Brit and American leftists equally sick.


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
The hatred that leftists feel for Western Civilization in general and Anglo-American culture in particular is hard to ignore. They would rather no vaccine at all than see the worlds usual benefactors do it yet again.

I Teach At Oxford, But I Don’t Want It To Win The Coronavirus Vaccine Race
The story will be clear: China, once again, has unleashed a threat to civilisation. But the best brains of the UK have saved the world, Dr Emily Cousens writes.”

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The virus has already mutated a slew of times....There will be no effective vaccine...Only herd immunity will save us.
The common cold has no vaccine. Neither do we have one for pneumonia, mononucleosis or that flesh eating virus. We may NEVER find one for Wuhan Flu, and we still don't have one for the other seasonal flu bugs. There never was one for the spanish flu, it just went away for now.

BTW, everyone who has ever eaten celery will die...

The hysteria over this was completely fabricated by leftist media apparatchiks with criminally malicious intent. Trump should be throwing them out of helicopters and C5 Airplanes.

The virus has already mutated a slew of times....There will be no effective vaccine...Only herd immunity will save us.
Thanks, Obama!

He got a lot of bang for the $3.7MM he paid the ChiComs to develop Wuhan Flu -19

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