Britney Spears’ Conservatorship Nightmare How the pop star’s father & a team of lawyers seized control of her life & have held on to it for 13 years

bad things happen to good people

Sometimes there is no good people involved. Brittanys family used her but then again most child stars are put into to show business because their families want to use them for an income. This doesn't change the fact that she does have indeed have mental problems and drug addictions. Her father is using her, but had he not gotten control of here, she likely would have overdosed by now. SHE SHOULD NOT BE HAVING ANY MORE KIDS.
Britney does a lot of irresponsible things. for example, she texts and drives

don't text and drive, kids, unless it's very necessary, like if you have an amazing joke to tell your friends
i know Britney is a good person because her ex Kevin Federline describes her as "a real girl whose mostly chill"
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but has anyone come forward saying that they are on her dad's side? I ask because I've heard it said that her mom and sister are on her side.

God bless you and Britney and her family always!!!

she's single and in her forties...she can't really afford to be "picky" with men

maybe she should date me?
Apparently the judge who ruled in her father's favor was a friend of her father. She has to be retarded to stand for this stuff
^^^ Amen to that. She isn't the first female to experience a head shave anyway. Sinead O Conner and Demi Moore also have one in their pasts.

God bless you and them and Britney always!!!


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