Breitbart...full blown Racist

SFC Ollie....

What does the NAACP stand for?

IF its the Advancement of colored people that you're so against and find racist then you are responding and acting foolishly towards it.

I say that because its not in a bubble we live in. In a bubble, that might SEEM racist, however, considering the country's history concerning race and the past, ongoing, lingering and continuing effects of systematic racism, the FACT of the matter is minorities are at disadvantage...plain and simple.

Therefore, when they...we use terms such as "advancement of colored people" or whatever, its not from a standpoint of superiority or trying to take over...its simply a matter of trying to catch finally reach a standard of equality/parity for all.

Believe it or not, we, as in America is FAR from there. And I say this realizing that America IS THE best country in the world as far as race relations are concerned, but its still far from where it should be.

If you don't or can't agree with what I just stated then you seriously just don't get it and will never understand. And thats why the Republicans will ALWAYS have problems with minorities...because they. just. don't. understand. And they act as if they don't CARE to understand.

Actually I have a problem with any group or organization which is exclusive in their membership. You seem to forget that I have a very mixed race family. From white to Mexican to black and Puerto Rican. I'm actually surprised we don't have any oriental, though there is the Hawaiian daughter-in-law.

To me and mine there are no race issues, we put that behind us many years ago, so maybe i don't understand, but I don't have to accept it either. BTW it didn't take an organization called NAAIP to stop the unfair racism directed against the Irish, did it? They worked hard and assimilated into society. Worked pretty good too.
You believe the laughter isn't condescending? Come on, you're stretching....

I do believe she has a good understanding where she was wrong and made a change for the better, I am encouraged to see that she tried to communicate this message.....

No, I believe she was making a joke of sorts, and that was what the laughter was about. What is funny, is it's only a little bit of polite laughter, and it has morphed into applauding and cheering.

This is similar to the NBT tape, where the guy has the baton, and is moving it around in his hand off-handedly and it morphed into slapping it against his leg and making threats with it.

This sort of craziness is unsettling and the only thing I can think of is people of all races are unsettled and unsure about "race" in a country where we now have a black president. We are all being forced to confront our hidden fears - black and white. Everyone is so touchy, that racism is seen in even the most inoccous actions - like the president's wife giving a speech to the NAACP, on children's health, with a particular emphasis on black children. Many white's are afraid that the president doesn't represent the whole country and are quick to percieve favoritism (or "racism") any time he addresses a black concern. Blacks meanwhile feel he isn't doing "enough" for "his people" and their concerns and since they came out in unprecedented numbers to help vote him in and feel they are owed something (at long last!) for thier support.

I think for the first time, we are confronting the elephant in the ball room and dealing with race directly - not with political correctness, not with pretending there isn't a problem because the very fact that something like this occurred tells us how touchy the climate is.
So, by your standards, I imagine you find Al Sharpton to NOT be a racist too then.

Nope. Sharpton is a racist. And I think that using the same standard. Read my other posts, re: Breitbart was going after the administration and Democrats, not black people.

Sharpton just goes after white people, and excuses black transgressions.

Breitbart just goes after people with a (D) after their name, no matter what their color.

hahahahahahaah , this was about racism you asshole.

No. It is about the ACCUSATION of racism. Totally different kettle of fish, but I'm not surprised the not so subtle difference is lost on you.

The right was conjuring a story out of the air to stir up race trouble in this country for political purposes.

Not "the right". Andrew Breitbart. Far many more on the right have called him on his bullshit. Another not so subtle difference that has gone flying over your head.


Yes, he is. He uses it as a vehicle to discredit the administration.

He and his Fox cohorts dont give a rats ass about making this country a better place they just want THEIR people in power.

Story isn't about Fox. Fox didn't do anything to cause this woman to get fired. Fox didn't even comment on the story until AFTER she was fired. So try again.

The point ----> .

Truthmatters -> :confused:

Yes, the point is that far above your head.
Yes this is about Fox, they ran with the story and were all calling her a racist.

The tape is there for all to see
So, by your standards, I imagine you find Al Sharpton to NOT be a racist too then.

Nope. Sharpton is a racist. And I think that using the same standard. Read my other posts, re: Breitbart was going after the administration and Democrats, not black people.

Sharpton just goes after white people, and excuses black transgressions.

Breitbart just goes after people with a (D) after their name, no matter what their color.
Of course you would say that. I didn't expect anything more than that from you.

Ignorance is bliss the saying goes.


Funny how you cannot refute anything I said though.

It's easy to call someone else ignorant. Not so easy to actually, ya know, prove them wrong. I see that you couldn't, so you decided to just say "ya, well yer stoopid" and then run away.
SFC Ollie....

What does the NAACP stand for?

IF its the Advancement of colored people that you're so against and find racist then you are responding and acting foolishly towards it.

I say that because its not in a bubble we live in. In a bubble, that might SEEM racist, however, considering the country's history concerning race and the past, ongoing, lingering and continuing effects of systematic racism, the FACT of the matter is minorities are at disadvantage...plain and simple.

Therefore, when they...we use terms such as "advancement of colored people" or whatever, its not from a standpoint of superiority or trying to take over...its simply a matter of trying to catch finally reach a standard of equality/parity for all.

Believe it or not, we, as in America is FAR from there. And I say this realizing that America IS THE best country in the world as far as race relations are concerned, but its still far from where it should be.

If you don't or can't agree with what I just stated then you seriously just don't get it and will never understand. And thats why the Republicans will ALWAYS have problems with minorities...because they. just. don't. understand. And they act as if they don't CARE to understand.

catch up? you put a man in the white house. what do you need to catch up to? what is the goal?
Ollie, what were you listening to? I went and found a video of the entire 43 minute speech:

YouTube - Shirley Sherrod: the FULL video

The relevant portion occurs approx at 17.35 minutes. There is no cheering or applauding. At the beginning when she says "and I was trying to decide how much to help him" there is a little bit of laughter.Between that and when she says that she came to realize that it is not just a matter of black and white, but have and have not - there is no cheering or applauding.

It's a good, and heartfelt speech of someone recognizing and overcoming her own prejudices.

It is very sad, to me, that this can not be seen in the current toxic climate :(

You believe the laughter isn't condescending? Come on, you're stretching....

I do believe she has a good understanding where she was wrong and made a change for the better, I am encouraged to see that she tried to communicate this message.....
Do you think they should be charged with a hate crime for laughing?

Could you be more desperate? Don't answer, please......
Yes this is about Fox, they ran with the story and were all calling her a racist.

The tape is there for all to see


Fox didn't jump in until after she was fired. Fox shares no culpability in her losing her job. Thats all in Breitbarts and Obama's hands.

FOX has inflamed the story further. They fed the frenzy. That's what they do. Tabloid journalism. Here's the timeline:

11:18 a.m.*: Breitbart posts Sherrod video, calls her "racist," claims "Context is everything."

Fox News amplifies Breitbart's deceptively edited video

12:13 p.m.: Hoft runs with Breitbart video.

12:55 p.m.: HotAir's Morrissey: "Breitbart hits NAACP with promised video of racism."

1:40 p.m. (approximately): Fox Nation accuses Sherrod of "discrimination caught on tape" before she resigned.

1:49 p.m.: Ace of Spades picks up Sherrod story, calls it an example of "your government, working for you."

3:31 p.m.: Elizabeth Scalia of the blog The Anchoress raises questions about the editing of Breitbart's video.

4:01 p.m. Ace of Spades reports that CBS' NYC affiliate picked up Sherrod story, declares, "Breitbart gets results."

4:28 p.m. (approximately): Sherrod story hits Drudge.

4:50 p.m.: Breitbart tweets to Media Matters: "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

7:51 p.m.*: Big Government links to a article reporting that Sherrod had resigned and USDA repudiated her remarks.

8:21 p.m.: Allahpundit questions the video's editing, but says he will "assume Breitbart's edit is fair to the spirit of her remarks."

8:50 p.m.: O'Reilly airs Breitbart's Sherrod video

9:04 p.m.: "Fox News Alert": Hannity reports that Sherrod has resigned and discusses the incident with Gingrich.
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Yes this is about Fox, they ran with the story and were all calling her a racist.

The tape is there for all to see


Fox didn't jump in until after she was fired. Fox shares no culpability in her losing her job. Thats all in Breitbarts and Obama's hands.

FOX has inflamed the story further. They fed the frenzy. That's what they do. Tabloid journalism. Here's the timeline:

11:18 a.m.*: Breitbart posts Sherrod video, calls her "racist," claims "Context is everything."

Fox News amplifies Breitbart's deceptively edited video

12:13 p.m.: Hoft runs with Breitbart video.

12:55 p.m.: HotAir's Morrissey: "Breitbart hits NAACP with promised video of racism."

1:40 p.m. (approximately): Fox Nation accuses Sherrod of "discrimination caught on tape" before she resigned.

1:49 p.m.: Ace of Spades picks up Sherrod story, calls it an example of "your government, working for you."

3:31 p.m.: Elizabeth Scalia of the blog The Anchoress raises questions about the editing of Breitbart's video.

4:01 p.m. Ace of Spades reports that CBS' NYC affiliate picked up Sherrod story, declares, "Breitbart gets results."

4:28 p.m. (approximately): Sherrod story hits Drudge.

4:50 p.m.: Breitbart tweets to Media Matters: "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

7:51 p.m.*: Big Government links to a article reporting that Sherrod had resigned and USDA repudiated her remarks.

8:21 p.m.: Allahpundit questions the video's editing, but says he will "assume Breitbart's edit is fair to the spirit of her remarks."

8:50 p.m.: O'Reilly airs Breitbart's Sherrod video

9:04 p.m.: "Fox News Alert": Hannity reports that Sherrod has resigned and discusses the incident with Gingrich.
Alvin McEwen: Timeline of Sherrod Debacle Reveals Disturbing Coordination Between Fox News and Bloggers

Not Ace of Spades and The Anchoress, too! The last bastions of journalistic integrity. Sad.

You left out one item - the time of day Sherrod was phoned by the WH and told to pull over. That one's kind of important.
SFC Ollie....

What does the NAACP stand for?

IF its the Advancement of colored people that you're so against and find racist then you are responding and acting foolishly towards it.

I say that because its not in a bubble we live in. In a bubble, that might SEEM racist, however, considering the country's history concerning race and the past, ongoing, lingering and continuing effects of systematic racism, the FACT of the matter is minorities are at disadvantage...plain and simple.

Therefore, when they...we use terms such as "advancement of colored people" or whatever, its not from a standpoint of superiority or trying to take over...its simply a matter of trying to catch finally reach a standard of equality/parity for all.

Believe it or not, we, as in America is FAR from there. And I say this realizing that America IS THE best country in the world as far as race relations are concerned, but its still far from where it should be.

If you don't or can't agree with what I just stated then you seriously just don't get it and will never understand. And thats why the Republicans will ALWAYS have problems with minorities...because they. just. don't. understand. And they act as if they don't CARE to understand.

Actually I have a problem with any group or organization which is exclusive in their membership. You seem to forget that I have a very mixed race family. From white to Mexican to black and Puerto Rican. I'm actually surprised we don't have any oriental, though there is the Hawaiian daughter-in-law.

To me and mine there are no race issues, we put that behind us many years ago, so maybe i don't understand, but I don't have to accept it either. BTW it didn't take an organization called NAAIP to stop the unfair racism directed against the Irish, did it? They worked hard and assimilated into society. Worked pretty good too.

The Irish, Italians, Asians and others earned their way here and brought a work ethic and skills with them...not guns and lack of skills....
You believe the laughter isn't condescending? Come on, you're stretching....

I do believe she has a good understanding where she was wrong and made a change for the better, I am encouraged to see that she tried to communicate this message.....

No, I believe she was making a joke of sorts, and that was what the laughter was about. What is funny, is it's only a little bit of polite laughter, and it has morphed into applauding and cheering.

This is similar to the NBT tape, where the guy has the baton, and is moving it around in his hand off-handedly and it morphed into slapping it against his leg and making threats with it.

This sort of craziness is unsettling and the only thing I can think of is people of all races are unsettled and unsure about "race" in a country where we now have a black president. We are all being forced to confront our hidden fears - black and white. Everyone is so touchy, that racism is seen in even the most inoccous actions - like the president's wife giving a speech to the NAACP, on children's health, with a particular emphasis on black children. Many white's are afraid that the president doesn't represent the whole country and are quick to percieve favoritism (or "racism") any time he addresses a black concern. Blacks meanwhile feel he isn't doing "enough" for "his people" and their concerns and since they came out in unprecedented numbers to help vote him in and feel they are owed something (at long last!) for thier support.

I think for the first time, we are confronting the elephant in the ball room and dealing with race directly - not with political correctness, not with pretending there isn't a problem because the very fact that something like this occurred tells us how touchy the climate is.

Well I never thought it morphed into anything other than laughter......

The obvious point is you could not turn the table and convince Black America it was a joke, now could you?!?!?!

Similar to the NBP tape? New Black Panthers I suppose? If I am correct, no I do not find any similarity at all, two totally different agendas, Sherrod has compassion for a white family that is poor, NBP wants to enforce their presences.....

I realized the elephant was in the room when MLK was assassinated, a lot of White America did that day as well, that Obama is black has very little relevance to me, his agenda is all I am concerned with....
Andrew Breitbart committed an act of pure racism. He defamed a black woman for the purposes of discrediting an organization devoted to the advancement of black people.

His actions were racist. His motive was racist.

In a time when everyone loves to complain that the term 'racist' is thrown around much too loosely, too frequently, and too often without sufficient cause,

this time it was unequivocal, irrefutable, undiluted, unadulterated, and indisputable


So I must ask, if he was racist in trying to discredit this woman as you claim are these media folk racists too?

Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.

I do not endorse a Popular Front, nor do I think you need to. It's not necessary to jump to Wright-qua-Wright's defense. What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically.

And I think this threads the needle. If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them--Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares--and call them racists. Ask: why do they have such a deep-seated problem with a black politician who unites the country? What lurks behind those problems? This makes *them* sputter with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction.

'Call Them Racists' -
Andrew Breitbart committed an act of pure racism. He defamed a black woman for the purposes of discrediting an organization devoted to the advancement of black people.

His actions were racist. His motive was racist.

In a time when everyone loves to complain that the term 'racist' is thrown around much too loosely, too frequently, and too often without sufficient cause,

this time it was unequivocal, irrefutable, undiluted, unadulterated, and indisputable


Why is he a racist?
and why are you so concerned with a private citizen? We have many racist in the government. Starting in the White House.
Liberals are sure OBSESSED with THE color of ones skin tone.

This way they can scream RACISM over EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.

Had this woman been a WHITE Republican, you think they would be crying over this WOMANS job lose?

And it was the OBAMA administration that FIRED the poor little woman. but don't let that get in your way of hating AND blaming OTHER FOR IT.:eusa_whistle:
isn't an organization devoted to the advancement of an entire race of people racist?

No, but you continually appear to be.

Oh really?

It would seem to me that an organization that promotes the advancement of a people BASED SOLELY ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, and to the exclusion of others, BASED SOLELY ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN would be seen as racist by ANY honest person.

Oh .... I forgot .... you're a liberal, Guerrilla. Nice name, BTW, are you also a militant JackNut?

That explains why you cannot see the forest because of all those pesky trees in the way. :cuckoo:
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isn't an organization devoted to the advancement of an entire race of people racist?

No, but you continually appear to be.

Oh really?

It would seem to me that an organization that promotes the advancement of a people BASED SOLELY ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN, and to the exclusion of others, BASED SOLELY ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN would be seen as racist by ANY honest person.

Oh .... I forgot .... you're a liberal, Guerrilla. Nice name, BTW, are you also a militant JackNut?

That explains why you cannot see the forest because of all those pesky trees in the way. :cuckoo:

Actually, I do not see it as racist as it pertains to an organization that is promoting the advancement of African Americans. Whether or not their members are racist is another topic. But the idea of an organization to help a race that, when they started, were well behind the 8 ball in equality, is an necessary initiative.

It is not easy to start behind the 8 ball. Any extra help is necessary.

And I am not a liberal so please do not insult me with that. I am a conservative who understands how tough things were for an African American to become mainstreamed.

I will say this, however. I do not believe the NAACP has taken their cause in the right direction. They seem to creating a bigger divide as opposed to concentrating on eliminating the divide.

But that is for another thread.
Liberals are sure OBSESSED with THE color of ones skin tone.

This way they can scream RACISM over EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.

Had this woman been a WHITE Republican, you think they would be crying over this WOMANS job lose?

And it was the OBAMA administration that FIRED the poor little woman. but don't let that get in your way of hating AND blaming OTHER FOR IT.:eusa_whistle:

Had this been a white woman speaking in the same context I would find it admirable.

But boy can I imagine what yours and the rest of the right wing nut brigade's outrage-o-meter would be like had this been a white woman falsely branded a racist and fired by the Obama Administration ... it would be his Chappaquiddick. Literally.

Moot point, anyway. Andy Breitbart isn't posterizing any snippets of white female Republicans "admitting their racism" during this lifetime.

You know ... It's funny how mum a lot of people are to how blatant, and out in the open a hit job this was.
Liberals are sure OBSESSED with THE color of ones skin tone.

This way they can scream RACISM over EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.

Had this woman been a WHITE Republican, you think they would be crying over this WOMANS job lose?

And it was the OBAMA administration that FIRED the poor little woman. but don't let that get in your way of hating AND blaming OTHER FOR IT.:eusa_whistle:

Had this been a white woman speaking in the same context I would find it admirable.

But boy can I imagine what yours and the rest of the right wing nut brigade's outrage-o-meter would be like had this been a white woman falsely branded a racist and fired by the Obama Administration ... it would be his Chappaquiddick. Literally.

Moot point, anyway. Andy Breitbart isn't posterizing any snippets of white female Republicans "admitting their racism" during this lifetime.

You know ... It's funny how mum a lot of people are to how blatant, and out in the open a hit job this was.

This was a set up to make the NAACP look fair a balanced. it back fire and took obama with them.

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