

...the Knesset approved 200 more communities where non-Jewish inhabitants can be banned. Now 700 communities have such Jim Crow-apartheid like laws. Banning Arabs from living in communities wipes away Palestinian history, steals land and makes Palestinians second-class citizens or worse.

So they ban Arabs from living in some of these communities while Israeli kiss-asses claim this is not apartheid.
The anti-semitism that that the UN has consistently displayed for decades renders such findings as this utterly worthless.

Ah the old retreat to the tiresome anto semtic bullshit when the murderous actions of Israel are exposed.LOL

"The anti-semitism that that the UN has consistently displayed for decades..."

it's so.....true (even I see that)...(weirdo U.N. ............weirdoes)...

and LA RAM FAN ......

ya bum....


I’m guessing that neither you nor Mr. Pappe have any comment on Arabs living in Israel relative to a Judenrein Gaza and statements by Abbas about excluding Israelis from some imagined Pally’land caliphate.

It’s actually comical that the extreme Jew haters don’t realize they make their own attempts at argument (via silly YouTube videos), as complete nonsense.
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